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Daisy Fields Dec 2014
would you like to come over and get drunk?
and talk about feelings and cry about life.
we can share our greatest dreams, and our biggest fears.
i could tell you about how much i love my friends,
or how much i need someone close,
and how i fear falling in love again.
i could tell you about how i love people a little too much,
and want to constantly write poetry about every beautiful thing that i see.
we could talk about the irreplaceable, unconditional love our pets give us,
or how magnificent the sky looks as it transforms into a new day.
i could tell you about how destructive to myself i am,
and how i so recklessly wear my heart on my sleeve,
hoping that you will you see,
and understand some part of me.
what would you see...
what you you say...
what would you show..
and after you know...
would you still wanna go...
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
i hope that you find the inspiration to truly live & love without restraint (if you haven't already).
i hope that you find what lights up your soul & i hope that you share that light with everyone that you meet, to then inspire them to look within too.
i hope that you re-connect with nature in all it's glory, with yourself in all your radiance, and with others in all their beauty.
every day the earth & all it's inhabitants become more & more beautiful & meaningful to me.
i hope that you love yourself, as much as i love you.
i hope you can see the infinite potential & beauty that you harbor.
i see your imperfections.. and that's what makes you perfect to me.
& just remember that you can never truly love other people or the earth until you have learned to love yourself.
people will treat you however you allow them to, and we accept the love we think we deserve.
true, meaningful, happiness & stimulation comes from enjoying what's natural & alive, & not whats manufactured and material.
i only wish the best for you , in everything you choose to do, i'm rooting for you.
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
my ideal lover...
values the power of words
see's the hidden meanings
in my writings
becomes the flaunting beauty
in my writings
& becomes my enigma muse

my ideal lover...
can savour all the sweet nothings
i whisper through their lips
without getting a toothache
and with every move they make
with every stride they take
it has so much grace
it brings a tear to your face

you could write an endless song
of their endless beauty
of their every action
woven with pure intent
of their every thought
laced in innocence

my ideal lover...
will let me love them out loud
let's me be bashful and proud
let's me scream love sonnets
off roof tops
or whisper it
in coffee shops
they'll never get bored
of the words I bleed
because it's what their eyes
were made to see
it's what their heart
has craved to read
it's what there soul
was born to be
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
if i shall die today

i will have lived a thousand lifetimes of happy bliss

contained within that single passing moment 

of unspoken, unending, beauty.

that moment 

when our eyes first met 

across that ocean of blurred lights and faces 

and i stood there

with my naked soul

heart like a humming bird

suspended in time.

that moment 

when everything fell into place

and simultaneously all fell away

and i stood there

lost in the reality 

of your breathtaking existence.

was i at all born before that day

that moment, that face
that brought life to theses bones

breath to these lungs

words to this paper

and reason to this old and weary soul.

yes if i shall die today

i will have lived a thousand times more 

then any one who has ever died before

for i have danced in your grace 

long enough to know, to not fear fate.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
if i shall die today

i will have lived a thousand lifetimes of happy bliss

contained within that single passing moment 

of unspoken, unending, beauty.

that moment 

when our eyes first met 

across that ocean of blurred lights and faces 

and i stood there

with my naked soul

heart like a humming bird

suspended in time.

that moment 

when everything fell into place

and simultaneously all fell away

and i stood there

lost in the reality 

of your breathtaking existence.

was i at all born before that day

that moment, that face
that brought life to theses bones

breath to these lungs

words to this paper

and reason to this old and weary soul.

