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Me love agony, seen?
Me hate baldheads, seen?
Me love collie, seen?
Me hate duppies, seen?
Me love easing up, seen?
Me hate fishes, seen?
Me love *****, seen?
Me hate harbour sharks, seen?
Me love "irie's", seen?
Me hate janga, seen?
Me love kush, seen?
Me hate lagga heads, seen?
Me love mateys, seen?
Me hate nyng'i-nying'i, seen?
Me love o-dokono, seen?
Me hate passa passa, seen?
Me love quashes, seen?
Me hate running belly, seen?
Me love science (witchcraft), seen?
Me hate toto, seen?
Me love uptown goodas, seen?
Me hate vixxin', seen?
Me love wheels, seen?
Me hate da yout, seen?
Me love Zion, seen?

*Me ******' love Zion
I made a poem, seen? "seen?" means "do you understand?", seen?
Pick up
Grind it
Roll it
Light it
Smoke it
I love
I love spliff
Ashley Nicole Nov 2014
The smoke from our lungs
And incense that'd reduced to ashes
Drowned the room neck-high
With feathery, bleary tides.
My breathe stolen from
The pipe filled with cremated *****,
Collapsed my lungs, forcing them
To shrivel up like raisins.
Perhaps if I were to swim up,
Emerge through the waves,
I'd inhale a gasp of air
Then bob gently on the surface.
I'd set sail on my back
And let the opaque waters
Cradle me, rock me tenderly
And whisper cajoleries in my ear.
But at this moment, I'm ******
And like a stone
On the ocean floor,
I'll stay submerged.
So instead, I'll just watch
The light fixture's radiance
Dance along the surface
Of these smokey seas.
As if the sun's rays
Could reach down
And bless this
Roll up de blunts fam
Spark em up, pass em round fam
Praise the blunt gods fam
Ja love ***** y'feel me?
Reggae fills me up
So loud ja can't even hear
Da kush be so dank
JAH bless you my friend
Puff from de chalice
Hot smoke burn me lung like fire
Me cough, me cry... bless
I cried when I wrote this
Rolling Up*

Swisher split; gutted out, stuffed back in with some indo trees. Tucked right in, pull it over lick the edge close it up & roast that ****!

— The End —