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Secret-Author Jan 2017
I will walk with you, to the end of this earth that does not welcome you.
I will shine a light in every dark corner where you see hurt and pain.
I am yours to sit with for as long as you have to.
Until you can feel whole again.
Emma Hill Jan 2017
Telltale signs of paranoia ***** at the hackles that run from head
(to heart)
down the spine
        drown the mind
Psychotic neurotic autistic artistic
Imagination whirls like wind through the pines and
The hair along my spine
        Is standing
Just Rachel Nov 2016
Holds it tightly
Loves it really
Loud guitar......,it is quit silly
Swiftly paces,while humming  
With that **** guitar how can he go wrong?
A puzzle unsolved  
Why the desire
Insanity It leads me
If volume go higher
It's like a addiction,
I kid you not
To remain by his side
Curse is the day I bought
Oh silly red guitar
Why so attached is he
Never will I know
It shall stay a mystery....
So this is a silly poem about my son
and his The Wiggles guitar....he constantly
playing it,basically he's stimming ( a way
to manage certain emotions )
For the most part it goes in one ear
out the other,so it really doesnt
bother me...others ?..well yes...that in
turn makes it harder ....and a problem.
Just Rachel Nov 2016
Kills me inside
Countless the times I cried
Wishing for words to be spoken
Like an answered prayer to be verbal awoken
A frustration,gots me screaming :"what's he feeling and why the reason,God?!"
"Is this chastisement with thy almighty rod?!"
Not to disrespect,but the pain to bear is deep,
I'm not understanding again I weep.
About my frustration with my son being that he's non verbal,with the diagnosis of classic to severe autism .....
Secret-Author Sep 2016
You see this world.
This I know to be true.
But you see refractions
And shadows of other yous.
Your cries are misrepresented
Seen as horror in the night
But I know that it's just Peter Pan
Making faces in the light.

You are different.
I'll give you that.
But differences are just
Glitter in the cracks.
Some may say that
You are wrong,
But you're not, their
Imagination is just gone.

You are beautiful.
Scars and all.
Scars especially; it's
Strength, not a downfall.
Hold on to the colours
Dancing in your head,
Because without them, girl
It will all be grey instead.
Rebel Heart Jul 2016
When you want something
When you know it is within reach
Like water and bread within an inch of the bars of your jail
A jail which keeps you as only prisoner

Life is joy
Life is fair
Life isn’t fair
Life is cruel

To know your limits
To know you will never be able to surpass them
To know that you will never be accepted
It’s eating me up inside

Every week
Every year
Until the day I die

I want to be a part of every day’s course
I want to work I want to celebrate
I want to try I want to fail
I want to live

But the mind cannot keep up
It tires the body to the very core
To see everyone walking past me
Leaving me behind

It makes me sad
It makes me want to cry
But I can’t
If I could express these feelings of mine

Being a prisoner of your own mind
To know and to experience
I wish I was just ignorant and dumb
Being smart but never being able to use it

Even a prisoner needs to move forward
A life without a goal isn’t worth living
I don’t condemn my life
I just wished there would be someone who understands

I know that I will be a prisoner for life
But it would mean so much
If there would be someone
Who would reach out to me

Because it’s just within reach
The water and bread
In this lonely prison
Within my mind
Living with Autism isn't easy, I enjoy my life but sometimes it is hard to accept that even with all the capabilities that I got, I will never be able to use them freely.

There are so many things I want, so less chances and opportunities to make it happen. And to know that there are so few people who understand.

Sometimes it makes it hard, but I will never stop trying.
Shayne Campbell Apr 2016
The flesh differs between in and out
Outside I am steady as a tree stump
But within I feel assault on the flesh
Out are friends but in they seem foes

The flesh could serve the soul's strength
Or it could be a prison for one to dwell
Without others I feel love and pain
With others I feel love and pain
Worry breaks down my inner flesh
My throat congests to heighten breath
The heart pounds without mercy
To no end fear imprisons my mind

For others' regard I cannot see them
A barrier is walled between our minds
The worry haunts me for their betrayal
But in existence they seem loyal

My want is to be certain
But certainty is not my gift
I will always fight to learn so
And try to love without despair
I wrote this work about my learning disability, Asperger's Syndrome.
Ana S Jan 2016
He screams and shouts.
He ***** but I've never had a doubt.
This boy is the definition of love.
He's as pure as a dove.
There's something inside.
The difference makes him alive.
Such deep blue eyes.
People come down from highs.
He sits beside me and claps.
Never really sat close in people's laps.
Yes he is defined as a label.
His disorder is no fable.
A little boy who means the world to me.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
For an hour and a half I sit on the floor
holding a piece of shaped cardboard.
I turn it round and round to show all side
while holding a paper plate of paints.
He holds the brush like he holds his pencils
He pays attention to the cartoon at his lap
and sporadically looks at the tip of the brush.
Colors are scattered with no rhyme and reasons
and brush strokes are seen without hesitation.
He paints and paints and saps his little energy
to make a Christmas present for his little sister.
Denel Kessler Dec 2015
He only lost her when
the music stopped

inner light faded from her face
her narrow arms, restless eels
winding through her shirt
snapping at the rising buzz
of voices, increasingly unbearable.

The teacher swooped in, miming
arms held close, contained; too late
for the pianist, armed with her name
and a captive audience, he accented
her frailty with two sharp syllables

and she was gone from there
to some mysterious world  
away from the crowd frozen
in the silent beat after
the reprimand.

It was only a moment
before the music resumed
opening notes vibrated up
through her toes, lovely arms
unraveled and rose overhead

her radiant smile
unfurled like forgiveness.
I wrote this after watching young children at a musical performance.  An autistic girl stole the show by completely inhabiting the music with her joyful body.  It was a lovely thing to witness.  But in a brief lull between numbers, she grew restless.  The pianist yelled the word NO and her name and it was like she instantly disappeared from her own body. Only the music brought her back. A regret I still carry is not speaking out against the pianist's very public shaming.  I ask that child and her parents for forgiveness.
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