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Our complexity is what we think
separates us from everyone else,
our vivid dreams seem so different
yet ultimately meant to collapse into one.
Random thoughts for a crowd-less world.
Live in your bubble
By all means
But everyone has a bubble
And everyone has dreams
A kick of curiosity
Can send a mind speeding
With a screaming ferocious velocity

And you realise everyone has a bubble.

You sonder.

Over 7 billion bubbles. You will never access them all

But each struggle and hardship
Will be made easier if you fall

To sonder, such a beautiful feeling,
Will send that fall right back into healing.

So please, sonder, sonder and wander and expose your bubble.
In the hope that someone else is sondering too,
And will experience the world,
Just like you.
Selcæiös Jan 2018
An empath
Just a ProSonderer
Nothing more
But quick to learn
every human’s soul
will be instinctively felt
just as the breeze flows
through that open window

A soul
it’s wandering to your heart’s beat
on rare occasion it deviates from the tune
nothing more

—Because you don’t acknowledge
its existence yet;
Could you truly expect to progress
in finding your soul’s mate
when you don’t even know your spirit’s home?—

A pair of souls is always made from a single star
so when you find another
that renders your talkative self speechless
or leaves your smooth conversing ways to only a stutter
Find another that leaves you in awe and wonder
that makes your chest feel comfort in the ache
when you're longing not only at midnight
but in public midday for that other

if its a flame
that just won't fade
no matter how long you stay
tell yourself to not push this one away
you're not in danger anymore

let that person breach your barricades
allow them a chance to understand your spirit’s ways
you'll soon stop automatically
encouraging them to go
the day will arrive when you won’t be itching to show them the door

chances are you'll find
nothing's worth more
then an empath finding their
lone star soul in their own time

And as a sondering empath
I understand having that
-fragile only to a certain fine-tuned touch-
translucent but sporadically opaque)
guard with others
Seems like a darkly humored folklore
a normal person’s usual day
is just a daunting notion due to exhaustion from feeling everyone's emotion
but when you meet that one
you won't just understand their soul
you'll have a brand new reading
and it’ll feel horrifyingly confusing

just remember there's a first time for everything
when that someone intuitively understands you.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2024
Noun. sonder (uncountable) (neologism):

The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.

Dear One:
it is one of those days, when everything becomes a poem,
every mundane, brushing my hair  be/is a philo-treatise,
& the errands of the day, starting  at 6:45am with an assessment,
a weighing of oneself on a numerical scale of justice,
requiring one to rethink his moral behaviors of a prior day,
a kind of confessional I guess, for I have never been inside one,
(a confessional and actually confessing) but my hebraic genetics
require Veduei (1),
constant awareness of one’s
everything deeds, making confessing a ongoing process 24/7
process unceasing, onerous and relieving,
by reliving our each~very individual action,
which means that I am in a sensory paradise / hell and
sleep comes in bursts of exhaustion,
as I misplace my compass
daily, and the re-search required to obtain, nay, reGAIN,  
my footing, my true directionS,
and it is worse than never ending, more akin to the
regularity of irregular breathing…

Thank you for “Sonder;”
restoring the awe for not knowing it, and occasionally forgetting, that there are words, ready, willing, and able to become poems, as I exegesis, excise, and exercise their purpose
to better to remember the worth of everyone and every thing within in a too oft / clouded, self centered
“I exist , therefore I am”
very limited filtering device….
so sonder becomes a poem, an essay, un écrivez,
and I study your photograph, and fly away,
I am in a garden,
you may have (no, probably!) planted,
(like the sonder word in my brain)
and the colors, the soils, the colorex (2) variety
teaches me you better than words…
while I am sundering, sondering, you,

and so many others
who give me the great pauses
of my existence,
the purposed understanding
of the arrogance of pre-judgement…

I am breathing salt air, luscious greens, a variegated
bluey (love that show)
and all my voices rise, in a choir of one,
fo forgive me, forgive myself,
for failing not to be bigger than
than the distances
my aging weakening senses
and my low powered sensibilities
physically provide,

I hear you,
I sonder you,
and so many others,
and I
bind and bound myself to you
thus emboldened!

to go forth and walk in unfamiliar gardens,
to read better  and be,
between the lines
y’all provide

here’s where a a modest thanksgiving
is due and herein provided,
and the inspirations keep coming and
coffee need re~reheating, so the brain can
all over again,
just like a (wink)
An American in Paris,
the next poem is aborning,
it’s very own
an embryo,
asking to be

so thank you,
dear one…
(1j Viduei, (our words of confession) has become our sacrifice. Atonement is as far away as your lips. Don't allow your silence condemn you to a prison of guilt
(2j. colorex ~ index of colors visible and even invisible .

Fri Jul 19
two thousand and twenty four
Landon Keys  May 2022
Landon Keys May 2022
I sondered
As you passed me by
I wondered
As many past goodbyes
I stiffened
As I saw you cry

Was your life
As sad as mine?

I offered
As you stopped in awe
I assured you
As your tears did fall
I listened
As you told it all

Our world of sadness
Is not so small

I let you know
I too have felt it
I too have known
The weight of existence
Upon your soul
I promise you
You're not alone

Let us go together now
I'll wipe away the tears and clouds
No longer will this strife enshroud
Our lives this way with fears and doubts

Together we are stronger
Than we could ever be alone
Please take my hand dear friend
And let us wander home
Samantha Russo Dec 2014
It starts very slowly
As slow as the snow that first falls on the top of a mountain

The snow keeps falling

Each flake of pureness falls and becomes still

One single speck of snow that falls on the sondering pile
becomes a burden

Everything breaks

Silence breaks and the sounds of crashing and crackling of sticks and twigs. The trees are taken away by the still pure beauty of mother nature. The silent snow and all of it's stillness becomes a ravishing and destructive force in the matter of seconds

Nothing stays still
Nothing stays beautiful
winter sakuras Feb 2017
Could you
put the world behind bars
  if i asked you to,
   because it was
    mean to me
   it pushed me off the swings
  shoved me down the slide
balled up dirt and threw it on my face
told me to go back
  to wherever i belonged which was nowhere
   told me to stop dreaming 'cause my dreams weren't real
    fed me toxic waste and pretty lies
   surrounded me with paper people who all thought that i was paper too and not a  real being
  could you be a witness
and testify for me, for my truth
for the simple fact that i never did anything wrong
  for how i never asked for anything
   and i wanted just to be happy
  and surrounded with real people that i could love
could you help me
stress to them
that all i had ever been
was a sondering star among the universe?
Dan Hess  Nov 2023
Dan Hess Nov 2023
pulsing and throbbing
with the desire to be one of them
traveling along busybody vectors
living life in motion

that listless, sondering countenance;
an aching, yawning, gnawing
yearning feeling

the star-blight cacophony;
sound cannot emanate throughout space
i cook myself
in burgeoning sonic vibrations

— The End —