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Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2020
I met someone who restored faith in humanity
Only for a little while

Very kind

The kind of person idolized

While at the lowest point
My life
Reached down from a high point in his and helped me climb up a few notches
I think maybe I was only dreaming though because now I see you are on the same level as me and probably have been the whole time
dina Jun 2018
the ocean is so idolized
she's what everyone wants to be

she can be patient and thinking
sitting still like a mirror
reflecting the great blue sky

she can be strange and esoteric
lurking like the creatures beneath
hiding dark and obscure wonders

she can be turbulent and rioting
frothing with intense emotion
howling in distress about her pains

the ocean's variety of personalities
can be seen in all the world's people
maybe that's why we like her so much
if we like her so much why do we keep dumping trash in her :(
Maxi Jun 2015
If prayer was just a string of 5 letters
That bound your name together to be scripture on my tongue
I would find a way to speak to you
From the grip of my soul
From the blues in my knees
From the hard of the floor
Put my heart on the floor
And I kneel before you
My faith.
Love is sometimes idolized
But, idle eyes
Will blink past the lightning in its strike
Love, there is no braille on your body, I will not read
Love, there are no cards in your smile, I will not fold
Love, there is no religion, in the way I want to sin with you
But I find my faith in your sunrise, and
I pray that we nightfall.

— The End —