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 Jun 2014 Spt
O'er the seas
 Jun 2014 Spt

O’er the seas this angel wishes
Windswept dreams and blowing kisses
Breakfast tides awake the shore
Ever loving, ever pure
Oceans green and aqua blues
Tinted morning shimmered hues
A wisp O’ wind doth touch her hair
Of tapered breezes for to share
Upon her vessel pearly white
Is born the beauty of her sight
So calm at peace and rest allure
Wonders cast from sculpted shore
Adrift to catch a sunny day
Amongst the waters she doth play
O’ eyes of brown and skin divine
To call this perfect angel mine
I stand the beach in searching of
That soon my heart shall find her love
As rippled waters bide their time
Of deep expanse O’ natures wine
To sail these waters castaway
I fall upon my knees and pray
This angel sweet atop the sea
Shall find her way to only me
Find this day as it does smile
For lone she waits in precious style
Of shelled delight and smooth of wake
To bring within my heart to take
The song of coastal oceans main
I long to wet her kiss again
And o’er this dream it can bestow
To sail within her wings once more
 Jun 2014 Spt
 Jun 2014 Spt
It's Friday the 13th.
To night we will see a full moon...
Lifes a mess but "what's new!!"
Just waiting on someone real to come through..
Someone who knows how to ride true..
I know I'm a queen to be...
Just looking for my king..
 Jun 2014 Spt
2 men,
that's it.
2 men
have known me,
inside, they fit.

Doped out
of my mind;
it's hard to recall.
Bits and pieces,
flashes of memory.
I was a living rag doll.

Barely breathing,
he takes me from behind.
Pulls my hair,
and says,
"I'm gonna make you mine!"

I think it happened
three times,
but who really knows?
When your brain's
as high as mine goes.

I can't call it ****,
I was a willing participant.
Numb to the bones,
so with it I went.

When it all fell apart;
my secrets exposed,
he wrote me something
that was no longer prose.

His words were razor blades,
slicing the skin with ease.
I kept myself in my own prison;
over, my heart began to freeze.

"A willing **** victim",
is what he called me.
Sick to my stomach
for allowing him in,
I lay my head on the pillow
to cry for a 5 year old sin.
Inspired by the most hurtful words ever uttered to me. Written before I could accept that this man had indeed ***** me.
 Jun 2014 Spt
Tate Morgan
The Reaper
 Jun 2014 Spt
Tate Morgan
I stopped to see my father today
as he lay on his third deathbed
The Reaper visited two times before
but my father refused to play dead

"Son he said. Come sit with me
for I feel it my duty to tell
It's not that I have found Heaven
but more over I didn't find Hell"

I suppose when a man nears his end
he fears for his immortal soul
My father thought the sins of his youth
would reap him a horrible toll

To all of us who have known success
from labors and pains endured
It isn't the end that fills our hearts
it's by the journey that we are cured

For a man knows nothing if not that
as he learns from life's long way
Through troubles faced and overcome
strength and character grows each day

It doesn't matter which God you believe
nor which Heaven your bus runs to
Grow your faith in your fellow man
and perhaps he can go there too

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. Mark Twain
The original poem with music and pictures
Out from the black of eternal night shone a ray of light!
 Jun 2014 Spt
r l
I can't make you love me,
I want you to love me because you love me
Not just because I love you 

But unrequited love is the only love I've ever known

And I've sorta given up on the idea, 
on the chance of having anything else
Stereotypical teenage poem. I don't even know. Suggestions? :)
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