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Rafael Melendez Dec 2015
I've dug myself a hole, deeper than that of my heart. It's cold sometimes, but it keeps me warmer than out there for the most part.
Sometimes I pretend I can't hear the wind howling above my head, the ignorance is bliss, but I can't pretend that the rain doesn't come, as I feel each. cold. hit.
Sleepy writings, may as well be drunk babbles.
Earl Jane Jul 2015

                                                              ­      I dig deeper into your love,

Not knowing the deeper I go,

                                          The nearer I get to hell.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
Bill murray Aug 2015
Slim pickin's

I got to get some ear's of corn today

The bergschrund in the field

                           I have to dig back out from the drains
                           Gramp's has to be busy
                           Or wizzy dizzy he will get. I have to reap the good                        
Before the old fool forget's
Have to go to market first for some fresh greenery than off in the field today's going to be a womper working day
jerely Apr 2015
Donna kanji datta?
Ii kanji ka douka?
Tabun wakaranai kedo,
Mada kangaeshite agerun no na.

Moshi zutto ai suru kanatte naoshitette
Mata wa tabun gamanshimasu.
Dochira mo ii kanatte.*

What kind of feeling is this?
A better one or not so?
Maybe i can't say so but,
I still think of giving it...

If only love could heal it longer
Or maybe i could bear it again.
Whichever it is.
Too bad i can't post kanji characters here but i guess i can still write it in a romaji way.

April 18, 2015
ryn Jan 2015
•unchain me from unrest•
shovel me out of the dirt•
une-                              arth
my conge-   sted chest•
let my secrets blurt•
let them
just   for
the wor-
ld to see
me up...
my  will
the fruits
of the bi-
tter tree•
let    eyes
see  what
will show
•...let feet
be caught
in stubbo-
rn mud...•
let prying minds be
what they would come to know
•...let wanting hearts choke...on
the dirges of my stale blood....•
now dig me up quickly•'cause
it's been far too long..... and i
have been readied•exhume
all of me completely•for
no longer should i
remain as........
AnnaStorm Dec 2014
Min krop er spændt op
Slipper ikke grebet
Finder ud af
At jeg er alene blandt mange
Alene i min spændte krop
Måske er det dig
For dig har jeg aldrig sluppet grebet om
Lad mig sluge din stemme
Giv mig dine mørke øjne
Send mig et tegn
For måske er du druknet
AnnaStorm Dec 2014
Jeg har kæmpet så længe med at glemme
Glemme den lykke du gav mig
gav mig øjeblikke hvor livet helt blev glemt
Og hvor din stemme var det eneste jeg indåndede
Clindballe Dec 2014
Jeg har tusinde søvnløse nætter
med dig
i mine tanker

Jeg har tusinde vildfarende tanker
med dig
i dem alle

Jeg har tusinde forsømte dage
med dig
i ingen af dem
Skrevet: 1. December - 2014
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