yes if i shall die today

i will have lived a thousand times more 

then any one who has ever died before

for i have danced in your grace 

long enough to know, to not fear fate.
Daisy Fields Feb 2016
if you can see this
then see me
if you can hear this
then hear me
if you can feel this
then feel me
why do you need to be on guard
why does it have to be so hard
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
i had you
but i lost you
i had you
but i tossed you
i had you
but i fought you
and for what
for what
tell me what's the point
if when you find something real
you don't know how to deal
your just scared of how you feel
so you run for you life
and miss out on the chance
to be with this person
in a whirlwind romance
and you'll always think back
to the one that got away
to your foolish mistake
it will keep you awake
if you only had the heart
if you only had the means
to follow your bliss
to pursue your dreams
but that ship has sailed
the anchors pulled in
and maybe one day
you'll cross paths again
and maybe the next time
you will have the guts
to just take the leap
no if's, and's or but's
and now your staring at him
with someone els in your head
he'll never be him
and you'd rather be dead
then to keep on living
a life that's a lie
but it's all your fault
your decisions are why
you're here in the first place
with the wrong man for you
when you once had the right one
and what did you do
you gave it all up
when the going got tough
and he was the only one
who made you feel like enough
just as you are
he saw what most don't see
he took it all in
he let it all bleed
he was my soul mate
he was my best friend
and nobody's come close
to ever understand
the way that i think
and the way that i feel
and i don't think i'll ever
find something so real
so all i can do
is stay here and deal
and just do my best
to move on and heal
i had you
but i lost you
i had you
but i tossed you
i had you
but i fought you
and for what
for what?!
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
I know no other way to live than in love.

I know no other way to feel than with passion.

I know no other way to give than unconditionally.

I know no other way to see than with understanding.

I know no other way to speak than in honesty.

I know no other way to think than mindfully.

I know no other way to move than with grace.

I know no other way to learn than through embracing.

I have no other way to listen than with compassion.

I have no other way to lust than loyally.

I know no other way to love than endlessly.

I know no other way to touch than tenderly.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
i love you for all of the words you just spoke.
because you make me believe every word that you wrote.
i love you because you show me the love i've always searched for.
i love you because you feel like a beautiful adventure to me.
i love you because in my eyes, you out shine the sun.
i love you because you make me feel so rich in happiness & love.
i love you because your make me feel more alive & infinite then anyone i've ever met.
i love you because your genuineness is captivating & timeless.
i love you because your soul & my soul, they go way back.
i love you because you know me, you get me, & you love me because of that.
i love you because you are my fire, my earth & my heart.
i love you because i feel you in everything.
i love you because you are so far away, yet i know you are with me.
i love you because sometimes i can feel you more then i feel myself.
i love you because i see nobody els.
i love you because i know you will never bring me down, because you uplift me, & you'll soar with me.
i love you because of how easy it is to think up reasons why i love you.
because every thought you think, every word you speak, ever thing you do, is a new reason to love you.
i love you because everything you do is love, everything you are is love.
i love you because it feels more natural to me then anything els iv'e ever done.
i love you because you are everything i want, & everything i need.
i love you because you will let me be free,
because you love me free & because you love to be free to.
we will love all freely & infinitely
we will heal all freely & infinity
and we will love and heal each other, freely & infinitely.
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
in a world made of heart,
but sorely lacking in love,
i fill myself with passions sweet grace
to bring the sun out from its place
where it hides beneath your face
of lost loves and past pains
of heartache and mistakes
& there I will find you
broken and bold
needing something to hold
and I will be that something
and you will never be told
by another soul
how you look in the light
of unconditional love
hold tight, it's alright.
let me lift you above
feel your heart taking flight
that you thought didn't work
but it did, and it does
and I am what it deserves.
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
My brain is constantly dissecting & rearranging words.
Thinking up rhymes & synonyms & puns for things.
Switching letters around to form different sounds or taking 2 words and fusing them together to create a new super word.
Just constantly breaking them down and moving them around and analyzing all the things I can do with them and ways I can use them.
It never stops it's just how my brain is wired, especially when I'm feeling inspired.
It feels like I have a thesaurus, a dictionary, a joke book, a rhyme generator, a half finished poem and a game a scrabble opened & operating at all times haha.
The ol thought factory's been workin overtime and late nights lately.
Daisy Fields Feb 2016
I saw you
& it was as if someone had finally pressed play on the movie that is my life
as if someone had finally turned on all the lights in my soul
as if someone had finally silenced all the chatter in my head
as if someone had finally cleaned off the dust on my heart

