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skyler Mar 2018
people change everyday
so i vow to fall in love with you
every time the sun rises

skyler Feb 2018
she forgot how good
it feels to forget

  Feb 2018 skyler
poems in the clouds
Go ahead
hold me a little longer
than usual.
You say to me,
without using any
words at all,
"it should have been me,
its still me."
Like i don't already see
those sky blue eyes
every time i close my own.
Because we're still holding
on to god knows what.
Because it is you
and it will always be you.
skyler Feb 2018
you're losing me

everyday my hope for us
and a future between us
the crave to be close

i want to be yours
you be mine
and for it to be public
not quick arm brushes
and afternoon visits

i love you
and you're losing me
i think i lost you long ago
what are we, i don't even know

i want to stick around
to wait it out
but more than that, i want to be together
the title we once had
and everyday
i believe a little more
that it's a hopeless cause
and i can feel myself giving up

you still have my heart
and i love you no less
but i can feel the final end approaching

i miss the small things
holding your hand, soft kisses, and tight hugs
just talking and calling you when i can't sleep
i miss you

i want us more than anything
but i fear being ****** over
why am i holding on to something
that's ended
maybe because i can't get over you

you're losing me
faster than i care for
does that mean anything to you

just rambling
skyler Feb 2018
i want to get high in foreign cities
travel to places i have yet to lay my eyes on
pack a bag and take off, my only motive to feel free
i want to kiss lovers on pavement my toes have never touched
beneath trees rooted with legends in their leaves
ensuring everlasting love
and i want to feel light, rather than weighed down
anchored to one small town
i want to drop everything and get away
to places where time is altered
and the stars are always present
whether it be in the night sky or people's eyes
i want to fall in love with strangers, cities, and scenes
i crave so deeply to feel free
to start anew

but at the same time
i want you to come too

skyler Feb 2018
create poetry
with your lips pressed together
love is the best art

skyler Feb 2018
she was an angel
with a grin of utter gold
and voice honey sweet

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