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soph Jul 2018
Life in the concrete jungle
So busy
So cluttered
Streets and cars and flashing lights
The chaos makes my head throb
Walking down the bustling street
Something in me begs for a slow stroll
I push the urge back down
It’s not appropriate here
As the workers pace by me
Quickly approaching their destinations
I think about a future like that
And feel disgusted
Though it’s not right
Though it’s not acceptable
I need something different
One step in a new direction
Strolling where the path is not paved
I feel a sense of peace
Though others say no
I say yes
And continue
In the distance
I see a pop of color
Before my brain can even process
My feet move towards it
A flower
The most gorgeous being I had ever seen
Delicate petals gracefully moving in the breeze
Its sweet smell filled my senses with delight
Something about this flower drew me in
Nothing else mattered but this flower
Not the angry businessmen
Not the opinions of others
Just this flower
For the first time in forever
I felt true peace
Once my eyes finally tore away from the exquisite flower
I saw in the distance
Lots of flowers like this one
In a lush green field
I raced towards this field
I tumbled into the soft grass
In the company of the flowers
My smile grew on my face
A laugh escaped my lips
I didn’t need to go back to the city
I didn’t need to pace through the streets
Looking for some office job
I was where I belonged
I could stay in the flower field forever
How amazing!
Though some would call me silly
Though some would say I would find my place in the city eventually
I wouldn’t listen
I couldn’t care
I loved the flowers
And the flowers loved me
I was home at last
hi sorry for that little hiatus I misplaced my brain and my creative inspiration

this is a fun game called Spot the Meaning in the Weird Abstract Metaphor
soph Jun 2018
I lay awake in bed at night
And ponder the “what-ifs”
If one little detail changed in the past
The present would be altered drastically
What if I stayed friends with that person?
What if I said yes to that opportunity?
What if I held my tongue in that moment?
I also think about possibilities of the future
If I was suddenly cured
If I died tomorrow
How the world would be impacted
I dwell on this too often
Concentrating on details I cannot change
If only I could focus on my current impact
If that altered detail changed the present that much
Imagine how my actions now impact the future
late night thoughts amirite

I haven’t been posting poetry as often because I am Insecure™️ but whatever hdhdhdjd
soph Jun 2018
Father’s Day is here
A holiday I tend to dread
Scrolling through social media
Seeing so many great fathers
Feeling a bit like an outcast
A stranger to me
Gave me half my DNA
And nothing else
Mentally a child
It would feel wrong
To post the sappy picture
Write the sappy caption
Pretend there’s a deep relationship there
Father’s Day
Always unconventional for me
I celebrate my mom
Playing both parental roles
I celebrate my grandpa
Always showing me parent-like love
I celebrate my Heavenly Father
Who loves me more than anyone else
Father’s Day is isolating
But at least I have someone to love
Someone to celebrate
I don’t open up about this part of my life that much but yeah Father’s Day is stupid I am my own dad *finger guns*
soph Jun 2018
I hear all the time
People saying to me
“You’re so brave”
Am I?
I don’t feel like I am
People say I’m brave
For facing THEIR fears
Speaking in public
Holding snakes
Being constantly poked with needles
These things aren’t frightening to me
So I don’t feel brave
I hold a lot of fears in my heart
Some more trivial than others
My insecurities play into my fears
Holding me back
Keeping me from fully experiencing life
I don’t climb too high
I don’t initiate that conversation
Because I’m afraid
So I don’t feel brave
Somewhere out there
Possibly in an alternate universe
Someone thrives on my fears
Loves to do the things that scare me most
But fears the activities I find commonplace
Are they brave?
Am I brave?
this starts out weird and only gets weirder enjoy
soph Jun 2018
The lights fade
Rain begins to pour
Time to go home
Back to reality
After days in a euphoric state
Loving and praising and singing and learning
Time to go home
Back to reality
Immediately thrown back
Into test results and doctors
My heart aches for what I just left behind
Great learning
Pure fun
No stress
Time to go home
Back to reality
I got back from my church conference today and my mom immediately started going on a rant about my rheumatologist being annoying and ugh I just really miss the few days away from my health problems
soph Jun 2018
My mind is always running
Always filled
With all kinds of thoughts
I try to focus
I try to lean in
My mind wanders off
Frustration sets in
During a time of intense worship
Where does my mind go?
Old memories
Poem ideas
Empty wishes
People I wish would talk to me more often
It’s annoying
It’s dumb
It makes me feel inferior
When I want to concentrate
But distractions take control
I’m at an amazing church conference this week and I’ve been so frustrated by how easily I get distracted!! maybe it’s ~gEn Z pHoNe cULtUrE~ that has made me unable to focus... or undiagnosed ADD who knows hdhdhsjsjs
soph Jun 2018
I feel like I’m on one side
Of a glass wall
The rest of my world
Is on the other
We can communicate
If we try really
It is exhausting
“Why don’t you just break the glass?”
Easier said than done
When the other side
Has all of the tools
“We’ll break the glass for you!”
The rocks you will use
To break the glass
Will break me too
You don’t understand
What it’s like
To be on the other side
Of the glass
this is a weird metaphor that can actually apply to several aspects of my life (though it was initially written about one) so interpret it however you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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