I've been stuck in this hole for too long
This hole of emptiness and sadness
I can't recognize happiness
I don't think I can really feel it anymore
When I think I'm experiencing happiness
I wait...
I wait for whatever it is to come and ruin it
because that thing always comes
It hurts to live like this
It hurts that I'm used to it
These night thoughts are becoming my day thoughts too
I'm tired
I just wanna sleep
I wanna be free
They tell you to stay away from the voices
The ones that are putting you down,
drowning you,
and slowly killing every bit of you
But what do you do when these voices are inside your head?
What do you do when the voices' home is you?
Where do you run to?
*My mind,
let me be at peace, please
I beg of you set me free
Anxiety is getting the best of me again. Been reoccurring for days in a row which didn't happen before. There used to be days or weeks between them, I just keep praying that this isn't for forever.