Sometimes days are hard and long
Where, somehow, everything goes wrong
And you manage to just make it through
Don't forget to whisper a "Thank You"
Some days are sunny and bright
And everything is just going right
When it seems like it is too good to be true
Don't fret and just whisper a "Thank You"
Sometimes it happens that you have a good day
That could've easily gone a very different way
How or why it all worked, you don't have a clue
Just raise your hands and whisper a "Thank You"
Sometimes just a "Thank You" is all that you can say
Sometimes just a "Thank You" is all you have to pray
Sometimes just a "Thank You" can brighten someone's day
Sometimes just a "Thank You" makes everything okay
Lord, there are days when I should've been impatient, frustrated, tired and more and I wasn't. Maybe I prayed for strength and peace, patience, endurance and your blessings and I received them. Thank You! There are also days when I didn't pray for your blessings and ask for your help, but you knew and provided for me anyway. You shielded me from these negative emotions and protected me. You strengthened me and provided for me to do what must be done. All I can think to do Lord is whisper a "Thank You". Lord, you are good all the time, and all the time, you are good. Help me to be mindful and thankful to you all of my days for you are there and you make all things good. As long as you are present Lord, we never have to truly worry. Thank You! Amen