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Hope May 2019
she tells you it’ll all blow over
but the fact that it hasn’t
is why you’re here in the first place
everything will be okay
then why hasn’t it gotten that way yet
the scars on your arms
are proof

you laugh
but the darkness is always lurking
somewhere in the deepest corners
of your heart
I hope everyone has a good day. Bad days ****, I can say that first hand.
Smile, someday things will be okay.
trashcanpoetry Jun 2017
we still meet where the sidewalk ends
my breath still falls flat when I see you
on the other side

the animal in my head
tells me to avoid you
the one in my heart says
go ahead

we both knew that one day our
paths would cross once more
but until then,
we will meet where the sidewalk ends
i'll miss you

this poem has remained unread and untouched for years and I still love it the most.
I'm new to this- please leave me feedback <3
SydneyAnn Feb 2015
Rest In Peace
You are dead to me
And I'm dead to me, too
because I left too much of myself with you
What's real is real,
and what's real is you're dead
Maybe not in reality
but I swear that it's real in my head
The voices tell me what is true
and the truth is,
even when you're dead I am in love with you
ryn Oct 2014
Looks like you need a drink...
What'll it be, let me think...

One thing you should know, Little Miss,
I'm not a bartender... I'm just winging this...

Arc in a cocktail shaker
Filled halfway up
Throw Melz in the mix
Just a dollop

Let's see now...
Spoonful of rhymes
Make that a table
Few drops of Conor
If he's up and able

Almost ready...
A touch of Tea
Maybe a tad more
A dose of Frank
In a little pour

Just about done...
Cap it up
Shake that shaker
Pour it out
Top with Silver

In a cocktail glass
Now sprinkle with Dani
Let's not stinge
Sprinkle aplenty

There you go, Hon... Take a full swig
When you see the bottom, your pain wouldn't seem so big...
Taylor Johnson Apr 2014
There is no lack of perfection
You need not change a thing
Form the tender years of your life
You began to
Hate,      \
Change,    Yourself
Starve,    /

You are utter beauty
No one should feel like this
Your four days,
Of unholy fast,
Must come to an end.

You are beginning t eat yourself
Form the inside out,
You are dying.
The shaking of hunger
Cause your body to tremble
In fear of what you are doing

This is not a willing decision
You've always been like this.
Without reasonable explanation.
No logical backing.
You are perfect.

I believe in you
Always and forever,
You have the strength
To overcome the hunger.

— The End —