I saw you
& i knew that you were the person I had been waiting for
that you were the reason nobody else had ever remained
that you were going to be the beginning & the end of everything that I am
& I wouldn't have it any other way

because I've never felt so close to the sun
i've never felt so completely undone
then in that moment when
I saw you
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
i search for a love that looks like a crusade of fireworks
staged in a sky that is blanketed by stars
i search for a love that smells like the spring rain
after it collides with flower petals & window panes
i search for a love that feels like a warm cup of tea after a long day
that warms your skin & bones, to soothe your tired soul
i search for a love that has your rugged hands
and your alluring eyes
and your endearing lips
that are stained with wine
i search for you
because i want you
all of the time
i want you
but who knows
if i'll ever really find you..
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
and i will run outta breath
before i run outta love
i can't be stopped by death
because i came from above
and i will run outta time
before i run outta faith
cause i can only see soul
when i look at your face
Daisy Fields Apr 2016
sometimes I just feel so ******* alive.
beautifully, painfully, ravenously & irreversibly alive..
exploding at the seems of my skin with unstoppable energy & will & plans.
other times I just feel so ******* dead...
numb to the bone with no one and nowhere to call home.
emotionless, humourless, directionless, & defeated.
and you never know what way it'll go,
which side will show..
it's a show, i'm a show.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
this is how i see it..

you can look at everything from the perspective of good & bad or you can see all of it as experience, as growth, & as guidance.

everything that we experience has the power to be helpful, positive, or beneficial for us.

we just need to open our hearts, & our minds.

we must accept things for what they are & have faith in the glorious universe.

all that Gaia knows to give, is love.

& i believe that everything we experience is done out of love for us.

it is done to guide us somewhere or teach us something that is important to our being and our evolutionary journey.
even at times when we may not be able to see or understand our destiny ourselves.

Gaia will provide us with all the tools and lessons that we need to be happy and free.

we just need to learn to be more open and receptive.

to make the best of everything, 
to look for the good first, & to see the meaning, the beauty, the lesson, the humanity in all.

pay close attention, look deep within the heart of all matters, & never be afraid to feel the love or the pain that you hold, or that anyone one els in this world holds.

feel it together, & heal it together.

one beautiful love.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
sometimes it's hard to express your pain when almost everyone in your life expects you to always be positive & upbeat.
you don't want to let anyone down, you wanna be there for them,
& provide all with love and good vibes,
but in doing so you let down yourself & neglect your own feelings.
if you couldn't tell i haven't been doing so well lately..
in sacrificing my happiness for others I have trapped & tied down my spirit.
& by refusing to deal with my own emotions I am slowly building a fate fit for a time bomb.
instead of letting it all out & facing my pain.
I've been tryin to counter/reverse things by taking in as much as I can.
I've been over doing everything,
over eating, spending, sleeping smoking.
constant consumption,
trying to hide & distract myself from my pain.
trying to make myself feel better without having to actually deal with my feelings.
I need the strength to overcome my obstacles but I can't seem to find it right now : (
& why am I sharing this?
because I'm hurting,
because I'm human,
& because its nice just to be heard.
despite what you may think I still have my bad times, my failures, my sadness.
I still feel the same, we all feel the same.
if it hurts you, it hurts me too.
the reason I've been avoiding my feelings is because I know how much it's gonna hurt when I finally do face them & I'm honestly not ready..
I'm not use to carrying so much pain & sadness.
I now realize though that by living the way I have been I am just adding to the chaos & confusion that is currently my life.
I feel disconnected from myself and the earth because I've been ignoring both.
and I find myself doing things and thinking things I normally wouldn't.
things that I know aren't helping me any.
by playing this full time act i am leaving myself broke, tired, unhealthy & unfocused which does not help me in overcoming my deeper issues.
I just need to breathe, i need to be brave, & i need to start listening to myself.
I've always tried to live from my heart but lately I've spent no time there at all.
I've been hiding out in my mind trying to ignore the state of my heart,
but now even my mind has turned into a chaotic mess & there's no where left to hide.
Daisy Fields May 2016
what am i doing here
and with myself
does it seem like i know
because i don't
i'm just as lost as you are
just as reckless
as scared
as confused
as doubtful
as you are
if not more
i just know how to keep my cool
i just know how to brush it off
better than most
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
sometimes i will get real quiet,
and just let myself be.
i'll feel & observe,
the changing & exchanging of energies,
around & within me.

