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 Oct 2015 Joanna
Bones forgot the pull,
the tug and the grimace
that happens
when someone burrows
between the lungs to live.
Bones forgot the burn and sting
that heart feels when it stops,
when it jumps to throat, skips.
Body forgot that emotions
meant brain AND heart,
eyes, tongue and lips.
Girl forgot that boy
could kiss and make
her forget
all that was forgotten.
I know from the first time
I saw her she's different.
She sees the world differently,
She lives her world differently.

Every time I stare at her brown eyes,
I know there's something going on inside her mind--
Her imagination,
Her creativity,
Is flowing up and down through the skies.

She has her own world,
Trapped inside her mind,
Unexposed and pure.

I love her,
I love to read her,
Like how she carefully read her books;
I love to caress her,
Like how she gently
Turn the pages of her old books.

The more I look into her eyes
The more I get lost,
From trying to see a glimpse
Of her own world buried deep behind her eyes,
But all I can see is the reflection
Of the world behind us.
 Sep 2015 Joanna
emily grace
 Sep 2015 Joanna
emily grace
you touched my skin to feel a rush
but jumped when the spark bit you
just a short little snippet. nothing too special.
 Aug 2015 Joanna
Patrick N
Life is lived between the waves
In those moments prior to being carried or pushed,

What make you of those moments
When life’s ocean ebbs and flows

Infrequently offering just enough respite
That you may catch sight of what awaits

Whether its better to resist against or float atop
Is not sometimes known until afterwards

To know so little, arrive at land
And walk forth
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