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Daksh Sep 2019
She speaks; slowly, softly, inside her, there's a storm.

Holds to hope, she raises her lanterns to see the horizon.
Wears long black clothes,
has a smile that I call home.

Runs clicks and see new things and closes her eyes to find something
no one ever tried to.

I call her magic

Loves ice cream and lefts some of it on her face.

I call her strength.

Last seen wearing a **** dress
If found; tell her that I miss her.

I can never love her enough
Caroline Sep 2019
De mon balcon terrassés d’herbes fines je les vois
Des taches noires mes yeux plissés les aperçoivent
Des hirondelles accompagnées de moineaux
Une parade douce et enivrante les oiseaux
Instiguent le goût de planer alléchant
De rejoindre leurs rangs célestes bien avant
Que la nuit dévore les dernières lumières
Qui, ores, livrent une spectaculaire
Fresque de couleurs vives et de nuages
Lisses ou joufflus tels que des personnages
Passant de jaune à bleu argenté, l’horizon
Tranché par de silencieux et petits avions
Gazouille d’invisibles meutes d’insectes
Qui rempliront bientôt de joyeux becs
kain Aug 2019
What doesn't **** you
Makes you wish you were dead
That taste of the edge
Latches onto your bones
And grows like the mold
In the plaster basement cracks
In the pit of my soul
That grows deeper and deeper
And I can't take
The heavy weight
Of my own screams
And my buried mistakes
One more moment of silence
Might as well shatter me
I'm a porcelain doll
With a fragile disposition
Easily offended and losing friends
The loneliness is haunting me
Animating the skeletons
I sleep beside
I'm too scared
To lay in my bed
Ever since she left
So I make my home
In a nest of scarves
And support myself
The best I can
But the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up
I'm the furthest thing
From Atlas
I do my best
But since when has "best"
Meant anything
Some of the lyrics of the actual song Drown are weaved in here; or more I weaved my own words into the song. Just doing some experimenting here.
Laokos Jul 2019
i never seem
to get enough
these days
always waking

to start coffee,
fix my hair,
sit in bed drinking
the coffee
plumbing the depths
ways to get through
another day,

try to remember ways
that worked

maybe a quote
or a character
a poem
a song
a memory
an illusion
could even be
another person

but time draws
ever nearer
ever closer
at last
that silent cheetah
is sprinting

before i know it
i'm sitting
in my car
turning the key
with whatever
semblance and steel
i finally gathered

-a real live
cubist representation
of my
driving to work
at 3:49 a.m.

three black cats
the street
that watch me
the glowing night
in their eyes

satellites of some
indifferent future

hidden with
the devils
on the horizon
The uniVerse Nov 2015
Here I am drifting
floating in the sea
just here waiting
for you to return to me.

For I am just a buoy
trying to reach a girl
across an ocean
through the swirl.

But with every neglect
I drift further away
with every lost text
the words you didn't say.

A dot on the horizon
so distant and far
you used to think me the sun
but now I'm just a star.

I am not Hugh Grant
but it is Love Actually
caught in a trance
blinded by what I see.

Feelings are more important
than seeing with your eyes
saying what you meant
than telling me more lies.

Waves they come crashing
water all around
nothing is lasting
as I begin to drown.
MsTruth Jul 2019
A straight line holding the water
Stopping it from spilling
Strands of endless laces
Shades of blue shimmering.

Behind the line lies an island
With the giants, Ben and Eye, to see
A palace without a real king
With a queen and queens-to-be.
ALesiach Jul 2019
Just beyond the sunset
the day's end paints the red horizon
radiance of orange, yellow, and purple light
what a brilliant sight.

Scent of wood fires burning
a coyote's howl fills the air
the day's song is at an end
and night's lullaby now begins.

ALesiach © 9/24/2016
rk Jul 2019
i only hope you know,
i would've followed you
to the furthest horizon,
across the whole universe
until the very end.
- thank you for each and every moment.
elle jaxsun Jul 2019
on the horizon
pastel clouds float
swirled by the breeze

underneath them
in awe of their color,
i only feel blue.
I challenged myself to use the words blue, breeze, and horizon or skyline.

You can try, too!
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