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I am just a concept.
shapes twisting, moving, changing,
taking on new and familiar forms,
fading and brightening, becoming new colors,
colors that may not even exist yet.
as one piece of me falls out of focus, another fills the void,
sometimes just shapes and colors, I'm unrecognized
other times, the shapes get smaller, more specific,
piecing together a collage of misshapen pieces,
ultimately giving the illusion of unity, of purpose.
i ask myself if how I'm seeing myself is how others do.
everyone pieces these shapes together differently,
creating a new being unique to them that i cannot precieve.
to them, i am those ideas, that shape,
and others can say what they see,
change what others see of me,
influence other's perception of myself.
to me, i am constantly changing,
constantly evolving,
the me that i can precieve is just a concept,
in that light i am just a thought, nothing more.
this was written before i knew i was trans. still one of my favorites.
inkedsolace Jan 14

-h­ard pass.
I've just realized now how dangerous some of the stuff I used to play with as a kid was now. O_o
polina Dec 2024
A yearning swallowed softly,
In the wake of reality
Never dared to be dreamt -
It fades away, leaving whispers behind.

They follow me as I work, and
Gaze wistfully out of the misty window -
As I lay in my bed, tired
Dreaming softly of worlds (not my own).

Those whispers distract, daze,
Destroy - destroy my life, built so
Tirelessly with my sweat and despair.
How could I throw away all of this,
When I worked so hard to get it?

Those whispers, they answer -
You worked for it, yes,
but you never
Wanted it.
What is it that you want?

And my traitorous mind, it whispers
(no, screams) back -
Dew-dropped meadows, sunsets that
Burn like fallen gods;
Views that steal my breath, suffocate
Until no thoughts remain.

Awe that makes me breathless, paralyzed -
A beauty so vast it cannot be
Dawns that rise with me, falling away
Like old skin, the sun raw
On my transformed self.

Oh, I know what I want.
Archaesus Dec 2024
Scorpions and frogs
And drownings
Are a timeworn warning
Against trusting the cruel,
Unkind, and ignorant
Or being surprised at their nature.

I always read the parable
And faulted the frog
For trusting a scorpion.
"Never I, nay never"
I thought
And swore i would be better.

Now i look around
And i see
Im in a river together
With frogs, and scorpions
And maybe a chimera or two.
And we're all drowning.

I don't know right now
Who to blame
Or whom to turn to -
Maybe thats the problem
Or maybe
It's just my nature.
x Oct 2024
it would have been 7 years today
i don't think about you much anymore
but you still cross my mind some days
usually when i'm alone
i'm not sure why

i'm not sure why
i read through our messages for hours the other day
noticing things i didn't notice back then
like how you'd only call me baby when you were *****
you'd say you want me, not that you miss me
you'd say you wanted to kiss me, not hug me
you'd want me in your bed, not in your arms
i didn't notice how every time you seemed loving and enthusiastic
the conversations would always turn to ***
i never recognised the pattern
just excited that you seemed to want to talk to me
rather than the short responses i'd grown accustomed to
but the other shoe always dropped

i don't know how i didn't notice
how you became less interested in how i was doing
and more interested in what i was doing
how i'd spend more and more of my time with you naked
because it seemed to be what you wanted
and if we weren't, you felt distance
and i just wanted closeness
maybe i did notice but i ignored it
i'm not sure why

i'm not sure why
you broke things off
you said i deserved better
you said it wasn't fair to me
you said you didn't want to commit
you said a relationship wasn't right for you right now
you said you saw us more as best friends who also sleep together
you said you loved me but not enough
you said i was the best thing that's ever happened to you
you said you couldn't have me anymore
all after i travelled 6 hours to see you
you greeted me so happily
you used my body all day
and then

and i hate
that i begged
and i bargained
that i tried to convince you
to love me
to stay with me
and i let you keep using me
the rest of the weekend
as if that would help
as if that would change anything
as if that would close the chasm between us
i'm not sure why

