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  Aug 2014 stargirl
Nolan Davis
It's Friday night at the sorority house.
You struggle to find the perfect blouse.
For the party of the year is happening tonight.
So you make sure everything is completely right.

Subtlety was left with your coat at the door.
I'd expect nothing less from a party-hopping *****.
I've no place to judge if promiscuity be your choice.
But it's the same decision that makes my friends rejoice.

Your claws sink in to the first bro you see.
Tonight he is everything you want him to be.
Muscular, tall, and a great head of hair.
You hardly notice him pretend to care.

You leave the party and end up at his place.
His pretentious lines cause a smile on your face.
Then he brings his mouth close to your lips.
Not the ones on your face but those between your hips.

As you lay in his bed, your hair quite the mess.
The words you uttered for those to bless.
You ask yourself if there's anything better.
Than being a mark on his varsity letter.
  Aug 2014 stargirl
you used to love the taste of my name on your tongue,
until summer rolled around and your taste buds changed.
my mouth still waters.
  Aug 2014 stargirl
You remind me
of months of loneliness;
an ache I held dearly
between the crooked ribs of my memory.

Cracked open, I could find you nestled,
shrouded in hazel locks.
Your lungs breathless in awe,
bones and dead tissue.

I watch the freckles on your skin evaporate,
dissipate, evade my glance.
You remind me of loss, love and heartbreak;
4:08am, August 4th 2014

I don't think I'll ever understand the phrase "let it go". Every moment of the past defines you. How could anyone be so foolish to forget that?
I do not believe morality exists as a scale. Benevolent acts do not resolve you of the malevolent. They both exist independent of one another. No matter how much good you do, you will have still done the bad.
The spiteful acts of my past drive me to become a better person. I may be a changed man now, but I'll never let that past cruelty out of my sight. It has defined me, and it will continue to define me.
  Aug 2014 stargirl
Silent Thoughts
I wish I could go back to before I had felt love
The deep insatiable longing
A hole that could only be filled by another person
The certainty of a better emotion

Now I know that finding love does not fill holes
Sometimes it makes more of them
And I feel emptier than I did before
Because I know that I have to fill them

But I’m not sure with what
  Jun 2014 stargirl
if i took a spider egg and put it in a cage all alone, would the spider react all on its own?
would the spider know how to get food by himself, or would the spider need help, just like you or myself?
could the spider make his own web? or would he need a teacher?
would the spider be nice? or just become evil?
could a spider live on its own? without having a home?
im guessing the spider isnt that different from you?
but then again the spider didn’t work all on its own
i put it in a cage for him to be all alone
he needed the help like you and myself
he couldn’t make his own web, no one taught him he was alone by himself
a spider is just like you and i
he needs a little help to get by
people overestimate things we can do all alone
we are just like spiders we need a real home
look at your friends with open minds
and accept them with flaws on there sides
some spiders are like humans they dont always have a home
but with help from each other they dont have to be all alone.
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