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 Jan 2015 Shasta M
Dinah M
It is when your head starts spinning
When your hand starts trembling
When your voice starts cracking
When your ship starts sinking

It is when you overthink things
When your life's like twisted strings
When you dread what tomorrow brings
When you feel like your opponent wins

Because he was your only happiness
And now all you feel is emptiness
And you feel trapped in this madness
That's what heartbreak always is

But heartbreak doesn't last forever
So my dear, go focus on your endeavor
I promise you, it'll only get better
All our hearts are in this together
"if my heart was bulletproof, i wouldn't bleed so much like i do for you"

× parachute by lawson ×

I kind of dislike this one but  at the same time I do.
 Jan 2015 Shasta M
 Jan 2015 Shasta M
Falling for you was just too easy.
Smooth words, late nights.
Enough to make a young girl cry.
I fell for you a bit too fast.
I'm not too sure how to make us last.
Cause if I fell so easily.
And you knocked down my highest walls.
How am I to know it's not just me?
I feel the heartache setting in.
Bracing myself for crashing down.
I don't know
Excuse me sir, but
"Heartbreak" isn't metaphor
It's physical pain.
 Jan 2015 Shasta M
 Jan 2015 Shasta M
anxiety comes as a haywire mind
a situation in your head
worlds away from everyone
words unsaid
scared to be anyone, much less yourself

but most of all
it comes
and it never really leaves.
 Nov 2014 Shasta M
 Nov 2014 Shasta M
With 8 billion people in the world,
You'd think it would be
Impossible to feel so isolated.
So tough to explain,
I'm frustrated,
This is complicated,
I feel like my soul has been obliterated,
Mutilated, and violated.
I can't think straight,
And no, I'm not gay,
Just a little confused
Feeling battered and abused,
My heart's been misused
And I have been accused
Of using others, when I'm the one being used.
 Nov 2014 Shasta M
Kiss me softly
As I drift asleep.
Play with my hair
As I start to count sheep.
One. Two. Three. Four. Fi-
Kiss me sweetly
As you watch me drift away.
Let us rest together
All night, until day.
Kiss me gently
I want to wake in your scent.
A night like that
Is a night well spent.
-ve. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.
Kiss me strongly
Pull me in, close to you.
We'll get each other's name
As a rib cage tattoo.
Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thir-
Lay with me every night
As I fall asleep.
And help me to
Keep counting those sheep.
 Nov 2014 Shasta M
And in that moment
I fell for you like a bullet to the chest;
You took my breath away
As I had fallen
So deeply in love with you.
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