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Back in the day
When those parties
In Venice
That say would have 25 people or so
Walking through?

Now they were
Too big
Over-packed with
With frat boy vibes?

Dana Rick and I
Arrived at one
And I thought a
At the sliding glass door
Oh God
And quickly escaped to the kitchen
Cutting through the living room
Where there was the make shift bar
Nothing much in the

I made my drinks
And turned around
To cross back
And somehow Dana was there
In front of me

She raised her hands
And wiggled through the bodies

While I
I will dance
When I feel like it
I choose

So I began to follow
And every elbow knees hip and arm
Reached out to touch me
Knocking all the contents out of
my little plastic cups

And though
I got to the other side
Looking back

The three of us
Went to stand on the side of the house
By the water meter
And I laid down my cups

So the moral of this story
Although I think it’s obvious
Is to
Venice parties
You know those
200 in a space made for 50?
A monster that
You had to
Protect yourself from?

Three of us
In the living room and I got
To the Kitchen. For safety.

Serving adequate, and me
on my way back
Drinks in each hand
Bodies through Dana leading
Her arms above her head
bouncing she won’t spill a drop
The other hands follow
again, me with
stubborn arms
thus liquid contents emptied and
the floor underfoot

The water meter stood laughing
told us about the flow and to go with it
Tiana Sep 2020
Beauty is mystery
mystery lies in darkness;
That may or may not be visible to the eyes;
And it flows like a dark river
that may carry danger
but also provides for life;
random thoughts
Prabesh Jul 2020
The story of a beautiful beam balance
That decided to balance two weights
Me and my pal were the unknown participants
Clash of the possibility of two different fates

We both were of equal pounds
Yet, every day was a race to outweigh each other
If only the beam would come down to my favor
Hence continued a fight with no angry sounds
A love for the balance that crossed all bounds

Days and months of relentless grinding
The beam still holds strong, but the weights are getting rusty
Masochists with a  false thread and a weak binding
A journey to quench the beam's needs is getting the weights thirsty

Enough of this, I forfeit this war that only hurts the core
Weird mathematics where the addition of purity divides me more
She claims that she was the victim who had to carry two weights
She says"I hurled my fishing rod with no intention of fishing. It is you guys that took the bait."
Ouch, you were a unique beam balance with multiple needles!!
wizmorrison May 2020
After a long years you’ll end up saying why me?
Of all people why me? Yet answers will just flee.
Pretending to be all right you let your tears fall
And let yourself get drowned in the stormy rainfall.

They will tend to push you off with a ****** words
You are trying to fight among those huge wave forms,
Do not just get tired of throwing breads unto them
But just do not let them hurt you just stand up firm.

When someone criticizes you do not feel mad
Just do not stop listening, dear never get tired,
When someone say bad things to you feel it at heart
Do not say a lot just show them you didn’t hurt.

When there are rumors and gossips about you spread
Dear, never to show your flaws instead cried out loud,
Do not simply let them wreck your life’s cursor
Look forward, someday they’ll bow and says your honor.

I know wind is still here and he will wipes your tears
I know that our lives is not about happiness,
The tighter you hold the rose the more pain you get
Believe in yourself and one day they will regret.
Just keep going. Stay on your lane. There's a brighter future awaits you there.
Jo May 2020
i hope you’re happy
and that it was all worth it  
...for yourself

i hope the girl you’re with now
learns self love  
...for herself  

i had to forgive you
without ever receiving an apology
...for myself
Sharon Talbot May 2020
I heard about the sloop John B.
When I was fourteen.
I had learned to sail in a storm
And the story gave me daring,
Although I had lost control,
Tightening the sail
Instead of letting it out
In a sudden gale.
And just in time, a boat passed
With a man who shouted,
“Loosen the main sheet!”
As the boat heeled to starboard,
And I nearly capsized.
But discovered a fair wind
And the ease of a beam reach.
So my first time was the worst,
And best…
But adrenaline fueled desire,
To do this again and again!
This is a fond memory, which really happened, but I like to apply it to life, except when I'm feeling adventurous!
Ankita Dash May 2020
You have to accept that some people are not made for deep conversations, or for holding you together when you’re about to fall apart, or for keeping you from unzipping your skin, or for talking you out of suicide, or to love you through the worst moments of your life.

Some people are made for shallow exchanges, and ridiculous banter, and nothing more. And that’s okay. That doesn’t make them horrible people because they simply aren’t able to handle a storm like you. It doesn’t make you a bad person because you won’t divulge all the gritty details of your horror show. It makes you smart.

You have to accept that there will be people that cannot give you what you need. It doesn’t mean they are not worth keeping in your life. You just have to figure out who these ones are before you’re disappointed. And you have to keep them at arm’s length. You cannot expect everyone in your life to understand, to be nonjudgmental, to get it.

But that’s okay, because not everyone was made to impart wisdom, or wax poetry, or speak on politics and the depravity of society, or discuss how crucial it is that the stigma of mental illness be abolished. There are times when you have to get away from all that heaviness. You have to. And you will need superficial conversation about Kim Kardashian’s ****, or a debate on the colour of The Dress. You will need those ones.

So don’t go round cutting people off and dropping your friends. You need people for all your seasons. You need people or you won’t survive this.

Roda Mahmud May 2020
Resentment turns into acceptance, the moment you realize that they never intented to hurt you.
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