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I have yet to receive
My mutual love
From that one I put forth energies ,to.
Freedom of feeling uplifted
When the signal is returned
I fly on the wings of the Dove.

Nights go by
No answers to my connection
The one whom I hold dear....
She  seems to never hear
Or has seen the true admirer,near.

What is the price
To receive what love
I selflessly put forth
As  a signal to gain her attention?
Gold,youth,ot fame?
Questions arise as the pain
Of her silence plauges me

Does she fail to see
That id give her my whole world
My life
Just to have her return my energy
My feeling
My true care
My heart?

To create a brave and new miracle
Of a new life
A newer world
Mutually together....
As a brilliant start...

Of a better existence
Than remaining a loner
A drifter
In a large world
Uneeded by those fakers
And those who fail to except
My invite
To a better world
After all we've been through .
Such an answer
To end painful lonely days
With you by my side
Each day ... A paired experience.
No matter with family
Or celebrated solo
Thanks to life and friends
Your soul is no low.
Energy to understand why
Grateful energies lift you up
Is worth more than a dinner
And a wine filled cup.
Thanksgiving is the celebration of
Freedom,strength,life, and appreciation
Not just for friends and family
For every thing you've earned,enjoyed,and the life you are still in
Such things are worth cheers and celebration.
Thanksgiving,life,respect, Kevin Michael Kappler, chrystalyx
That Remains..
Of my soul... ****** dry by the leeches of disaster
My blood is gone... My Zombie-fied  body aches to bleed, once again.
I'm a sponge dried out. Under the Sun.
I need water, to drink. To get back to the fluid master...
of getting "back to life"
Becoming more human.. this boil sets to bust
In need of relief of the torment of walking on eggshells
To avoid a nuclear chain reaction..
Caught in the middle of the battle grounds....
I'm the old and dying car that has been left in the junkyard to rust.
To have the ability to smell the roses, once again..
As my nose has been cut off to spite my face
My rebellion to ask for a "helping hand"
Infected me..then the community like a deadly virus..
It spread throughout my loving community and infected
all to grow green, sick, hard, and drug into crazy days
As an army of those who tossed away their hearts..
Not only destroyed his and their brains..
Hungry for more of "true Feeling" Hunger ways..
"Give me the vaccine or cure"
So I can become beautifully flawed as a Human
Since this Monster's once Human heart
Seems like a bright light which is now dulled to a Memories Blur
I tripped over a traffic speed bump
as I fell to the ground as I was walking
Such a fall felt like a mountain
when the vocal   fires of rebellion, toward me, started talking.
After caring ears failed to listen to my innocence
and then turned their backs torwards me
I started to build a wall.
As I was halfway through blocking out the world
I woke from this nightmare and listened to my heart
I smashed such bricks to pieces
and decided to make a fresher, and newer, start.
You are a link in the chains of my life.
What happens to me
It happens to you
So feel th winds of Karma return to you.
I shall still be waiting for you, standing.
As I am not a phony. I'm indebted to you friends to the very end.
When you are down with the mistake
The small one which I have made that you are now branding...
Feel like a puny fool as you walk back when you need me
and I am the one, only pone there...still standing
Andrew Rueter Nov 2017
I'm not trying to be needlessly edgy or ****
But can we lay off Kevin all up in yo Spacey?
I know it seems wrong
But I feel I can understand
Or at least relate
Because when I feel too much love in my heart
For somebody younger
Who is a guy
I start doing crazy ****
Like projecting my life onto his
Maybe he's scared
Maybe he's alone
Maybe I could save someone from that
I have to remind myself that was just me
And that there is no such thing as salvation
When your mistakes are supercharged
Because of the scandalous homosexual element
Yet there's no one to turn to
Because nobody understands
So your actions become louder to drown the silence
The stakes of the mischief grow
There's tens of thousands of dollars in property damage
That can be attributed to my sexuality
You have to find a way to push past that
The only way I found
Is to be open about who you are
Because until then the fear will consume you
You fear they will laugh, mock, judge and hate you
Until you wish they were silent again
