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What you wanted
was what you wanted to do
regardless the cost
of what it cost you.

You charged on ahead,
full throttle
no brakes
you never looked back
no pause for second takes.

You wanted what you did
before you knew what it was,
you fooled no one, not even a kid.
And before you knew, it all had pass by,
only a buzz.

You past by those who had come to warn you,
of the dangers you would face,
but you left them behind,
all without a trace.

You mistook them for agitators, hoping to slow you down,
in a sense you were right,
but they were trying to get you to turn around.

And now you're here broken and confused,
you lie there on the cold hard ground,

What you wanted,
wasn't what you needed,
when It should've been all the warning signs
of danger
that you should have heeded.

Now you know, that
what you wanted was not the way,
so now is time to make the change.
Make the change to-day.

What you wanted, isn't what you needed,
so get off your high horse,
and don't be conceited.
I do not care about fame
I do not care about wealth

All these materialistic needs are just making me sick

What I do care about is making it

Surviving, to tell a tale
And being able to be proud of it.
Is it wrong to miss you?

What if we both run
parrallel lines along
snowy walks--
legs stepping across
bleached streets like
soldiers in unison,
at the same time,
but still,
still parallel.
I learned in elementary school
that we can never ever
Written on a train
alone and scared
you didn't turn away
i clung to you

the fear left
i had you,
i had you.

then it changed.
your head started to turn

i tried to hold your gaze
but it was returned
with a scowl

alone once more
but this time different

my companion-

i remembered your smile
i remembered your glare
i remembered your embrace
i remembered your shadow
i remembered my security
i remembered my pain

what did i do?
Feeling the day as it passes
to memory from the now
Finds my wonder of life's spaces
sweeping the sweat from my brow

So as the day now spins along
reckless and out of control
No hand upon the tiller's wheel
with no aim in life or goal

Cast to a life of drudgery
full to the rim with despair
Life seems too close to misery
lost souls live everywhere

The roadside vendors give respite
to the holes in their worn shoes
As all go running on and on
playing life unto the blues

The sound from the touting vendors
carole "Save your soul" and more
Learn to tolerate the preaching
take your soup as if a chore

Not surprised to hear their answer
when they're asked which they prefer
Would you rather have all wisdom
or be an entrepreneur

Knowledge is said the enemy
of the working common man
Slave, toil and suffer to the sound
of a life without a plan

Now walk the streets of the lonely
with no bed to lay your brow
Push along the cart you call home
of the fate you disavow

For that is all that's left of you
to hang your dignity on
You've lost the hopes of any dreams
your family is all gone

Pride now carried upon the wind
everything has a price and fee
Won't someone smile, hold out a hand
to share salvation with me


© 2014 Tate Morgan
February 15, 2014
Who can say with any certainty that one day this will not be their own fate? "There but for the grace of God go I". These people had hopes dreams children families. Who cares why they have fallen down? It is the duty of humanity to lift them to their feet. In this era of globalization we have taken a step backwards in civility. Gone are the days of pensions and compassion. Crushed under the jackboots of the giant corporations that don't believe in humanity at all. Corporate profit is all that matters to the world now. All are made to be thrown out none are saved or even repaired. Our politicians are as corrupt as ever selling our birthrights to the highest bidder and leaving the old and infirm along the side of the road. Greatest place in the world? The day will come when we are given the choice to end our days through euthanasia. Rather than to live as an outcast to the society that no longer values us. Welcome to the 21st century. Everything we hear is an opinion not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective not a truth. Many have been convicted on an opinion of a perspective.
A uniformity in expectance,
A subconscious wait.
My mind knows it's coming
Like some kind of date.

Her words,
Be they good or bad,
Are expected,
If only a tad.

2 AM,
My body wakes
It's so ******* late
Will it come?

I wait.
I will stop loving you,
when an apple fruit grows
on a mango tree,
on the 30th day
of February.
This quote, I hope it goes to everybody because I want everybody to have a peaceful life and a man/woman who appreciates the way you are and respects you for the great man/woman you are!
Have a nice day!
I saw the same twinkle in your eyes
as I saw on a dark starry night

and words cannot describe the joy it brings me
when  you talk about something with passion

because I know what it feels like to be excited about something
and I would do anything for you to keep that twinkle
A hammer upon the landscape.
Thunder like a toppling mountain.

Flashes like x-ray explosions.
Supernova surprise.

Sheets of rain.
Glistening-rebar javelins
Pierce the asphalt
Shatter the concrete.

Long shards of glass
From the grey
Steel-wool clouds.
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