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 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
Life ain't so funny when you ain't got
   that honey feeling deep inside
You had it once when you were very
    young (when you were little)
When you were close to the Source
Close to your god and your Mom
That lovely sweet ambrosia feeling
It used waft through your being
Its various colours lighting you up
Like a veritable Christmas tree
Made you feel real special, made you
   feel so alive
Made you feel that Life was
   something amazing
An incredible ride.

But that was then, and this... this is
Seems almost like a lifetime ago
Like some myth or legend
Lost way in the mists of Time,
Been so long since I had that feeling,
You begin to wonder was there ever
   such a place
Did it ever really exist at all.

The World it offers you sweets and
Their nice but they don't last, their
   over too fast
And they only remind you of what
   you've lost
(And yea, you can eat that sugar but
   it'll only **** you brother
It ain't the same and it ain't what
   you're looking for).

Inside there's just this great big hole
That you try and fill with anything
Eating too much, drinking too much
(You don't know when to stop, and
   even then, it's never enough)
Working as well... too much! staring,
Staring at the TV (the almighty TV),
And pretending...yea, pretending your
If only they knew these smiles of
   mine, their not true
And these words, their all hollow too,
There's nothing here in me, I... I'm

Each day is just another desert to
Another desert to roam
Lying sprawled out on the sofa in
   front of the TV, stupified and
You think to yourself, "there was a sweetness once, wherever did it go".
A bit gloomy this but there it is. I don't know if this will register with anyone. I'm working on an antidote poem LOL.
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
I can feel it in the air
tonight, a sadness
that’s better than love
dressed in the wind
ready to go anywhere
looking good in black
cold night of the flesh
a hunger for another
kind of paradise, there
are worse things to die for
on long nights like these.
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
Your love is pure, your heart is true
And every time I look at you
I tell you that I love you too
All you want is to be near
My dear friend, I feel the same
The look you give me, those big brown eyes
Are a blessing in disguise
I wish I knew what you are thinking
But instead you will just lick me
We play a game of "Bite the hand"
And then I give you a command
Your brows go up, you are confused
That scene just makes me so amused
I rub your ears, give you a kiss
You lie down near me in a bliss
You fall asleep but still alert
In case your nose smells a dessert
It's not that time, you need to sleep
Recharge for next day's little treat
You are the purest soul I know
My furry friend, most loyal creature in the world.
Velvety sunshine
Fields of golden marigolds
Chasing cirrus clouds

While on a road journey to hometown!! :)
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
When the sky is shrouded
with darkness of expectation,
When the day is filled with
screams and abuses.

There comes the night
where misty eyes caress
the sleeping soul with immense love
depicting that, in the midst of darkness
of anger and frustration,
resides pure love which
still lingers around to keep the bond
strong enough and not to let it falter
 Oct 2019 Sourodeep
oh sweet moon-milk of mine
soft crescent (swift faded
honey-pink curling  now
lie down.
oh blushing beautiful lovely
boy-doll waning cheeks
feed up, love.
caressed smooth marble skin
slow down
luna lit cherubic boy of mine
perfect cupid arrow
i literally wrote this for jimin so uh yeah...
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