And they will do all these things
And you will wish all those things
But you'll be able to face it with strength and honesty
Because your fear is more powerful than their callousness
But more importantly it's better than the alternative
When people discover your nature
Through a mistake you've made
And unleash the wrath of God
They will never give a ****
About how they contribute to these moments
They're only there to throw gas on the fire
They say it's a mistake to ****** a minor
They say it's a mistake to be a whiner
And there's no one who'll ever take your call
Expecting them to understand
Well, that's the biggest mistake of them all
The month of my Birth and first shine
of my soul upon the spirits around me.
Like a star
I shine and flicker in this "galaxy of Living Energy"
Human beings and our friends, the animals...
I draw in their signals of energy
and fuse with those I know of, in soulful energies the best.
Binding in Symbian waves
energies that protect and that nurture our hunger for another soulful energy to help nourish, grow brighter with, and to share peaceful moments upon this Earth
I was never an "Accidental Life Form"
When my parents looked down at my helpless physical body at my birth.
I was created for reasons I have yet to know about or to yet understand.
To better our world, country, and society..yes.
In unique and Empowering ways...I have just figured out those purposeful definitions of my existence on this planet.
As every time I look down on my mistakes, Human Ways, and even "Stormy Moments"
I reboot my passions and remembrances stored in my memory
of the stronger and much more powerful reality
I was born on this month, even on the very this "birthing anniversary"
For plenty more miraculous reasons than just being "the human" in me.
I see my Energies of hope, helpful abilities, and our creator's eye for added gifts that are of more than what scientists could ever explain...
I am a Humanity... The tool within it... To help it from every allowing itself to die or war in vain.
Patience is rough
Fear blocks the warm and soothing energies from such.
What we value or have been toiling hard to work torward what we weighed  as gold
We have a ways to go
We rush through the better paths
As we rush to have what we want so much
Now...not later
I set myself up for a fall
And failing to keep energies and
Moments in balance and my eye on the true picture of my prize..
Love,career,money,and success
Has already chosen me
If I stop to smell the roses
And wisely pace and use my time
My emotions
I shall earn this reward
And without the measuring
The time and o erwhelming steps to such
I'll have my goals to the prize
I know what and whom in my life I seen
For the right reasons and passions
In which wisely enjoyed patience Nd labors
I'll have such things To possess
Sunshine and Blue Clouds
Gulls Flying Over Blue seas
Pictures of warmth and Blue Skies
Are the true definition of utter beauty
Holding hands
Running for the tides
Laughing as The waves crash us to shore
We are captives no longer.
Warmth covers me
as summer progresses this night.
Relaxing my souls to dreamland
A new and refreshing dream-land
is now in my sights.
Crickets chirping
the blinking of bright stars above
Are beacons of security
I feel free as a Dove.
Where does a heart beat when all about it simply misunderstand
why it has been beating
what it needs to keep beating
and a direction pointed to a better time and place
where it isn't constantly battered and compared
"You haven't earned your space"
"You are one in a thousand trying to do the same thing."
However, the love for what you wish to do and create
From blood,sweat,and tears
it is a song that's hard to sing
years of perfection
Vocal practice
Before the created products are discarded as "Unneeded"
What about my heart frightens you?
Never the same as all the others
Never employing the same routine as the others
I am sick of being the one pushed out as the "sudden example"
to the flock
Where does one fill the emptiness without sisters and brothers?
Maybe a new fresh idea on the block frightens you since it might
"be the next best thing.. or maybe not."
One never knows unless chances are given
Without openness, the albatross has now a completed knot.

We must not need to define a "shelf" on Life's Display Case of
In order to get along and mingle

If we interact, right
Hey, this might be the "newest of Jingles?"

Open your hand and give a true chance.
Alike a sweat soaked Tango... Such a "Dance" is quite complex
In life, most things are a "complicated Dance."
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