sometimes i am left speechless & in awe,
at the infinite potential & divine beauty,
in everyone & everything.
i just want to be still & enjoy it.

take it in.
embrace it.
& just be.
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
don't tell me how to look
don't tell me how to live
you could count with just one hand
the amount of ***** i give
i don't exist for you
but i do exist for me
so don't tell me who i am
cause i'm who i want to be
Daisy Fields Mar 2015
kiss me under the stars
we will hold tight
in the moon's light

kiss me under the sheets
in the morning time
bathed in sunrise

kiss me under the trees
as the leaves fall
and my breath stalls

kiss me under city lights
as the world cheers
we are born here
Daisy Fields Jun 2015
please don't tell me
how to feel
I'm tryin my hardest
to keep it real
please don't tell me
who I can love
what gives you the notion
that you are above
let me love,
& let me live
let me give
all that I have to give
I wanna learn
all that there is
I wanna dance
in natures winds
If I don't fall fast
then I don't fall
I want a whirlwind of life
Or nothing at all
I don't wanna be bland
I wanna dress for the ball
Have a blast
Make things last
Wear my life proud and tall
And my heart on my sleeve
Always waiting to be taken
Because life's for takin chances
And here it is in the making
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
the whirlwind
the uncertainty
the madness
but the passion
oh the passion
to survive it
to make the most of it
to make the most of ourselves
it is thriving and well
but you know don't you
that you are already everything
you have yet to become
you are an empty vessel
of opportunity & potential
waiting to be discovered & explored
a treasure chest
of characters & stories
waiting to be played out
you are manifesting the manual
and you are not just one thing
you are all things
you are the writer &the; director
the actor & the audience
the set & the stage
you are the creator & the creation
a magnificent magician
with an endless imagination
Daisy Fields Mar 2015
people arrive in our lives
like lightening bolts from the sky
striking us as they ride
shooting sparks up our spine
they're electrifying
make you feel like your flying
they're all that you want
but your so scared of trying
cause your hearts still in hiding
from the last time it stormed
it was left in cold
but it wants to be warm
and there's a light in his eyes
that just comes alive
when they meet up with mine
and i could probably just die
right where i am
right in his grace
and the last thing i'll see
is that magnificent face
and that would be okay
but it scares me to think
that i'm falling so fast
can you pour me a drink
now i know it may seem
i'm all over the place
but i can't process life
when my heart starts to race
and i can't dance my best
when my knees start to shake
but i want to impress you
cause your heart i must take
and i can't help but wonder
if you care just as much
do you get hot & bothered
at the feel of my touch
do you think it is risky
if i finish this whiskey
i might stay the whole night
tryin to get you to kiss me
do you know that i want
to give you the world
and all i ask in return
is that you make me your girl
as the hours do thin
my bravery does thicken
me palms become moist
my sentences quicken
i've been watching you now
for just long enough
to gather the courage
to show you my love
and i hope you don't run
cause i'm finally dry
from the last lightening storm
and the tears that i cried.
Daisy Fields May 2016
she dressed like the summer time
and tasted like sweet wine
**** she was so fine
i just gotta make her mine
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
they want us all to be so distracted and focused on these personal plights of ours.
romantic, religious, financial, fame, that we miss out on the true point of life.
which is to just be.
to take this life, live it, and love it.
simply & sweetly, savoring every moment for what it is.
we're so busy looking for answers, or seeking validation for our existence, and for what?
i dont really think there is a specific reason we came to be.
