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The best part of waking up?
To see your smile before my eyes
Like the sun in the clear blue sky
 Sep 2017 Sophie Hartl

“It was fun while it lasted” they said

“It was painful when it ended” was my reply.
I know right...
Everyone tells you to never give up your dreams
But I am one of those dropouts
Of that philosophy it seems
I used to repeat that inspiration in my head as I drew
Pictures and pictures of things I decided were not good
At least not good enough to achieve my perfect future Where everyone is in awe of my work
And gushes about me over and over

I decided that my paintings would have to remain in the garbage
Where I believed they deserved to be
Because I had a shortage
Of belief in me
And what I thought I could be
I need money to survive
So I'll give up what I love
For a life of financial consistency

But whether or not my dreams ever come to fruition
I'm going to say what everyone else did
And tell my children and grandchildren
To never give up their dreams
While I throw away my last paintings and drawings in the trash
I pray that they will get what I never had
A dream that came true
And a job they love to do
Many people in this world give up on their dreams because they don't believe in themselves, and some people give up so they can live a comfortable life. Sadly, I believe I will be one of them as well.
as we
our hands

like a
cradle to
the sky,

a slight shift
of foot and
the landscape
as the blue
seas of the

the tide
strides to
the open shore,
wind in her
salt on her

every step
decadent and

every sip of the
wind an icy

and the sky
hangs like
a pendulum
in an old

calling out
crazy minutes,

i stand next to you,
knock on the door
of the airy sea
stare out,

curve like
an echo in a

a handwritten
poem, carved
out of air

while you,
boy of dream,
kiss me like
a wild sea,
restring the
broken violin
of my heart.
Not sure if I know what I know or even if I know what I know that you know, you know that what you know you know but do you know what I don't know or do know?

I'm lost, how are you doing, do you know?
My queen...

O my sweet dear queen...

to you i am writing...

my pen penning my feelings to you...

trying to let you know how much i miss you...

my queen...

wish you know, how much feelings i hold inside...

wish you feel my honest love which i keep into my heart...

wish you know, how i feel just when i see you...

O my queen...

wish you know...

no one lived into my hearts' land...

no one has a rights to think about...

no one lived into my dreams...

no one shared me my loneliness...

no one touched the sensitive part into my heart...

only you...

the only one who owned the mind and the heart...

owned my heart...

and become my queen...

O my queen...

sweet lovely queen...

please come be more close to me...

come and look into my eyes...

come and see the frame into my eyes...

its your picture into that frame...

drew into there from a long age...

and written around your picture...

i love you...

O my queen...

to you i am writing a meanings embodied by my soul...

and written through my breathes...

and sent to you through my longings' breeze...

chose you and called you...

to house forever your heart...

my sweet lovely queen...

my beautiful amazing tune...

and the address to my life...

you are my world which i always dive in...

from my missing seas...

sending you my perfumed warm lovely longings...

reminding you...

about this love...

about your lover...

that lover who holds you always into his heart...

dears lovely readers...

did you know now, who is my queen...

who is my sweetheart...

tomorrow or after tomorrow...

she will talk by herself to you all...

to tell you about her lover...

about me...

by :  hazem al jaber ...
 Mar 2017 Sophie Hartl
I hurt myself because if I deviate from the scheduled pattern set for me, I'll go insane.
The only problem is that I can't always expect the pain to come from an exterior source.
Especially when I'm happy half the time.
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