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Cristin H Dec 2014
Her first words were poetry,
Painting passion into people
like every soul was a self-portrait titled

As a child she gave each color words that they
could only ever scream,
She gave a voice that flowed like water,
A symphony of dreams.

She grew like fondness,
Towering above us at five foot everything
but forever looking up
like we were the night sky holding starlight in our eyelids
like secrets.

She waits.
Soaking in silence, still
Like the world is whispering
and she's trying to hear it.

Her own whisper floats like falling snow
that melts on your eyelashes
so that it might retrace the steps
of the last tear you cried
just in case,
It's not too late to catch it.

She is a million moments of lightness,
A thousand "I'm sorry's" for the wrongdoings of others.
She is one hundred sleepless nights
of someone else's nightmares,
Kept up with gallons of fresh-ground giving
wanting nothing in return but to know
She means it.

She's got big in her fingertips
like the sun setting and rising into itself,
Until it burns the whole sky down.

She is a quiet presence with an absence
that deafens.
Planting patience into moments
like flowers.
So that you can watch them grow
into a billion brilliant bulbs
of every miss you've ever made,
But were too scared to hope for.

She paints life onto the ordinary
until it knows that it was never anything
but beautiful.

Forever expanding the vocabulary
of the colors she breathed words into
in a children's coloring book
whose lines could Never keep her in.

While the whole world waits,
Just hoping to hear them.
To my friend, whom I love.
K Balachandran Sep 2014
Our destination we knew beforehand

we did set sail to distant galaxies, that create

rainbows out of light years and star dust.

We forgot the meaning of the word 'return'

never imagined a coming back, ever

the journey of no return  every moment,was

only we were there,needless to think

about the beginning or any one other than


we didn't bother about the moment of culmination,

the phenomenal world, after all is not ours
*Noumenon--An object or event discerned without the help of senses.
One Pusumane Sep 2014
I look at the pale figure that lay before my eyes and I cringe with sheer hate.
I stare in disgust awe as I think of a million ways not to be here.
She stares at me and smiles, for a moment I do not notice it.

The mask she wears is perfect, it was her second skin.
She makes pain look more appealing than that love story ending.
Darkness hoovers over her because it lusts after her soul.
Thoughts that run through her mind have no bounds

She stands at the cold alter, waiting upon death.....
The cold blade against her skin reminds her of the love to come..
She then digs deeper and deeper,,,,,, till she is home... free @ last..
Free from hating, free from everyone... free... just free....
K Balachandran Jul 2014
I am neither  the body, nor the mind that bridles it,
   the realization strikes, my moment of awakening
             the horse and the rider
  will submerge in the river at the limits.
          The consciousness , the storm petrel
   alone  would cross the limits of the 'sky of the mind'
           - painted by material world, through life time-
to super consciousness, beyond the bubble of universe,
        " the presence before the beginning", timeless
  where there are no two, "I am that"
        nothing but the primordial One
Neti, Neti (Sanskrit) in ancient texts "Upanishads" is the analytic meditation to understand the  nature of absolute(Brahman) eliminating one by one what is not "absolute"
CC May 2014
Annihilation of Exam Papers
I have got result on my mind
Fear lurks
I wish I've never wasted so much time
They say what's done is done
I am Not done
Those results
And will never define me
I am not just  a candidate
I refuse to subscribe to that common belief
My inspirations
will not be confined to walls of the class room or exam hall
My thirst for knowledge will not be tamed by text books
Don't get me wrong education you are key
And I am aware some are denied of thee
I am taking you seriously

Have I been prepared to defeat more than an exam paper?
We will see
When the Real test begins
This time the answers will not be given to me
My test paper will not be identical to another
This time the results will be tailored to fit me
Fear no longer lurks
But excitement
Of my prospects
The sights I will see
The people I will meet
The goals I will achieve
I will succeed in all I do  
Whether it is an exam or the many tests of life
I will not succeed only because a result sheet says so
I will be resolute
When shaken by life
I will be stirred to develop not retreat
Thank God for
My education

— The End —