i think we just happened, the most beautiful of accidents and surprises that's ever come to be in the universe.
why waste time figuring it out,  just enjoy yourself for **** sake, while we're still here!
we need to all be babies again.
fresh/open minded, not trying to be anyone , living day by day, moment to moment, wide eyed and in awe of it all.. enjoying.. learning.. no plans.. not plights.. just basic needs, food, sleep, & love, exploring the world, taking it all in with no ego and no judgments.
would be lovely wouldn't it.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
every day is a party.
a chance to seize the day.
a clean slate, to change fate.
an opportunity to rejoice and celebrate life,
& the amazing chance that you got to live one!
why not smile about it, why not dance about it?
hell, let's all make sweet romance about it!
this is our time to shinee,
it's time to fly, it's time to fall,
to have a blast, & see it all.
don't waste the most precious & beautiful gifts you were ever given.
your life, your time, & your body.
you've been given a vehicle for your soul to explore in.
the opportunity to be able to exists as more then just energy and soul, but in a physical sense too.
don't waste this experience, this journey, and don't waste yourself.
take nothing for granted, & take care of yourself.
the world is your oyster, and you are the beautiful shining pearl.
Daisy Fields May 2016
the lonely girl
at the empty bar
she's all done up
but feelin so down
her lipstick masks a fake smile
her hair hides her sad eyes
who is she even trying for
she wonders
am i destined to live a life
of self-loathing & self-destruction forever?
she fears
she is the product of a broken heart
and a broken home
and a broken world
& everyone asks to love her
but nobody really knows how
and every time she is left empty
and wanting more outta life
the lonely girl
at the empty bar
she's all done up
but feelin so down
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
love gives life reason
it gives it meaning,
& worth.
it diminishes the pain of being alive.
& makes everything more beautiful.
it makes the world feel limitless,
and it makes you feel infinite.
it makes the nonsense into perfect sense,
& the bad things turn better.
& even though we should already know, it confirms that we are special, and wanted, and needed on this earth.
we have a soul purpose and that is to love and be loved.
love is the ultimate force of creation.
it has the power to bring new life into existence,
the power of gods one might say,
& it lies within us, within our love.
through love and lack there of,
we learn some of the best lessons life has to offer us.
it never asks for anything back,
it is unconditional and completely natural.
people, plants, animals, the universe, we all need love and care to continue living.
and although we all need and desire love,
we hesitate to give and feel it fully.
we are afraid of using it, loosing it, or abusing it.
we fear rejection and the unknown.
but really nothing should be more comforting and familiar to you then the feeling of love.
it's somewhat of a novelty now,
manufactured love,
bought and sold and ready to go.
but money can't by love, nobody can.
it's only real if it comes from within.
but people are so guarded to go within is a very difficult task,
we're all wearing these masks.
but if everyone tried,
to listen instead of ignore
to give instead of take
to help instead of hinder or harm
and to love instead of hate
then living wouldn't be so hard.
you should try to positively effect every human you cross paths with.
notice, embrace, and respect the journey they are on.
take the opportunity to learn and experience something or someone  outside of your familiar routine life.
share your love with the world and it will share its love with you.
empty your vessel and you will be refilled with wondrous beauty and enlightenment.
because that's what love is,
it's enlightenment,
for your body, mind, and spirit.
so be love, be hope, & be kindness.
we can love through our blindness.
you be here for me, and Ill be there for you
& the next time we meet we will learn and love together.

