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Daivik Jan 2021
I am untouchable, right?
You don't want to touch me
Be near me
I'm so ugly

An outcast, I gripe
Sparkles of dust
Flying aimlessly
Towards the void

I disgust, don't I?
An abomination in flesh
A ***** -inducing nauseating pile of thrash
I'm nothing to you
You are nothing to me

So you fear I'll give you the disease
Honey, there's no disease worse than the one that is rotting your brain
To you
I'm dispensable
An object
A slave

So you won't touch me
But you want me clean your dirt, your shame, your filth
For they would make your hands *****
My hands, what hands?
I'm subhuman ******‌, right!
They don't matter
Nothing matters

So you won't touch me?
That's fine
Bk Jan 2021
It's raining here today
I could see
the particles of dust
crumbling  into pieces
I could
smell the air,
ripe with the pleasant,
dewy petrichor
as if the Lady Earth had her ******.
Bk Jan 2021
Hung upon the beatings of my heart,
  unleash the ardour ,
and relish the ***** inside !
Bk Jan 2021
you were the sorrow of my life
    And I'm elated that
      it was filled with you.
Bk Jan 2021
I know your  presence hurts
                          But I'm afraid
                        your absence will hurt even more..!
Daivik Dec 2020
Suddenly the sun has gone
Away from the lilac skies
The sky's black-blue
Suddenly the sun has gone
Away from the lilac skies
The sky's black-blue
I've caught the flu
I've caught the flu of wintertime

Incandescence through chlorophyll
Visible via the clouds of mist
Dew on leaves
Woolen skin and
Leather gloved fists

New flowers bloom
Dawn's the age of gloom
The merry days of Yuletide
And the days of never-ending nights

Darkened alleys
Seem like mountain valley
My nose can't smell
My throat can't speak
Like the desert my skin is dry

Fiery heaven
These campfires
Peanuts roasting
I can hear their noise

O! These days of sickened voice.
I've caught the flu of wintertime

Incandescence through chlorophyll
Visible via the clouds of mist
Dew on leaves
Woolen skin and
Leather gloved fists

New flowers bloom
Dawn's the age of gloom
The merry days of Yuletide
And the days of never-ending nights

Darkened alleys
Seem like mountain valley
My nose can't smell
My throat can't speak
Like the desert my skin is dry

Fiery heaven
These campfires
Peanuts roasting
I can hear their noise

O! These days of sickened voice.
Satvik gupta Nov 2020
It seems our love is like the one between the Magical Moon and the Twinkle Star that appear to be  very close to others.

But sadly ,

Not even the moon's or the star's light (feeling) is able to show them the path on which they can cross each other  and  die peacefully.

Since , meeting each other will bring the utter chaos that will end this heartless world.
My second presentation from the series -" The Forbidden Ink "

check out my first write -

The support which you guys showed to my first write was like blessing to me , it makes me happy to see people around me feel the same way as I do .
looking forward to your support
Daivik Nov 2020
Abdul and Ram were better friends
Than you and I could've ever been
Sitting on a bench in a park
Having strawberry and vanilla ice cream

Now it was time to return
Abdul's uncle came to pick
Asked him,"Who's the other boy?"


The uncle had a massive fit
"Don't you know that that boy
Is an idolater,is a disbeliever
He worships rocks and leaves
That 5 year old is a liar, a thief
He worships the false prophet
Do not go near him
We are better, we are in the right
Leave him or convert him
We are the faith of peace, son"

Now the 4 year old pondered over this
While Ram's brother came to pick up Ram
Seeing him with a skullcapped boy
He took him to the bronze statue in the park

"Brother you're a fool, a miser
You should've been a little wiser
This boy's ancestors' ancestor
Killed our family's ancestors' ancestor
Your grandfather's grandfather's debt you have to pay
1000 years before today..."
He proceeded to tell this 4 year old these words of propaganda
Trying to fulfil his devious agenda
".....they killed our women and lynched our folk and committed other atrocities
Leave this progeny of Mahmud of Ghazni"

No one spoke the complete truth, no one completely lied
The bronze Buddha statue near the fountain smiled

They left the park one last time
Together they weren't meant to smile
For a millennia ago
One man killed another man and everybody died

Hate was sown into their minds
Why O! Why O! Why!

No one spoke the complete truth, no one completely lied,
One man killed another man and everybody died
It is a satire not meant to offend or hurt religious sentiments.
Daivik Nov 2020
मैं बैठा था यूँ ही
मग्न अपनी सोंच मैं।
मुझें याद हैं कुछ लिख रहे थे
अध्यापक ब्लैकबोर्ड पे।

खिड़की से निकलकर एक धूप की किरण ने मेरे गालों को छुआ
मैं एसे ही अपने किताब में कुछ लिख रहा था
पता नहीं मुझे क्या हुआ
मुझें अपना बचपन दिख रहा था।

बाहर दो कबूतर लड़ रहे थे
वह दिन मुझे अब भी क्यूँ याद हैं?
बच्चे हँस रहे थे, झगड़ रहे थे।
खैर अब वह दिन बीत चुका
मेरी समय से बस यही फरियाद हैं।

मेरा दोस्त मुझसे कुछ कह रहा था
मैं यह कविता लिख रहा था
और मन ही मन मुस्कुरा रहा था।
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