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i knew what i was destined to do,
to be,
to see
the surface of the water had broken
splattering liquid across the lakes surface
causing more and more ripples  
making my impact
only to slowly drift away losing momentum
slowly one day being forgotten...
making the water clear once again.
i wanted to make a poem called clear
zozzyz Jan 9
يغازلنا المطر و الغيم يا من بعدي
تدافع عني مهماً انقال و كان ضدي
افكر من بعد السحور و الوردي على خدي
لو انك تدري الي يدور فالقلب و في صدري

قال لي شخص كله حكمة و نور
خلك من الباقي و ابقى مع الي يجيب السرور
دام ان الوقت يركض لا تركض وراه
تابع ايامك  ولا تطلب رضاه

فالحفرة تكون لي سروري
تلعب بأشاير الحب مع فاضٍ خط المروري
فألي مر عليك هبته ريح الندا
لؤلؤ كعيونك الي تنسيني همومي و الشقى.
onlylovepoetry Dec 2024
See the profile pic
See the little girl
My baby grandchild,
coucher bouncer dancer,
now so much more
almost all grown-up

Who now knows to inform
Herself by reading words
In “hole” books, she reads
all by herself

So for a Chanukah
present, the doting
Grandfather sends
books, Quelle surprise!

The little charmrr
trained in both
manners and text tech,
reports in that:

* I read:
“Never let a unicorn
wear a tutu”
just right now.

So somewhere
an old fool tears
up, with a pleasure
immeasurable, and
****, he is thinking,
is this;
the bestus
he has ever composed?

and her replies
in years yet to go bye
to himself will surely
arrive as follows:

“Old codger, do not be
a silly old man, not your
best but maybe your
purest love poem
from the joyous mixture
of tears and laughter
making you happily drunk…”
zozzyz Dec 2024
وينك يا جاذب شعوري             و مطمن إحساسي
كتبت عنك رواية تنقال         و وصفتك في اشعاري
غرت عليك من الباقي          و ما سمحت للي نوى
انغمرت فالليل و عيونك       و اخذ يلعب فيني الهوا
   خذيتني بسؤال طرحته           كنت نسيتني الهم توا
و نضراتك تدلني طية            تلمع و كأنها موه
سلبت روحي و اخذت        صبري  و انفاسي بقوة
     اننا نفترق لعيون الغير           ماهو شي قد شرحته
احبك  والله                    قلبي لغيرك ما فتحته
عيونك تغطيها الشهب       شي ما قد وصفته
احتار بين الكلمات            ما قد كلام شين بعثته
احبك, و ربي انا واثق من الي كتبته.
Left Foot Poet Nov 2024
“In some office sits a poet,
and he trembles as he sings,
and he asks some guy,
to circulate his soul around”
Joni Mitchell


your both sides
then and  now,
was my guiding glasses
for a life of motley loving
and love, gained, pained,
lost and found
as a younger man,
and now, as old soul
with rear view perspective,
the glasses tinted transition grey,
(matching his pallor, his hair.
his transient perspective,
trembling fingers as he writes,
with humility,
pleeze circulate these
decoded words
mate them out of clay
hoping  come new daylight
one or two, even a few
will lend a rosy thistle, blow softly
an encouraging breeze
upon this poem
the freedom to burn into
glowing embers
in our circulating worlds
of pass/fail
it’s my mere soul
you pass judgement
with a hint of tasteful scents
and beyond
with an
honorable push
your mentioned
guiding them
to the currents
where poems go to
Nov ‘ 24
Long time 
No, see how you 
Be good and nice, that's all.
Do one good deed a day, happy 
You'll be
First line: The first line of an American cinquain has two syllables and one stressed syllable.
Second line: The second line has four syllables and two stresses.
Third line: The third line has six syllables and three stresses.
Fourth line: The fourth line has eight syllables and four stresses.
Fifth line: The last line has two syllables and one stress.
i’d step on your neck at the best of times but
i wish you the best of luck with the rest of your life
break a leg, hit your head, break every bone in your body
though i hope you make it out alive because i’d hate to feel sorry
i hope roses by your bedside would suffice for a goodbye
i hope we never have to speak for the rest of your long life
break a leg
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2024
~dedicated to the heart fixers~

sometimes I smack my head,
when a poem commission is lying on
the ground before me, and I just don’t
hear it, believe it, in order to retrieve it…

many months of physical rehabilitation,
sessions always ended with a certain cutesy
Gen Z~Millenial crossover phraseology:

remember to tell someone you love them

the instructors mostly youngish,
so we senior~smile
a tad dismissively, give them a reward~grin, and
head for the locker room,
where we gossip and compare notes,
on the Part II of our in-process-future-realization,
living a grueling new life of self-preservation, 24/7

the PTs & EPs pound you on the machina, go faster, work harder,
eat better, sleep more, take those meds, motion is lotion,
walk the talk, never be still, but race to live longer and
prosper, this hard work is your new job, and resignation
is non~optional

now, it hits me, via a figurative sharp slap on the side of the head,
triggering an actual physical manifestation that reverbs to the toes,
that the most important lesson went under the radar,
evading the former trader’s dimming vision,
flunking himself on the rehab test paper,
a purple F for fool,
a grade, earned and deserved, and herein poetically preserved

the hardest heart work, begins only after you co-
commence the longest road back to where you once
belonged, but where you can’t walk alone, for therein
a recipe for failure; and the work that needs doing,
is on you; take that tear-repaired heart, and give it away, it,
one can be healed, but not if sealed, for the hard-hearted
walls thicken, and “over  time, the thickened heart muscle
can become too stiff to fill the heart with blood; the heart
can't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.

so break off pieces of your heart, give them away with
relentless abandon, for this is the heart that self-repairs,
new tissue, new fiber, and most important, regeneration,
the one single reparation that can successfully
accomplish the true miracle of getting by giving,
no forgiving, if you don’t exercise the heart by

remembering to tell someone you love them

dedicated to the hard working staff of the
Cardio Rehabilitation  Unit
of Nyulangonge, Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation
who started  me
with a mighty push on the long road to utilizing my heart properly

Maddy Mar 2024
High school graduations
College graduations
Magical moments
Sons in-law
Weddings and giving your daughters away
Great grandchildren
My books being published
Spoiling you
Hope you are proud of all of us
You and Mom are watching over us
Darling Daddy gone too soon and loved beyond neasure

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