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showyoulove Nov 2024
I sit in stillness in this silent, dark room
Lit only by candles and the soft glow from the moon
I sit before Jesus, drawn in by his gaze
My heart is filled with a silent song of praise
I can hear my heartbeat: it beats for you
How my spirit aches to be united to you
The stars above- a hundred billion tiny lights
Comfort me even on the longest of nights
In your arms you lead me through a heavenly dance
You chose me to be a part of this sacred romance
Together we glide across the celestial dance floor
I am dancing with the one whom I most adore
I am taken by a love so profound I am shaken
And when I turned away, I was not forsaken
I sit with you and watch my worries disappear
You open my eyes, and it all becomes clear
All I need, all I want, is to be right where you are
I need you so close: please be never far
I am here just to burn in your presence
To bear witness to you in life's little moments
Just once, I want to spend an evening
With my Lord, just being and receiving
Not talking, but listening not rushing, but waiting
Being filled with courage and confidence, not hesitating
I sit here and surrender my heart for you gave me your own
Spending an evening with Jesus is like nothing I have ever known
It brings me in my weakness, down upon my knees
But there is strength and peace and the whisper of a breeze
The feeling of this fleeting moment
My soul holds now and forever
A memory so powerfully potent
To strengthen it in spiritual endeavor
showyoulove Nov 2024
In your eyes I see a light reflected
I see myself not quite perfected
In your eyes I see love and compassion
I see where I can find true satisfaction
I see endless pools of mercy and grace
I see the gentle smile upon your Holy face
Your eyes are soft and your eyes are warm
And to your will Lord, my will, conform
For people to say "You have your Father's eyes"
Is something amazing: a desirable prize
Your eyes they pierce right through me
And yet, they don't condemn, they free
Though I betrayed you, though I did deny
Though from my lips came forth "Crucify!"
Still, in your eyes I see only forgiveness
And forever, your forgiveness is endless
Your eyes know me intimately; before you, I stand bare
Of my scars: the guilt and shame, I am acutely aware
And still, you love me as your own, call me your precious child
You bear with me in my tantrums and when I am so wild
Through your eyes, I find the truth revealed
And, through your eyes, my soul is also healed
Help me Lord, to see others with your eyes of love
And watch over me from your throne in Heaven above

Lord God, there is something personal, intimate, revealing and special about your eyes. I see myself and I don't always like what I see, but you still love me. You look at me with mercy, compassion, forgiveness, healing and so much more. You look past my faults to reveal the treasure within. Help me do the same to all I meet. Help me love my friends and especially my enemies with your eyes of love. Let me not judge too quickly based on appearances and first impressions but search much deeper within to find their value and goodness. Lord, give us the grace to not just look at other people, but actually SEE them. Let me never tire of gazing lovingly into your eyes Oh Lord, just as you look back at me. In your greatness God, give us the grace to reflect you so that others might say: "You have your Father's Eyes". Amen.
showyoulove Nov 2024
Seasons change, sunny skies turn to rain
Joy and laughter turn to heartache and pain
But, sure as the seasons are bound to change
There is one thing that is forever the same
The Love that God has never falters or ceases
Even when our lives are falling to pieces
Winter will yield to Spring, and Summer now will Fall
And we find ourselves swept on by time's relentless crawl
Things of this world are temporary, our lives: fleeting
And yet, in good and bad, our hearts keep beating
Not all that glitters is true and pure
Traps are disguised to hold allure
But his love will endure, his hope will secure
And, in our faith we are assured:
This too shall pass. And in this way
We can move forward day by day
To seek and ask and knock and pray
To live our lives and hear you say
"Well done my good and faithful one.
You've run the race and now you're done.
Well done my child, welcome home,
It gives me joy to see how you've grown.
Seasons will change and time will pass,
But my love for you will always last.
My love for you never falters or ceases
So much that, on the cross, I loved you to pieces."

Lord, in your ultimate wisdom, you have given us seasons in our lives that are reflected in creation. We go through dry or hard times in a desert. We feel that spring and relief will never come. Help us to lean on you and the strength you give us to make it through and see the light and life once again. Like nature's seasons, the seasons in our life are also temporary, both the good times and the bad times. Remind us of this Lord and be with us. You have made the seasons to be in such a way that we can appreciate them because we have the other. Light and Dark, Good and Bad, Spring and Fall, Summer and Winter, Heaven and Hell. There is a divine balance and symmetry which is so beautiful Lord. Thank you for this. Finally, Lord, we implore you, remind us that when nothing else seems constant, You are the one constant. Let us rest in that certainty and in your unfailing love always Lord. Amen.
showyoulove Nov 2024
God said do not babble when you go to pray
Filling space and time with little things to say
So, I give you a guide that you can follow along
There, come to the place where all can belong
Now, we need not pray it word for word.
We can do differently, and we will still be heard.
But think about the words you say
And think about how much they weigh.
Are we just going through the motions
While, what we mean, we have no notion?
The "Our Father" we've said so many, many times
But have we ever stopped to look between the lines?

