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kiss me once more
with the same intensity
and gentleness

hold me once more
wrap your arms around me
as i wrap mine around you

sing to me once more
and i'll be singing with you
even though we're out of tune

hold my hand one more
fill the spaces
between my fingers

lie with me once more
let the silence consume us
make me feel safe

let me listen to the beating of your heart
that was awaken by me
for the guy who came into my life so unexpectedly. whatever this is, we'll make this work. thank you for making me feel this way. it may all seem too fast, but we'll make it last.
 Mar 2014 Amber Bent
 Mar 2014 Amber Bent
I want you
So bad
But yet
I don't want
To ruin this
Like I do
Everything else.

 Mar 2014 Amber Bent
Dallas Allen
i asked for it in a moment of weakness,
so i got one, a simple hug that's all it was
to you at least, to me it was so much more
i wished it had lasted for ever,
but it also made me long for something more
Hey guys, whats up? i got some news for my friends on here that do not already know. i got into Theater for a semester !!! im so excited
 Mar 2014 Amber Bent
I think of you quite often when I go to bed
The good the bad and  ugly constantly fill my head

Your smell, your touch,your laughter
the way we starred into eachothers eye

Your yell ,your lies, your vulgarity
the way you made me cry

It doesn't make much sense that I could not let you go
The times that you did come back were nothing but a show

The bruises and the cuts you left should be enough to close my heart
But it's my irrational tendencies here that keep me torn apart

Why does a man so undeserving hold this place in my heart?
For he is just a boy ; no MAN would take advantage of that spot
You look at my arms like you've seen a ghost.
You look back at my face as though
I'm not the same person I was a second ago.
You look down and ask me why.
I simply say,
"Look up at me, let me see your face.
I'm not that person anymore.
Don't shut me out.
Don't walk away.
I'm telling you I am okay.
So, don't worry about me.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."
 Mar 2014 Amber Bent
For so long
And especially this year, I've been forcing laughter.
Faking smiles.
But then you came along and changed everything.
When our eyes lock I get butterflies in my tummy.
When your name lights up my phone I swear my smile could light up the night sky.
I can't even control it,
It just overflows.
You know how in the movies there's always that one girl?
You know the one smiling like an idiot walking by herself through the halls?
You've turned me into that idiot girl.
And the scary part is,
*I'm beginning to like it
Amani Dakar Senegal ❤️ you're changing my life
 Mar 2014 Amber Bent
this is you
and this is me
and this is us

this is the late night phone calls
about futures we are too sure of
the midnight drives
across miles we aren't scared enough of

the butterfly kisses
the chubby cheek kisses
the french kisses
on your bed

this is every night
I've called you crying
because my sister is too sick
to function normally

this is every day
you've called me fuming
because your dad makes you madder than you've been in months

this is you
this is me
this is us

this is the feeling I get in my gut
when you tell me you love me
this is the calm that takes over me
when your lips are pressed to mine

this is the tears that well in your eyes
when you look at me for too long
this is the quickness of your pulse
when my hands are in your hair

this is the closeness I feel to you
and you to me
the understanding we share
the laughs
the tears
the beauty
the bad

you, me, us, we
we are not our distance
we are not the miles between us
we are not the doubt
the fear
the complications

we are friendship
we are love
we are us

this is you
this is me
and this is us
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