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Dec 2020 · 599
SomeoneSomewhere Dec 2020
I enter to see perfect smiling faces by themselves, with others, with places and things
Here is shiny and there is new with an underlining endless hum of energy
Scrolling is breathing; I can only stop it for so long before I’m gasping
I find myself competing with the perpetual perfection;
Wondering how their waist is so small, their teeth so white and their life so golden
as I sit in the shadow of my own depression.
Dec 2016 · 329
SomeoneSomewhere Dec 2016
It's easy to be deceived when lies  and accusations cascade elegantly from your lips.
Disguised as a warm embrace.
Perspective has now uncovered my mistakes.
I erased who I am with good intentions,
forever altered I release my grip.
I dreamt once of pure unconditional love -
It was bright and all consuming; endless.
I awoke with tears welling in my eyes.
For then I knew -
it wasn't of this world.
Feb 2015 · 597
SomeoneSomewhere Feb 2015
Thinking about the vastness of space
makes one realize how insignificant
life can be.
Detachment from this wider perspective results in a temporary loss of realization
as small everyday concerns can drain the happiness
from this very brief existence.
Stepping back with a sigh of relief,
Nothing matters while staring up at the stars.
All here together for the time being,
a thought that brings reassuring melancholy.
#life #anxiety
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
SomeoneSomewhere Feb 2015
We're sitting in the same room, silent.
I don't specifically remember how we got here,
but I wish we could go back -- when we barely knew each other.
Now I feel betrayed and everything has changed.
You haven't noticed, but all my ideals have evaporated.
I spent my life with these expectations
my pride won't let it go.
Knowing that I love you more than you could ever love me
fills me with dread
Maybe if I say and do the right things I can change enough.
I can expect less.
I can be happy with less.
Other days I feel like you should go **** yourself.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
SomeoneSomewhere Jan 2015
I search for anonymity
trying hard to avoid any bright, loud spotlights.
I strive to remain invisible
finding comfort in not being scrutinized too closely.
I struggle not to be found
for I feel such sweet melancholy
at being lost.
Jan 2015 · 16.5k
Not good enough
SomeoneSomewhere Jan 2015
It's never been said out loud.
It's more of a mutual understanding
hanging heavy in the air
I don't want pity, I need clarity
Yes or No.
I cringe at the wait
Will you love me forever or let me go?
Jan 2015 · 420
SomeoneSomewhere Jan 2015
A hollow cavern
where my own words echo back
Deep beneath the surface
slivers of light occasionally pierce the dark.
This is no warmth here
with my thoughts; twisted and gnarled.
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
SomeoneSomewhere Jan 2015
It's a great hollowness,
the burden of Love.
It's sewn together with disappointments.
While trying to dress it up with empty promises,
it all withers away.
Jan 2015 · 3.5k
SomeoneSomewhere Jan 2015
I shatter on the floor in many pieces;
My jagged edges sharp and menacing.
Putting me back together takes sweat, blood and patience,
but I am forever altered.
From afar I look complete,
Come closer and you can see that I'm held together
only by sheer determination.
Time will allow the painful betrayals to fade
until I'm brave enough to try again.
However, I tip-toe carefully, always hesitating.

— The End —