It was brought to my attention by a friend
Who said something to this end:
The "Our Father" calls us to focus outward.
"Give us this day our Daily Bread" which is basic and turned to self (it's very small)

"And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"
Our attention is focused not on ourselves, but towards others

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom and the power and glory
Now and forever AMEN"
We have now turned our focus to the universe, to Heaven and to God!

So often in the world today we are focused inside ourselves, it's all about "I" or "Me", what can I get, what's in it for me? It's small and lonely although we'd like to deny it and, sometimes, we lash out because of it. God calls us to be so much more, to be so much bigger. This world is temporary and fading and in the vast expanse of the universe there would not God in his goodness have created other life, other planets, solar systems. God is infinite, his love is infinite so why would or should his ultimate plan for us be this earth alone? Something so small and nothing more?

Lord, help us open ourselves up to your love, word and truth. Help us to open our hearts to all of our brothers and sisters and neighbors around the world and be open to you. Open our eyes and challenge us to expand and grow beyond ourselves. Elevate our thinking to you, help us be mindful of what we say when we pray and help us to pray from our heart and soul rather than our head. As we expand outward Lord, please draw us into yourself. On the cross, you spread your arms wide to take in all people and there is always room in your heart and your home for another. In your goodness, grant we pray, Oh Lord the courage and strength to do likewise. Amen.
showyoulove Nov 2024
Come back to me with all your heart
Don't let fear keep us apart
Turn from your sin and cling to the Lord
Be wholly changed by this Love outpoured
The world is screaming for our attention
While He patiently waits for our affection
In this dry and barren land
Our hearts learn to understand
How to walk with the Lord and hear His voice
And, back in His arms, we will rejoice
For in the desert there is suffering and pain
And we cry out for a single drop of rain
But there is a focus and a silence
With a beauty all its own
And in the midst of hatred and violence
We know we are never alone
You have moved my heart in ways I can't contain
The words are filled with healing and pain
You have pierced me Oh Lord with your unfailing love
And I am powerless to resist this precious holy flood
Your music stirs my soul to sing to you
King of my life and all that is good and true
In these forty days help me focus now
Help me hear you in the silence somehow
In this time of trial and testing
Be at peace my soul for, in God's merciful heart, you are resting
We walk in the light with darkness around us
We are free because God's grace has found us
Today, right now, my soul has been stirred
For we live not by bread, but by God's word
showyoulove Nov 2024
The Lord God is our sword and shield
As we walk upon this battlefield.
We are called to stand up and fight
For justice, for truth, for all that is right.
Here upon this solemn hill, we stand
We will overcome by God's might right hand.
The Lord is my fortress and my strong tower
In His wake, mercy and grace shall flower.
Take up the Rosary, lift high the Holy Cross
All that I am or have, I count it as loss
For, without you, I am nothing.
Your very breath is my life
Your death paid the price
Without your love, I am empty and hollow
Without your voice, I cannot follow
Without your light, I fade away
Lord, I need you, everyday!
showyoulove Nov 2024
God right now I could use a hug
And a fresh hot cup of coffee in a mug
Won't you wrap me snugly in your wings
And call to mind such heavenly things
The road is hard the road is tough
I'm losing my mind, my patience and other stuff
Lord, hold me close to your chest
And there, let me stay and rest
A God hug is just what I need
Though it is with reluctance I concede
Sometimes, I'm not as strong as I think
And I need your love to pull me back from the brink
Sometimes a God hug is all it takes
And Lord what a difference it makes!
Let me be with you in silence and peace
That as I decrease you might increase
Let me learn from you and lean on you
Where I can find a love so pure and true
And when I struggle to bear my cross
Remind me that not everything is loss
By your gifts, you strengthen me
To become who I was made to be
When I lift others up, you lift me up as well
And my burden is easier, I can tell
So, help me serve and do your will
To sow the seeds of faith and so instill
A firm foundation of faith to follow
But with love, so my words are not hollow
And so, once more, with a kiss and embrace
I am comforted and strengthened by His grace

God, some days I could really use a hug from you. Maybe today is one of those days. I run into your waiting loving arms ad there I rest, I cry, I need someone to listen or tell me it's going to be okay. Help me take a few moments out of my crazy day to get a hug from you and continue moving forward. By your Holy Spirit, reveal to me something that I could do to be a God hug for someone else. Help me count my blessings and use the charisms (gifts) you gave me to do your will for others as we, in turn, find ours lifted as well. Amen
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