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The world's on fire, peace is extinct
Look how fragile peaceful minds can get
All hostile minds are having a ball right now.
It's like peace got embellished in chaos.
Where's peace at, what happened to her?
Regional, global local, peace is in short supply.
This is the renaissance of a new world order
Where partial peace coexists with total chaos
People only search Google for mostly facts
Not for solutions to some distorted peace

What is peace then, how can it be?
Just a routine rhetorical question
Coming from the disturbed mind in me
Listen, One-minute partial peace
Bang, another minute total chaos!
Nowadays, Instability everywhere is commonplace
As unscripted hate rhetoric freely echos,
From jihadic podiums to confused minds.
The conspicuous birthplace of premeditated evil.
The mind, soft spots of those totally confused
Call it the hotspots and playground for the devil.
I, the skeptic, to say the very least,
See this quiet storm as a distorted peace!

twitter @ivaclappers
Peace is going extinct ..
It hurts when you look others
But no one looks you back
It hurts when you care others
But no one cares you back,
It hurts when you love others
But no one loves you back,
It hurts after you know that
Whatever things you are doing for others
Aren't going to be valued and appreciated
Is useless to do, But still, you do
Because you are not same to them
You are different,
That's why you are you,
A true exquisite pure life.
Do you relate to me?.
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan

"We're destined together"
Words loosely, and yet famously said
We choose a collective destiny
Have we forgotten that our individual purposes
Intend for us, destinies, uniquely?
It's highly probable we're not forgetting individual destiny,
But what have we considered?
Is it that we're going to fuse our individualities
And embrace a collective destiny?
Or is it that we're going to dare ourselves
And rise up above our diverse purposes?
The latter, does it, in any way
Make us be destined together?
What is the destiny of mankind
United in promise and vow?
If our destiny isn't our only Creator!
What is the destiny of mankind
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
Literature – (Lit-rate-you’re)

>> Lit
From the deepest masculine roar resounding from the podium
To the sweetest melody coming from the queen right on his right
The animated crowds that zealously keep their eager ear rightly open
With one accord, though silently in their now alright hearts, they say
It was lit. It was lit!
For, the valley, however dark
The mountain, however high
There are the birds, and however small or big
Fierce or friendly, they accordingly sing their songs in due time
The fierce lions will bow their brown fur
The friendly sheep scratch their white fur
With one accord, although diverse in their nature, they agree
It was lit. Lit, it was lit!

>> _rate

The astonished crowds turn their heads around, their souls wander
They think they are finally hearing the sounds from the heavens of wonder
Their minds perish into the podium where wonder ponds are nurtured
They cannot believe rhymes and tunes from the heavens can come just so naturally
Their faces stunned, their mouths agape, there, their reflections through each other
It is the reflections from their souls, because they realize they are one in nature
At a rate of knots, with one accord, though diverse they realize their true natural definition
They are all defined by the same, non-diverse, literary principle, and all bound by the same art
Although lost within the words, their souls are rated the most natural, pure, original and sane
For, the voice, however deep or sweet
The rhyme, however rhythmic or jumpy
Literature in poetry, rates our souls to a state perfect even without definition
She is first rate art! She first rates our souls!

>> _you’re
Individuals’ souls separately rolled back in time
They are taken aback when they realize what has truly brought them to this time
Unapologetic irresistible nostalgic waves drift them back to their diverse melancholies
Their pre-time situations so tragic, their hearts break at the sound of their diverse sad melodies
Struggling for strength they are drowning in shadows of their universes
All they want is just one breath above the surface of the waves that swallow them
They tend to forget even the waves speeding above them possess some poetry
Behold, whether above or beneath, you’re there to carry them to life
Life that never really has to matter, whether dark or bright
For, however the tribulation, you find and you’re found
However the jubilation, you find and you’re found
For to the rejoicing and to the perishing, there, you are
You are! And you are!
YOU’RE a LIT first RATE art!!!

Mongi C. Nkabindze
A piece of art that illustrates how a torn soul can be saved by just a bundle of words of poetry
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
I’m just a dreamer

Sometimes, deep in the dead of the quiet nights
I have laid down my deep old plans quietly like the dead
Visions of that which is ought to be creep in, sneakily
Like a thief in the night they sneak into my quiet sleep
I’m clueless I’m just a thief stealing from beyond the steep
As I realize I’m already at the crack of dawn
I realize I cannot let my night’s vision down
I battle between pulling my visions to this time
Or dragging my being to the time of my vision
One way or another, the visual becomes clearer
I kick yesterday’s old, aching and tired corpse out of me
And I breathe in a new determination into me
I begin to make that which is ought to be, be
People begin to call me a genius
O, dear you people, I’m just a dreamer!
A visionary who sees visions
I’m not even sure if my visions will wake me to reality
Any day now
And any night, for now,
I’m just a dreamer!

Mongi C. Nkabindze
Having one huge dream in your life, that you keep chasing. You're direly eager to see it transform into reality. But you end up thinking, maybe it's literally supposed to remain a dream
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
In the back lands
Of desperation
Where wayward spirits
Are swept away
I go there when I grow weary
We all get lost and rearranged
Traveler Tim
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