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showyoulove Nov 2024
No matter what, in our lives, we do
Everything is better when I work with you
He created us to be together, created us to share
In His Glory and feel his presence everywhere
On our own, we try to create a song, a work of art
It's simple and awkward, but filled with such heart
We were not supposed to go it alone
But as iron sharpens iron to help and hone
We try to do the will of God
We try to hear what He is saying
Our attempts are small and feeble at best
But he sees us and quietly he smiles and nods
He whispers in our ear "Don't stop. Keep playing"
And transforms our sad solo into a divine duet

When we find ourselves taken by bitter sorrow
When we don't know if the sun will rise tomorrow
When we drink with Jesus the cup of suffering
When we think about his blood that is covering
When we recall the seven sorrows of Mary
And how, her son's lifeless body, she would carry
Midwives used myrrh against pain in childbirth
Mary, of all women, knew how much it is worth
Her very name is from Myrrh: meaning bitter
And through it all she wasn't a quitter
It is costly and rare, signifying suffering and death
But it is also used to prepare and purify
The bodies of those who had died
She shares our sorrows, and she dries our tears
She listens and prays for us; she understands our fears
We can run to our mother and be safe in her arms
To find healing and peace away from all that harms
She knows the value of suffering
And she knows just what it cost
A gift of love transcending everything
Her son hung on a rugged cross

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death
Through our suffering, prepare our hearts and purify
That we might be an acceptable offering to God when we die
Take us back home to Heaven where we belong
When we are together, we are better; we are strong
March 20, 2019
As I take a look at some Lenten Reflections and Resources for today, there are two distinctly different reflections. One, a story that parallels what is possible with God's help and the other based on the gospel and speaking of suffering and Mary. I find a common thread to be "Better Together".
showyoulove Nov 2024
Today, the church celebrates the feast of St. Joseph, Jesus' foster father and the spouse of the Blessed ****** Mary. Precious little is known or mentioned about Joseph in the Bible. He was a carpenter, and he was a good man: righteous and honorable. He doesn't say a single word, has a few angelic visits in his sleep with instructions and promptly obeys, and dies quietly sometime between finding Jesus in the temple and when Jesus begins his public ministry. There are a number of times throughout the Bible where God speaks to people in or through dreams.

For The Dreamers

For all the dreamers and the ones who dare to dream
For all the times reality is more than what it seems
For all who listen patiently for the call to something more
Those who take the chance and walk through the open door
To find a piece of paradise where dreams become realized
A Heaven where our lives and selves are idealized
To those who want a better world and find a lasting peace
To those who quest for answers and those, for truth, that seek
For all the ones that doubted said "No. It can't be won!"
For the ones who still believed there was work yet to be done
For all who triumphed. The overcomers and the unsung heroes
For all the refugees who are more than ones and zeroes
From the Martin Luther Kings to the kid on the streets
The homeless and the hungry with no shoes on their feets
They too, have dreams, they have futures and a hope
The one who sings the one who paints so they can cope
Could be just the inspiration that someone so desperately needs
To dream, to grow, to rise up and do great deeds

Sometimes we wake up with a vision
An image or thought clear as day
Something inspired and amazing
Finding answers and solutions to things that previously vexed
The clarity when pieces fall into context
If you hear his quiet voice while you sleep
Answer: "Your servant is listening. Lord, please speak"
Trust that he will lead you and you will not go astray
Have faith in the Lord, take heart, listen and obey
March 19th
showyoulove Nov 2024
There is a treasure island that lies before us
Across the sea of faith there is dry land
A place of refuge to strengthen and restore us
A wondrous place with riches, God has planned
For, in God's word, I find a precious treasure
Far greater than one could ever measure
It is His heart's desire that we have a fire
That would burn brighter, hotter and higher
More precious than silver, more costly than gold
More beautiful than diamonds, is the sight that we behold
The riches and treasures; it is priceless in its value
And to the King of all Creation you are priceless too
Some days there are wild storms that try to bar the way
But we have a Northern Star to help us not to stray
Trust in Him and do not fear and you will soon see the light
And when you are scared and alone, He will hold you tight
We can get to treasure island any time we take a look
Into the word of God and open up His good book
Learn to take the treasure into your heart of hearts
To help you out when trial and challenge starts
You can bring it with you wherever you may go
To lift someone up who might be feeling kinda low
Or a reminder: you are precious, loved and His
And nothing else matter more in the final analysis

Thank you Lord for giving us such a precious treasure in your Word, in your Love, in Us Lord! You gave the most valuable thing you had because you treasured us so much. You gave us your very life! There is no greater love than this: to lay down one's life for a friend, and yet, you laid down your life when we had fallen out of your friendship! Help us remember the value of our lives and the value of all life, especially the most vulnerable: the elderly, the unborn, those who have special needs. You have given us your Holy Living Word to read and what treasure there is when we take the time to see what is just below the surface, waiting for us to find. May Heaven and Earth rejoice together when we realize what it is we really have and may we share that treasure with others so that, they too, may be richly blessed. Amen
showyoulove Nov 2024
In our sorrow and our sadness
When all hope is lost and so is gladness
I fall on my knees in pain and suffering
As I cry Abba Father, keep me from the sting
If you are there, if you love me: save me from my foes
Turn this darkness into light and bring me from my woes
Can you not feel my pain? Do you not know my hurt?
My God, without your love, I am no more alive than dirt
One small drop in a sea of people, do you hear me?
If you would say but one word, I could finally be free
But if you don't Lord and this is to be my fate
If this is something that isn't up for debate
Then help me carry my heavy wooden cross
For you are my strength when all hope is lost
I remember your agony, your sweat and your tears
I remember all the pain and heartache and fears
You asked for the cup to pass you by
With eyes raised up to the dark night sky
"But not my will, but yours be done
And I will be your faithful son"
So, Lord let your will be done in me, your child
In your mercy hold me as the storms rage wild
Let me glory in my weakness where you are made strong
And at the right time, bring me home where I belong

