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 Jun 2016 s
 Jun 2016 s
it was 13th day of july;
exactly a year ago when  
i heard the last words
you blurted out from your mouth
like a sharp sword deeply
pierced right through me—
your goodbye

it was a rainy day indeed
lightning streaked across the night sky
and snapped a bright flash of light
tears fell down from my swollen eyes
like how the heavy rain poured out
loud screams echoed around
as the roar of the raging thunder began

365 of melancholic days
and sleepless nights had passed
365 days of long cries while catching
heavy breaths from my tight chest
365 days of finding an answer to
the same question i used to ask
"why can't he love me back?"

i was once lost but,
i've got myself slowly restored
the sullen sky stayed completely serene
rainbow appeared above the clouds  
i was seeking for the sun
to warm up the atmosphere
but instead,
i felt the cold breeze
brushed through my skin

you came up to my door
out of the blue like a storm;
an unpredictable storm yet so devastating
everything seemed to be fine—
but then you were,
taking a step again
in my placid world
without giving me
any warn
never thought i could write something that would turn into a good piece like this
 Jun 2016 s
Jeffrey Robin


Broken circumstance


Sells her ... FLOWER


But not her righteousness




hippie boy

What do you say

Are you gonna keep your honor

And preserve the purity ?

Flower child !

Earth mother

To be


Nurturer and healer

For all to see

 Jun 2016 s
Ashton Bloom
 Jun 2016 s
Ashton Bloom
It's twisting me up, this dangerous dream but I miss the sound it makes.
The screams I heard when the day was long and the loneliness make me shake.
What I never thought would pass is flying over me, but what if I'm wrong and it's not meant to be, forever you and me.
If you like this, that's great. If you'd like to use it, please just ask and I assure you I will likely say yes.
 Jun 2016 s
 Jun 2016 s
I love you no more said he
Why said she
Just because said he
This is a joke right said she

And he left her just like that.
No explanations.
No goodbyes.
 Jun 2016 s
Pretty girl
 Jun 2016 s
Pretty girl
"I'm good. I'm fine" she said as she was wiping the tears from her eyes
But tears never lie
Erase your cry eyes
Go buy yourself some new ones
Because we all know we can Barry ourselves in new things to distract us from the old ones
Stop crying sad girl you're the star of the show and if you hold back the tears no one will know
So straighten your back and hold up your shoulders
Slap a smile on like   it's   lip    stick
And if they ask you if you're crying you tell them there was something in your eye
Because big girls don't  cry ...
 Jun 2016 s
Q o'crde
 Jun 2016 s
Q o'crde

one hundred
the number after 99 and
before the thousandth

one hundred unsent letters
written and burnt and a couple of more still kept abandon

one hundred unsaid confessions
of how I terribly miss you
that exchanging of sweet nothings wasn't enough

one hundred at failed attempts of reaching out
that I think we weren't working things out on what should be
but still kept the fire at bay until the breath of earth had fused the rest of the littlest dust

one hundred of miles apart

one hundred of flowers laid next to you
even hundreds of aching hearts were entomb - they never became the same
and a couple of more hundreds ever since your departure

—you were one then became a hundred of versions
but I will never forgot the first I have grasp from

I wished I have known you better
and the rest
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