'love is everywhere, it has no distance,
all you have to do is stop the resistance.'
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
my love is cursed.
my heart is the worst.

a love so deep nobody could ever understand.
and a heart so big that I can barely stand.

and one day i know i'll be crushed by it all.
and one day i know it will be my downfall.

cause there's not enough room for anything els.
and it seems along the way i've forgotten myself.

swallowed up my need to constantly give.
cause in my head & my heart,
it's the reason i live.
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
don't blame love for your heartache
don't give up on love for hurting you
because love doesn't do that
love wouldn't do that
even if given the chance
even if nobody was watching

"Love is patient, love is kind,
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
& it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails."

i remember hearing that poem and those words
and the undeniable truth within them
people say that love can make someone crazy
but i don't believe it
anything that would make you hurt or crazy
isn't actually love
you just want to believe that it is
and that is okay
we all do
but it's the lust that makes you crazy
it's the need
the jealousy
the dependency
the addiction
that makes you crazy
not love
love will never hurt you
or change you
or work you
love will be the thing
that picks you up off the ground
that lights the way through your darkness
that eases all your worry and sadness
love is just lovely
and it is everything good and pure
in and about this world.

"Love never fails."
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
let me hold you, let me love you.
unconditionally, non traditionally.
i could give you a love that people die for.
a love that the gods of fate would cry for.
the suns love to shine, we would put to shame.
for my soul is a fire, and you are the flames.
i burn for you more passionately then all the stars in the sky.
your my reason to live and my reason to die.
your smile is what anchors me down,
your smile sends me straight to the clouds.
i want to give life to that light in your eyes,
let the friction of flesh slay the pain from inside.
how you shine so divine.
how your beauty leaves me blind.
not another moment can past, without showing you my heart.
its yours for the taking or taring apart.
this honesty's from deep in me,
your name laces the air i breathe.
at dusk you dance through my sweet dreams.
i love you so internally, eternally, i yearn for thee.
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
everything is anything.
morphing, moving, & merging together.
falling deep into flow.
deep into know.
breathing & bleeding energies & essences,
from every spectrum of the rainbow.
discovering & diving into new, unexplainable realms of creation.
so much to think about.
so much to feel for.
it's easy to get swept up in the magic.
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
We should be milking every moment of life with hands of passion and love :)
Making the most of every moment, every encounter, every touch or passing glance.. Because there's no time to be wasted, there's no room for regrets.
This is our chance to be, & to feel.
And to know what's it's like to feel/be alive and loved.
That's not something I take lightly.
I'm gonna do it fully and freely.
I'm gonna revel in this fleeting yet infinite moment that is my life.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
the hustle and bustle
of the morning shuffle
it's just enough
to keep you up
the stations and terminals
are coated
with sleep walkers
and sleep talkers
waiting for the inspiration
to come to life
that they always find
at the bottom
of empty coffee mugs
and tea cups
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
you have my heart
and at any moment
you could run
you could break it
but you won't
instead you hold it
nice and high
up in the sky
so close to the sun
it catches fire
it burns for you
a burning desire
you light me up
like a great idea
we're a great idea
Daisy Fields May 2016
When I see you
I see stars gleam
When I hear you
I hear hearts beats
When I touch you
I feel deep desire
When I taste you
My lips catch fire
Daisy Fields May 2016
Your voice makes me calm
Your hands hold me steady
Your love soothes my soul
And makes me feel ready
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
I need you
