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Bekah Halle Feb 24
Knowledge only takes you so far;
Authenticity reveals your complexity,
Humility accepts your vulnerability,
Surrendering accepts the hand of the one
that is all things: knowledgeable, authentic, humble,
and submitted to the ultimate power in the universe.
raahii Feb 20
"किस गुरूर में हैं ये लोग,
शहर की खूबियों से खुद का बखान करते हैं।
कोई ज़रा पूछे इनसे,
आखिर तुमने इस शहर के लिए किया क्या है?
तुम्हारी शान भी इस शहर से है,
इसने ही तो तुम्हें ये सब दिया है।"
Some people boast about themselves using their city's fame,
But do they ever ask themselves—what have they truly given back?
Acceptance, humility—they whisper truths in the silence of the night,
Of a life lived with grace in the softest light.
In their constant presence, we find a steady ground,
A sanctuary of the spirit where our true selves are found.
Man Feb 9
It is a fair assumption
To believe that truth is habitually withheld,
In the daily routine of "inconsequential,
Miniscule" white lies.
As in larger defeats
Where the sting of humility or embarrassment linger,
In plans gone awry.
To understand this is not to condone this,
But never to engage in it.
To do so any different
Would only prove otherwise.
Syafie R Jan 29
In the grand book of time, we all have a page,
Written in ink, yet bound by a cage.
A single page, so fleeting, so small,
But we seek to turn it, to conquer it all.

The line we cross, the test we take,
The thirst for power that we mistake—
For we think we’re the authors, the ones who decide,
But in the end, we can’t run from the tide.

The pages are many, yet ours is just one,
A moment in time, a thread in the sun.
To seek more is tempting, to push past the wall,
But we lose ourselves when we forget the call.

For in trying to play the Creator's part,
We lose the wisdom of a humble heart.
The test is simple, yet it's a heavy cost:
To accept our place, and not be lost.

The bad will wander, lost in their fire,
While the good will stand, to never tire.
And when the test is done, with no more to seek,
We’ll find peace in the truth, in the simple and meek.

So let them be bad, and let us be good,
Not for glory, but because we should.
To simply be—to live, to feel,
Is the wisdom that turns the wheel.

The end will come, as all things do,
And we’ll rest in knowing, the answer is true:
The power we seek is not ours to claim,
It’s simply to be, and to honor the name.
The mind’s a magnet
but also a sieve,
sometimes a dragnet
with nothing to give.

A mesh of iron —
or is it fool’s gold? —
attracts the ions
of whatever it’s told.

It scoops from the streams
of wisdom and truth
but catches jetsam —
what’s floating ’round loose.

Whoever may say
“Well, that’s just not me!” —
It will come, that day.
Just wait and you’ll see.
Inspired by this photo I took of the last remnants of the Staudenhof, a former East German apartment and shopping complex in Potsdam that had been used for low-income housing. It was torn down to make way for expensive new condominiums, erasing the memory of the place where less well-to-do families lived for decades.
showyoulove Nov 2024
The art of humility is to take the bad with the good
It is being able to see ourselves as only Jesus could
It is accepting us for who we are: darkness and light
It is through embracing both the day and the night
It may not always be what we want, but it's what we need
And in embracing the cross that we find ourselves freed
Our view of life is often narrow and clouded
We see things too close and things are shrouded
From our view. We must step back to see clearly
But finding the truth can cost us quite dearly
For when we see as God sees us
When we take in the bigger picture
We see with the eyes of Jesus
In the lens of the living scripture.
When we are honest about ourselves
And we know that he loves us and always will
We feel the depth of that Amazing Grace
And what we see changes everything
Kian Nov 2024
I don't want to live forever,
I don't want to be flattered,
I don't want the world to know
that I was here and that I mattered,
I don't want any wealth,
I don't want the baubles that it buys,
I don't care if the sun is setting
or if it's morning on the rise,
I don't crave your fleeting fame
Nor the glory that you chase,
I'll not be trapped in moments,
I'll be set apart, no trace,
I do not seek a peaceful life,
I wish not to be "free,"
I want to be as fathomed
and as forgiving as the sea
Àŧùl Nov 2024
Maybe I am unlovable,
But not because I'm staunch,
Probably 'cause I'm too different,
And you search for someone familiar,
Someone humble who'll accommodate,
Person who you would proudly date,
Or maybe I'm assuming too much.
Like the paranoid paradigm,
Someone incompatible.
I've experienced life,
Oh, I've endured it,
You walked into it,
And you showed some dreams.
Prehistoric is my love divine,
Dark mystery it is for you,
Hot fantasy it is for me,
We're so very similar,
And perhaps that's why we repel.
I saw you for the first time,
Such an innocent girl,
I judged you by your face,
And I was wrong; I accept.
I said, "I wanna take you home."
The elders smiled,
Even your grandpa did,
He opined I'd take care of you,
Yes, I would've loved it...
However, the friends you talk to...
The friends jealous of you...
Someone "educated" you,
Against me, against love,
You changed your mind,
So, what about me?
It was an easy choice for me.
I just curled back into my shell...
I'm just being paranoid or eunoid.
For you're young, pretty young,
Both pretty and youthful...
Goodbye, my dream girl,
Goodbye, my youthful charm,
Goodbye, my hope of happiness,
Goodbye, my plans of a wedlock,
Goodbye, my scope of a lifelong bond,
Goodbye, my love of life.
My HP Poem #2025
©Atul Kaushal
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