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Lal601948 Mar 4
Walking through New Street Station
I saw a shiny bin.
It said "For Unwanted Literature"
So I put this poem in.
Poetic T Apr 2020
Life at this moment you cant be bullshitting
me. There isn't an April fools that's getting
even close to what we find ourselves hitting
any where near to this.  it's so unfitting.

But no matter the **** hitting the fan,  I haven't got
any bog roll. I can only poo outside before I'm caught.
But leaves are natures wipes and I'm dammed if aught
I'll sleep with skids on my sheets, but if I do I'll just smile.

But underneath I gag as the sweet corn is natures reminder
to wipe before, as they feel like coffee not  put through the grinder.
I feel like crap my legs woefully tanned, not because of the sun,
crap skidding my legs,  as if you lift the sheets its a gross viewfinder.
Donna Oct 2018
I walked in autumn
leaves this morning and they sang
a song to my feet
:) la de daaaaa :-))
Silly one x
Edna Sweetlove Aug 2015
The only **** I ever attended was sadly a **** one
so I couldn't participate for moral reasons
and my bumboy-friend was with me anyway.
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2015
Paired truths' paradox
Instant gratifications

Black and white suits drone
Crushing joys in stale board rooms
Wishing for lunchtime

Only prints can touch
Rejection up on the screens
Instant messages

At water cooler
Smiles are leaving as they begin
Punch clock is waiting

New lovers are blind
Eyes on mobile devices
Hands in empty laps

Paper copies voids
Work a day world is shuffled
Even carpets smudged

Message coming in
Break away from actuality
Machine is turnoff

Monitoring tables
New job for prince or princess
Thrown cushy with wheels

Economy rules
Each worker replaceable
Sociopaths king

Drones chirp in dreamworld
Beyond corporate glass room
Birds singing outside

— The End —