i'm not sure why
i feel disgusted with myself
even now
i mean,
no, i didn't want to
i wasn't in the mood
i was never in the mood for anything
i never had the energy
but i did it for you
and i initiated it half the time
because i just wanted passion from you
but why did i have so little self respect
maybe i'm the reason it ended
maybe i did this to myself
debasing myself to please you
to keep you close
but, all the while, reducing my worth in your mind
maybe it felt okay to you
because i'd treated myself the same way
putting you above myself all the time
so maybe you did too

it would have been 7 years today
and i don't know how to feel
you turned into someone i don't recognise
maybe so did i
but i got better
i got my energy back
i don't want what you gave me anymore
i don't know why i ever did
i can't make myself hate you
but i hate what you did
and i hate myself even more for allowing it
for entertaining it
we were just kids
but i thought you wouldn't exploit me like that
but i guess i allowed it
so who's worse
who's to blame
i'm not sure
stream of consciousness, we broke up 2 and a half years ago, i'm not sure why i read our old texts or wrote this but i did
Garbage Mammal Oct 2024
There’s an ancient myth of immortality that inhabits the minds of tyrants and farmers alike. For the ultimate power – for the ability to avoid their ending. A river that never erodes its bank; a flame that never burns away its wick.
For the twisted, the demented, there’s something more. Mere elevation of life holds no appeal, but the fictional, the bread and circuses of the modern world – that, is something worthy of eternal continuation. The last word should never come, there must always be a new chapter, another episode, one more level.
Because there’s something primal in these fictions, these stories. From the first flames of bonfires, humanity has shared tales, the characters becoming legendary, and the audience holds them in their hearts for the rest of their lives.
We learn to love these fakes, in our own sick way. We learn what they desire, what they fear, what they love and what they hate. We learn about their background, their hopes, their struggles. And through it all, we empathize with them. We cheer for their success and feel remorse at their failure. They’re a one-way friend, one that speaks to you, but that you can never speak back to – but there’s no need to talk back. You just need to be with them, even from a distance. That’s enough.
And then, when the story ends? It elicits a pang in our hearts. It’s as if the characters we’ve loved have died, buried in their Happily Ever After. Our distorted minds, so illogical, take this metaphorical death with a weight. We grieve, perhaps not with the fervor of one who has truly lost a loved one, but we grieve, nonetheless. We are left then with an emptiness, a chasm that can never be filled in exactly the same way; a hole that gnaws at our very core for days, weeks, months – even years.
But why? These people are fake, they were contrived. These worlds are mere imagination, none of it is real. Why can we not, us ****** few, simply throw it away like a used consumable? Why the grief? This lingering pit in our stomachs, this hole in our hearts?
Why must it end at all? Why can’t we, hand on book and eyes on screen, make happy evermore? Why can’t we stay wrapped up in our little fantasies, surrounded by our paper friends, swept up in the dream? Why can’t blinking pixels become the north star to our joy; why can’t the credits, our lullaby? Does it really have to end?

Of course, it does. It always does. The book will have its final chapter; a movie, its final scene; a game, its final interaction. And left in its place will be the ending. The ending that it was all leading up to. The entire point of the story in the first place.
And us twisted, demented, distorted, sick, ****** few, will hate it. We’ll cover our eyes and ears like a petulant child. We’ll reject the ending, taking up pen and keyboard to make our own path, to extend the escape. Forsaking the creator, we know we can do better. We can, somehow, keep the flame lit, keep the wicker solid, keep the wax formed.
And in doing so, we can live forever, in a dream of our own design. We know it’s illogical: we’ll be stuck in the past, and everyone else will be marching towards the future. But the pain of this loss, however illogical, denies us any other recourse. All we want, all we need, is to float in an endless narrative, accompanied by the ones who were never real to begin with. To bask in their wonderful perfection, to find the comfort and companionship we know they can provide. We’ll never have to be alone again; nobody will have to die.
We’ll be deluded,

but we’ll be happy.
And for us, maybe that isn’t so bad.
This is a pretty long poem, but I like the way it turned out, so I'm not going to remove lines or anything.
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