more than you'll ever know
& more than I would ever show.
I need the warmth
of your flesh
against mine,
wrapped between
passion stained sheets,
that we silently weave in.
I need that face
that pokes out at me
from beneath,
with that foggy smile
that's greets me like the sun.
I need the way you look at me
like a child looks at the world
for the first time,
wide eyed, and taken.
I need those arms
that hold me
like a broken dove,
carefully caressing
every inch of my pain.
I need the strength that I feel in your love.
The backbone
made of dreams
and plans we've made
that keeps me from being crushed
by the weight of the world
which I so innocently laid on my shoulders.
I need that look in your eye.
The one that kills me,
only to bring me back to life,
and then again to the moon.
I need that smile,
that glowing crescent moon,
that sends me straight to heaven
in a heartbeat.
I need my hands, filled with yours.
I need my heart to be yours.
I need your love to be absorbed,
into my soul through every pore.
Daisy Fields May 2016
I've alway envied those who have artistic talents.
I can't draw or paint for the life of me.
But I find it so very beautiful and I admire it heatedly.
I yearn to be able to make masterpieces so emotion invoking that people weep at their knees.
I want to learn what words they whispers to the colours that make them transform into life .
& In which ways do they caress the page so that every passionate stroke is felt by me when I see it.
One time I looked at a painting so captivating I swear I saw God where the colours collided together.
And all I could do was laugh.
Because it also looked like myself.
And everyone else.
And it showed me something I had never seen before.
In all the colours and shapes and lines, coming together to form a beautiful masterpiece.
Every human being a contributing piece.
I saw it all in it's entirety.
&Ala;; I may never know the rich & deep pleasures of being an artist.
But I can be the artist of my own life.
I can manifest a life so colourful & beautiful that people might ask me for a little piece of it.
So that they can bring it home and hang it on their walls.
To inspire them to be creative & to reach for the paint too.
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
Lately I've felt like I've been watching my life unfold from outside of myself...
I'm trying to stay focused
But underneath I am so lost
My palms are clenched
My gut is wrenched
I am so pained
I am so scared
I am so angry
But I would never admit it
& I wouldn't let a single drop of it touch anyone els but me
Why must I feel so deeply
Why can't I just let go more easily
Why must I crave the tender touch of another so bad it defeats me...
I can't go on like thing for long..
But I know moments like these for me
Are usually just temporary in the grander scheme
But when they come, oh they come
Like the roar of thunder and vicious waves in my heart
And tears the size of saucers
And all I can do is take it in & not let it take me in with it
I hold on to a song or a poem or a friend
Something i know won't let me forget who I am or where I'm going
And eventually I make it through
I find my way back into my body
I can feel myself again
& I hope that time comes soon...
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
Your presence, warms me.
Your hands, they form me.
If I catch your sight,
I may stare forever.
If I held you close,
I may let go never.
The god in me
sees the god in you.
Sees the way you shine,
so divine and true.
Sees what you can be,
and what you can do.
Which is anything
you set your mind to.
When I feel you, I feel love.
A love that takes me high above.
A love that's limitless and free.
A love I know was meant to be.
We are wild and flying high.
& We don't even have to try.
All the world is in our hands.
All the world is in our plans.
We are beauty and inspiration,
We have the power to heal the nation.
Through song and smile,
& Error by trial,
We have enough juice
to travel the miles.
To anywhere we need to be,
To find our bliss and harmony.
This energy we have inside,
will never age and never die.
My love for you deepens with time.
Since birthed that sparkle in my eyes.
The flame of you
is hot and bright.
It feels so good,
it feels so right.
It floods my heart
with so much light.
you are the moon
to my dark night.
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
please turn me to birds,
so can find the strength to fly.

