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 Jul 2019 Fire
Kurt Philip Behm
Polymath Siren,
her flower returns

New stirrings to write
new melody to learn

Renaissance memory,
its present announced

Freeing your psyche,
past-future recount

Polymath harlot,
  love pledged again

Petals now varied,
spread from within

Bouquet filled enigma,
here until gone

Leaving always one seedling
—to finish her song

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
 Jul 2019 Fire
Once a writer, always a writer.
Forgive me if I question this now
I lost my words- I wish I knew how.
Time makes one lose words.
I wish I could write the same way again.
I feel as though I lost a part of me I can never regain.
 Jul 2019 Fire
i wish the child-locks on medicine bottles
worked on people that don't have that childlike innocence
 Jul 2019 Fire
they never really last...
fake chains and pretty boys, that is.
i like to keep them both wrapped around my fingers regardless
 Oct 2018 Fire
she was the maker, he was her muse
a creative girl with everything to lose

she colored her canvas with her bleeding heart
she loved him and watched her world fall apart

she got her heart broken but kept a blank face
knowing that there are some mistakes you can't erase

she gave up her art, a lover betrayed
her pure white mind turned a darker shade.
And then there were seven.
 Oct 2018 Fire
You only realize that you were happy,
Once the moment passes
But when you look back, then you’ll see
That those memories always lasts
 Sep 2018 Fire
I broke up with her
for good reason
but now all I can really do is remember how good we were.

I try so hard to remember her flaws and faults: how selfish and narcissistic she could be. how her loyalties were elsewhere. how I was never enough.

but they don't compare when I remember: how she kissed me around strangers, and ran after my train every single time, just to be a goofball and show the world that I was hers. how she could make me feel better by just being there.

I try my best to ignore her but even if I don’t see or talk to her for weeks she’s still in my mind, always, because I can find her in everything.

I find her when I smell her perfume or see something from Nevada, when I eat Twix and ignore the word mhm and the colors blue and green. When I make mac n cheese and eat all of it. when I go to school and when I come home. and whenever I see a rose, especially if it's red.

I don’t know how people can give someone so much of themselves and then have their heart broken. I gave her pieces of me that I can never get back and I don’t know how to continue being Sammy without those pieces.
for my gel, who knows how to put us back together but could never keep us that way
 Sep 2018 Fire
Lorelei Gill
Here's a piece of my mind
A puzzle that is me
I'm a little blind
And all of my thoughts are lost in a sea
But that's a little part of my mind

I seem fierce and confident
But in actuality, I'm the opposite
This mindset is not always constant
Everything in me is like a conglomerate
But that's just a little part of my mind

One minute my mind is a green meadow
The next is a burning forest screaming
Everyone in the afterglow
Meanwhile, I feel I am a nightmare dreaming
But that's just a little part of my mind

Every day I feel my heart-breaking
Craking more little by little
The pain becoming backbreaking
Wanting me to go to a hospital
But that's just a little part of my mind

In the end, on the other hand, I try
With only one savior in the waiting love
I've tried many times to say goodbye
But I can't because of the want, thereof
Hidding the pieces of my mind
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