Lord I am suffering, someone I know, and love is suffering. In your merciful love, take this pain away from me, but Your Will Oh Lord My God, not mine. Help me trust in you and rely on your strength because mine has long since failed. There are times when all I can do is weep, because I have no words to speak. Comfort me Lord, let me know your presence and peace even for a moment like the angel in the garden. I know you feel my pain even as your own. I know you weep for me and with me. In times of suffering and when I am facing death, help me remember how much you suffered for my sake. You offered yourself in total surrender to God for the sake of the world. Help me surrender to you.

Lord, I give You my life and all that I am and have, because You gave Your life FOR me and because You GAVE me life. On the cross before You died, you gave me life when You FOR-GAVE.
showyoulove Nov 2024
There are many ways to fast and many things to fast from. The gospel from Matthew helps to unravel the deeper reason for fasting. One is to give up something pleasurable like eating, drinking, watching TV, or being on the phone in order to bring our minds and hearts to remember Jesus' suffering. We can also recognize how good we have it and that many people have so much less. What little things can we do to help them? By fasting from these things that give us pleasure and satisfaction and take up so much of our time and attention, it allows us to quiet our minds and our hearts to connect with God and hear his soft voice. In fasting from a meal or part of a meal, we can become hungry. This hunger can be a reminder of the time that Jesus was in the desert after his baptism with nothing to eat or drink. In the "Our Father" we ask God to "Give us this day our Daily Bread". God will provide for all of our needs both Physical and Spiritual. Our hunger is physical, but it can also be a reminder of our spiritual hunger and the ways we try to fill the God-shaped holes in our hearts with things that can never truly satisfy. Fasting reminds us of our need for God and helps us to be dependent on Him in everything. We are called to be His children. Should we not, then, depend and rely on Him to be the perfect Father?

Lord, when we fast from things this Lent, open our hearts and minds and in your mercy, reveal to us the deeper value of it. Help us rid ourselves of the distractions in our lives in order to draw us closer to you. And while fasting is good; it alone is not sufficient. In the void of giving something up, help us to do something good, something pleasing to you Oh Lord. May we all "(Finally Find) What We Have Been Looking For". May we all find you!
showyoulove Nov 2024
Up on the mountain he took them: Peter John and James
And before their very eyes, their Jesus was changed
His clothes became the most dazzling white
A cloud came in and they fell down in utter fright
The true weight of God's Glory came upon them that day
As Jesus went up to the mountain to pray
The disciples were given a special peek
Something to give them strength when they were weak
It was hope, it was light, and it was profound peace
In praying, that which we receive down on our knees
We are transformed with Christ; made new and clean
And while we may never have this very scene
We can have a similar experience and feel the glory
We can, today, share in this great Gospel story
We can adore and, like candles, burn in his presence
A gift for the greatest and least, for kings and for peasants

Lord, some days we can't see you because of the shadow, and sometimes we are blinded because you are so close to us. Most of us have been blessed to have Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind and felt the weight of your glory. The pure power of the energy and love in that moment is like a nuclear reactor. We become radioactive and sometimes even positively glow from the experience. Though it may be forgotten at times, it is still in us. In our darkest moments, help us call to mind this sunshine and cast away the doubt and fear. In your goodness, you have given us this hope of resurrection that we are longing for on Easter Sunday while we wander through the desert of trial and temptation for these forty days to obtain the true conversion and transformation. Thank you, Lord, for Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind that bring us into the light of your presence and the weight of your glory! Amen.
showyoulove Nov 2024
We are all beat up and broken down
Our hearts are like broken glass
Bruised and bloodied knocked upon the ground
We are lost like a man with no compass
We are small and frail and weak
The image is twisted by sin and shame
But in the void, the silence will speak
And the one who loves will call our name
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Prince of Peace the Lion and the Lamb
His death brought us from chaos to one accord
He is eternal and He is the Great I AM
He was broken for us
He was pierced for love
He was crushed for our sins
Obedient to the Father above
This is where the healing begins
His body is broken and his blood poured out
He calls us to faith even when we doubt
By giving himself, he makes us whole
He enters in and restores our soul
There is a longing this world can't satisfy
There isn't a thing that we won't try
But we are left hungry and unfulfilled
But with God, we find radical love and fears are stilled
We may be broken, but let us be broken together
Clinging to Jesus in the storms and bad weather
For he heals the broken hearted and brings joy to the sad
He binds the wounded and brings the lost back to the field
He is the Divine Physician He is the Balm of Gilead
So, turn to the Lord and be not broken, but be healed

Lord, we are broken people, and we need you in our lives. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put us back together again, but you can Lord. Only say the word and our souls will be healed. You are perfect and we, most definitely, are not. We are broken, but we are not broken alone. You were broken for us so that we might be made whole with you. We die with you so we may, one day, rise with you to new and glorious eternal life. Heal us Lord. Heal our streets and lands, heal us Lord by the working of your hands. Hear our cries and come swiftly to our aid. You, Oh Lord, are our refuge and our strength. Break us, bless us, multiply us and perfect us. All this we pray, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
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