please turn me to words,
so i can find the truth that hides,

please turn me to steel,
so i can gain the will to love.

please teach me to heal,
so i can feel like i'm enough.
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
you are a fucken ******
wherever i go
whatever i do
you find me
or i'll find you

you are smothering me
like honey drowning a bee
or a boat eaten by sea
i can't breathe
i can't breathe

you are holding me back
like a slow heart-attack
or a large sidewalk crack
it's your knack
it's your knack

you are creepin me out
you are making me doubt
every swear, every slurr,
ever word you spit out

i can't shake the unease
your a sneak & a skeez
i can't stomach the ****
that you drop at my knees

you're a mess
you're obsessed
all you do is oppress
you disgust
have no trust
see your face if i must

but you scare me
and you wear me
and i don't think
that you'd spare me
standing at the cold end
i know you'd pull me in
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
The different
The judged
The lost
& The weird
Hear the call of my heart
And follow me here
I'm in love with the strange
I am queen of the freaks
Surrender yourself
And you can finally speak
Relinquish your fears
Succumb to the sining
I'll take you in
& Soothe you with singing
My voice can heal souls
& My heart's made of crystal
It can't be broken or beaten
By man, arrow, or pistol
I'm impervious to others
With their whispers & their stares
They will judge us regardless
So I've learned not too care
I just live for the odd ones
And take care of the stangelings
Cause Ive found they're the ones
That make this world amazing
And I've come to believe
They're hidden gems of this earth
They give life new meaning
& They give life it's worth
If you are a weird one
Then please come to me
I'll hear all your stories
& Give you warm company
Your sadness I'll chase
Your knots I will kneed
Your heart I will take
Your mind I will read
I will take in your soul
And treat you like gold
And you'll never again
Have no one to hold
Or feel rejection stab
Or loneliness sting
Cause I'm here to make you,
To give you,
My everything
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
i will let the rain,
drop down & ease my pain,
dampen out my fear,
& wash away my stains.

let it bring the calm,
clean the sweat from off my palms,
blend into my tears,
& bring the rise of dawn.

let it cool the things i'm stressin,
drown out all of my depression,
i will let the rain,
be the answer to my questions.

so when i'm low & dry,
& i feel i want to cry,
i'll see the clouds roll in,
& smile at the sky.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
and what brought us here?
what drew us near?
are we tired of livin in fear
that things will never be clear
tryin to find the home you once had
looking back on it all,
nothing made you that glad
then that warmth of their tone
then that soul you call home
try to find your way back
through miles of broken bones
and broken roads
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
I just wanna cry, cry, cry,
but I just gotta try, try, try.
I know it's hard but baby please,
i'll believe in you,
if you'll believe in me.
we can make it through these days,
we can find a better way.
this will only make us stronger,
it's taken me a little longer,
to realize just what it takes,
but i'm workin on it every day.
Cause i'm tired of waiting on you.
I gotta do my own thing,
gotta find my own truths.
gotta chase my dreams,
before life leaves me behind.
no more wasting time.
I'm putting money on these rhymes.
& I really thought I lost myself,
but it's all good, cause now I'm found.
I was blind, but now I see,
the future that's in front of me.
to have your love is all I need,
I'll love you till my soul's set free.
and we'll always meet right back here,
just have no fear, i'll make it dear.
Cause no matter where you are,
I will be in your heart.
I'll always be your biggest fan,
you'll always be my gentleman.
I know it's hard but baby please,
i'll believe in you,
if you'll believe in me.
we can make it through these days,
we can find a better way.
this will only make us stronger,
it's taken me a little longer,
to realize just what it takes,
but i'm workin on it every day.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
I am covered in love
Covered in blood
Black and white tounges
Under crimson red suns
Where all stays holy
And all stays bright
And my thoughts alone
Keep me warm at night
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
the world is just not romantic enough for me
which is why i must constantly turn it to poetry

i want more love
more passion
more empathy
more romance
and more wine
i want to dance with the divine
until the end of time
and seize this wondrous moment of mine

i want people dancing in the streets
under a spotlight made of moonlight

i want birds singing me awake every day
after dreaming of sensual delights all night

i want strangers laughing & holding hands
just because they are headed in the same direction

i want beggars on the streets to have their pockets filled
because people just won't stop giving
and so maybe they can ask for real change instead

i want tears falling from blissful eyes
and kindness used a s a currency

i want laughter to be the music we make
and music that is always playing the notes we need to feel
in the background of all our experiences
transmitting from stars that children whisper wishes to at night

i want hands clapping for all the lovers high above
and for all the heartbroken who were crushed by love

i want cups raised for the riskers and tryers
the fallen and the flyers,
for the chance takers, and the luck makers,
and for those who just brighten up the night
with their own righteous light

i want all the wine to be drank all of the time
and i want nothing left to wear but nakedness

i want our eyes to only see through passion & compassion coloured glasses
and our own skin seen and worn as the most beautiful of fashions

i want everyone to be in a love affair with nature & with themselves

i want a life lived in romance and nothing els.
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