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 May 2014 Eiram
Logan Humphreys
 May 2014 Eiram
Logan Humphreys
If pizza were a woman..
you shouldn't order it
pizza women sorry humor
 May 2014 Eiram
Kahla Mercadante
I know I'm clingy, I latch on like a starfish, but at least I'm not a stingray, I won't strike when you least expect it, my only motive is to love you and it's the farthest thing from hidden. Maybe that's the problem. I tried to be a little more quite, shelter my thoughts so you wouldn't take off running but what I need from you is a roof over my head, cause I can't provoide it for myself when my words are protecting you like an umbrella during a rain storm. I've always loved you in waves and lately everyday has been a hurricane. But as I bite my tongue I find that my heart is cracking like the ground severs in the middle of a drought. I can not swim against the current and you are uncertain, and unsteady like the Nile River. Eighty percent of our bodies are made up of water, it's about time you let the flood gates down and opened your mouth.
-Kahla Mercadante
 May 2014 Eiram
 May 2014 Eiram
They tell me

Absence makes the heart grow fonder
but I hate you.
Walking under a ladder is bad for the soul
but I like to.
Don't break a mirror you'll have bad luck
I broke them all so I could no longer see.
Don't do drugs
I was hoping it would **** this monster
in my bloodstream.
Don't inject
I'm dependent on everything else.

Don't cry
but I don't paint my face.
 May 2014 Eiram
Melissa B C
 May 2014 Eiram
Melissa B C
Flowers are growing
on my body where your hands
touched me last time.
 May 2014 Eiram
Michael Falls
 May 2014 Eiram
Michael Falls
I think I'm gonna hang,
down by the willow tree that stands,
so tall it touches the sky.
Think it'll keep me tied to this earth?
I don't think it will, it doesn't care.
Down by the willow tree I'm going to hang.

A traveler stops by,
asks me why,
tell him I'm hanging to forget
and to be forgiven.

They untie the knot,
pull me down and say,
life ain't fair and it's definitely not easy,
but it's not worth hanging' yourself for.
For anyone thinking of suicide, know that people do care and you don't have to die.
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