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 Jun 2016 Joanna
Joanna Dowdell
She says maroon is her power colour,
because after the departure of her last lover,
it's the hue she saw spilt on the carpet,
the gorgeous ink leaking from her chest.

She wears burgundy dresses
with wavy beach tresses,
because they make her feel like a whimsical beauty,
the kind with her life well put together.

She paints bright red lipstick over her mouth
because it makes her feel like a sassy adult,
like a woman taking on the world
with her lips as crimson as the
blood she will extract if you scorn her.

Every day she looks in the mirror
at the incarnadine shades she made her veneer,
and thinks... maybe, someday,
my life will match this costume.
 Mar 2016 Joanna
You deserve to hear those words and believe them with every piece of your torn apart heart. You need to hear these words and nothing less. You don't deserve maybes and someone who doesn't know what they want. It needs to become a rule to believe these words and not something to laugh off.

You deserve to hear someone say, 'I'm not going to hurt you.'

And you have to be able to trust them. You deserve a chance to believe them. And what those who left gave you was not love. Because love is giving as well as receiving and you have to open your eyes when looking back on the past and see how empty they made you from taking and taking and taking all your love and leaving you with so little. But take your bent and battered heart that's far from broken and allow yourself to fall in love again. Because after all the tears and pains in your chest that felt like trying to swallow broken glass, you deserve to be happy. Don't rely on someone new to fix you - fix yourself. You deserve to know and be so sure of the fact that you don't need someone's hand to hold in order to be happy. You deserve to find love again and never have to look back and wonder what you did wrong. They were wrong and they never loved you. You are lucky, you have not lost anything. They didn't love you. You loved them with everything you had and that is their loss. You have so much more to find and its waiting for you just around the corner. But you can't look back, stop looking back. You deserve to open new doors, shut the old ones and swallow the keys. They'll always live deep inside you, but they won't matter anymore. They don't deserve to matter to you anymore.
 Mar 2016 Joanna
Ree Bunch
Music Man
 Mar 2016 Joanna
Ree Bunch
Music made from you,
With your voice,
Your instruments,
Are unrivaled.

Exquisite notes flow effortlessly,
Entrancing women,
To descent deeper,
And deeper in love.

Your composition style,
Is a gift inherited.
It can not be acquired.

You told me your
Ingenious father showed you
All that you know.

The casual way,
You beguiled me with
Your music, making me
Feel heaven bound.

My heart was your instrument,
Manipulating and conquering it.

Lies were your notes,
Enchanting them to
Appear truthful.

My mind the foolish audience,
Awaiting an encore,
One performance was
Never good enough.

You continuously performed,
Yet I continuously stayed.
We've all knew at one point the relationship was over BUT we just stayed.
 Jan 2016 Joanna
About You
 Jan 2016 Joanna
I lied to my mother about talking to you because last time I told her we talked, she cried.
2. My biggest fear is that no matter what I do, I won't ever get over you.
3. Everywhere I go, I find you. I suppose it's because I carry you in my heart.
4. I didn't believe in soul mates until I met you. You didn't complete me, you complemented me.
5. Sometimes I can't sleep because I'm thinking of you. Other nights I don't want to sleep because I know I'll dream of you.
6. You make my hands shake and my stomach hurt. I don't think love is suppose to feel this way.
7. I miss you even when you're not away. I hate it but it's always been that way.
8. Sometimes I think we were meant to be. Everything was right except our timing.
9. It's been two years too late but I still look for your face in a crowded room.
10. You felt like home but if there's anything I've learned recently, it's that home is so very temporary.
11. I never knew craving touch was a thing until I saw your hands.
12. You are the whirlwind of thoughts I could never put into words.
13. I write about you like you put the stars in the sky.
14. I don't want to forget you but somedays I regret you.
15. I don't always like you but I always love you.
What keeps me up at night is you.
To my Love:

With all the strength you have,
These antique walls that constitute my body.

Excessive solidness,
Excessive height of limbs,
I hear no sound of prayers from your mouth.
Just tear my walls down.

Let me fall in pieces.
Let me slowly bleed on autumn morning.
Unveil me, disrupt me
Like a storm of raging thunders
Washing centuries away.

Undo me and I’ll be yours.
Dismantle me and I’ll be yours, and yours alone.

And once you’re finished come close to me
To build me up again,
To save me from a liturgy of pain
And make me a constellation yet to be
Shaped into the bulky form of galaxies.
Just another poem about heartbreak. The human body pictured in the form of a cathedral, slowly destroyed.
 Dec 2015 Joanna
Maria L
In every "opposite's attract" relationship, they say she's the yin to his yan,

He's mysterious and calm like the moon and she's electric and energetic like the sun.

But I'm a painter and I see ourselves as different colors and hues instead of objects and symbols.

You're a midnight blue; a serious yet earnest lover who parades in a facade of blankness.
Slowly and gently, I've peeled away the mask you wear, to reveal a sweet, loving boy I always knew was inside.

I am a vibrant yellow; playful and sweet,  illuminating the darkness in your life.

I've shine a light to your darkest corners and found the boy you hide away. I've reached out and pulled him up, showing him that he no longer needs to hide.

With taking my hand you've shown me, the trust and understanding I need, guiding me through my darkness.

Together, with your strength and my kindness, we made emeralds, raditating the world around us.

Together , with your seriousness and my sillyness, we grown shamrock, making us feel like the luckiest kids around.

Together, with you and me, we've created a forest filled with green apples, pines, olives and limes, making us feel like anything is possible.

These are the shades of you and me.
 Oct 2015 Joanna
A book
 Oct 2015 Joanna
I will not allow you to become a banned book
In an unknown library
Somewhere lost in my thoughts

I have read you over and over
Each time learning to not read the ending first
To use my book light during the day
For sake of not being afraid of commitment
Used dictionary definitions
For loving you doesn't always make sense
My dreams have become chapters
The ring on your finger
A ******
And the family we will someday have
The happy ending

You are my library
The words you speak my light
A leather bound promise of elation
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