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I would be alright seeing you with her if you hadn't told me you loved me.
I wouldn't be so broken if you hadn't made me feel like I was the only girl in your world.
I wouldn't be so hurt if you hadn't promised me your unconditional love.
If you had left my heart alone, I wouldn't hate you.
 Dec 2015 Sumina Thapaliya
You left me hanging
Tears continuously falling
Like a flowing river, streaming
And my heart, aching
I mourned for almost eternity
Then I realized suddenly
That you are not worthy
For you've hurted me endlessly
Now you came back like nothing happened
Asking for my love once again
But no, my heart's hardened
Besides, enough is the pain
Feelings slowly fading
Thank God for that feeling
And now I started to be happy
I've moved on, finally..
 Dec 2015 Sumina Thapaliya
From a vessel arise
Both feelings and farts
One from the stomach
And one from the heart

They must follow a path
Both sentiments and ****
One goes to the mouth
And one goes to the pit

They’re sometimes restrained
Both crap and emotion
One for no reason at all
And one for bad time notion

But in neither of cases
Will closing the exit
Will make them not be.
I hope you'll forgive me
For comparing feelings
to scatology.
have you forgotten what you promised me?
another moment of solitude, another second of silence
in this tired, old brain of mine,
barely eighteen, yet aged beyond my years,
i have grown up too quickly.

finding happiness in others soon proves difficult when
a bottle is a much closer friend than any other,
wading through my emotions like a smoky room,
pretending to be alright, just for tonight,
when i'm drunk and calling you at 3:30 am,
asking you why you left me alone,
when you promised that you'd
never leave when i needed you
the most.
As I lay in my bed I feel trapped
Darkness is all around
I feel like I have no place to go
No place to hide.
This is one of my darkest nights.

Then I remember another dark night.
A night where a young girl struggled to give birth.
Shepherds were trying to control their flocks.
Kings and wise men prepared for a long two-year journey.
And all of heaven held it’s breathe.

Then a shout broke through the night.
The girl, a humble ******, had given birth to a son.
Shepherds were greeted by angels with the most glorious news.
A star shone in the sky to guide the wise men.
And all of heaven rejoiced for a king, the greatest king, was born.

So as I lay in my bed I realized a great thing.
No matter how dark it seems light always shines thru.
I know that this was not the night of that holy child’s birth,
But it doesn’t matter.
The Messiah was still born. He still came to save.

But most importantly he came to die.
Even on this most joyous of nights there was still a little sorrow
For this holy child was destined to become a sacrificial lamb.
But it was his choice; he chose to be the light in the dark,
He chose to illuminate this entire world.

He chose to come and die,
So we all have a choice to make.
Will we remember the reason for this great season?
Will we choose to accept the light?
I know I have, I chose to let him illuminate my night.
 Dec 2015 Sumina Thapaliya
Warning: Causes Cancer
Splayed across billboards,
Written in the stars,
Tattooed in brains,
Whispered in ears.

Warning: Injurious to Health,
Almost like poison,
Searing through veins,
Stopping hearts,
Stealing breaths,
Melting skin.

Warning: Will make you fall,
Fall as deep as the sea,
Warning: Will make you cry,
Surround you in an ocean
Of your own tears,
Warning: Will leave you dry,
As dry as the desert
on a hot summer’s day.

Warning: Will break your heart
Into a million pieces,
Shatter it all around you,
Leaving you to mend it.

                                                   All alone.
 Dec 2015 Sumina Thapaliya
It was nothing like I imagined
and was everything I wanted it to be
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