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Big Virge Aug 2014
I’m Sick of How Rude English People Can Be ... !?!
I'm Sick Now of Living ... In This ******* Country ... !!!
I’m Sick of Not Knowing ... Where The Hell I Should Be ... !?!
I’m Sick To My Stomach of Not Being Free ... !!!
I’m Sick of The Chains of This Society … !!!
I’m Sick of How Girls ... Try Playing With Me ... !!!
I’m Sick of My Ex Saying ... " Give back my key ! ” ...
I’m Sick Now of Seeing ... ***** On TV ... !!!
I’m Sick of How Girls Now ... Mess With My Chi ... !!!
I’m Sick of My Job ... !!!
I’m Sick of Colleagues ... Who Define The Word **** ... !!!
I’m Sick of Fat People Who Clearly Are SLOBS ... !!!
I'm Sick of Not Being ... Able To Just Sob ... !!!
I’m Sick of These People Who Just Want To Rob ... !!!  
I’m Sick of These People Who Think They Can Judge ... !!!
I’m Sick of Timelines ... To Recite This Good Stuff ... !!!
I’m Sick So ****** SICK … That I'm Feeling ROUGH ... !!!
I’m Sick of Girls Saying ... " He's just in a huff ! " ...

I’m Sick of MP's ... Telling Me I Can't Puff ... !!!
I’m Sick of ******* ... That's Spoke In Most Pubs ... !!!
I’m Sick of Fools Acting As Though They Are Tough ... !!!
I’m Sick of How Girls Say ... " They like their *** rough " ... !!!
I’m Sick of That Bull ... OPEN YOUR LEGS UP ! ...
I’m Sick of Why After … Girls Beg For A Hug ... !!!!!
I’m Sick of Black People ... !!!
I’m Sick of White People ... !!!
I’m SICK ... DON'T YOU SEE ... !?!
of ... ALL of You People …. !!!!!!
I’m Sick of Not Being ...
High Up Like ... Church Steeple ...
So I Can Look DOWN ...
On You IGNORANT People …. !!!!!
I’m Sick of These FRAUD RIDDEN Marketing Schemes ... !!!
I’m Sick of These ... BULLSHITTING Marketing Teams ... !!!  
I’m Sick of Agendas ...
They Have For Their Means ... !!!
I’m Sick of Them CLAIMING ...
... " Their motives are clean ! " ...
I’m Sick of Not Having Enough ***** Dreams … !!!
I’m Sick of Attracting The Wrong Type of Girl ... !!!
I’m Sick of Them Trying To ... Mess With My World ... !!!
They Make Me So Sick … I Wish I Could HURL ... !!!!!!!!!
Okay Now You Know ... I’m Sick of A LOT ... !!!
But This Is The Start of The Sickness I've Got ... !!!
The Sickness I've Got ... Runs Through Me Like SNOT … !!!
The Sickness I've Got Is A Sickness To Plot …
The Death of Mankind … !!!

But This Isn't T3 And Is NOT ... I ROBOT ... !!!
This Sickness Runs DEEP Cos' You People Are Sheep ... !?!
And Just Don't Believe In The Sickness You Keep … !!!
The Sickness You Have Is Making Me .... " Weep " … !!!
You People Are WEAK … !!!
Your Outlook Is BLEAK ... !!!
And Now You're All SHOCKED …
By These Words That You Read … !?!
The Sickness I Speak of Defines How You Treat ...
Different People You Meet ... On Your Everyday Street ....
This Sickness Is RIFE ...
Men Beat Up Their Wives ... !?!
Cos' They Just Cannot Beat ...  
The Sickness They ... "Hide" ... !!!
My Words Give Insight ...
Into Their FOOLISH PRIDE … !!!
OH You're Now Feeling SICK ... !!!
DON'T You See … That's The TRICK ... !!!  
I Build My Lyrics On Foundations Like Bricks ... !!!

See I've Written This Script To Give You A HIT ... !!!
Just Like Police Do Young Blacks .... In The NICK ... !!!!
I Just Want To Give …
ALL This Sickness A Kick Right Out of My Mind …
Like Winds Blowing Clouds To Leave CLEAR Skies Behind … !!!!!
So Now I've DEFINED ...
What I Think of You ****** And ALL Your ******* ... !!!!!
To Girls I've Offended … Come **** ON MY **** ... !!!
And Just For You Fellas I’m Sick of You TOO ... !!!
Cos' Most of You ****** Just Think With Your **** ... !!!!
I’m SICK YES of People .... !!!
Cos PEOPLE ... Make Me .....….
………… " SICK " ………….. !!!!!!!
Sometimes, you just gotta say what ya gotta say !
Jake Waddell  Feb 2016
I'm Sick
Jake Waddell Feb 2016
I'm sick

I'm sick of every filter
I'm sick of fake photographers
I'm sick of fake philosophers
and Instagram pornographers
I'm sick of the fake feminists
who don't understand the movement
I'm sick of fake politicians
who make no ******* improvements
I'm sick of all the favorites
I'm sick of all the likes
I'm sick of ******* tinder
causing cheating every night
I'm sick of ******* eyebrows
like who ******* cares
when did we become so obsessed
with ******* forehead hair
I'm sick of religion
I'm sorry but it's true
it's caused so much division
in our red white and blue
I'm sick of trump supporters
who never read the news
they want to close our borders
but don't understand the ruse
I'm sick of fake people
who pretend for us all
cover their old selves in diesel
didn't hesitate or stall
I'm sick of Caitlin Jenner
she/he whatever isn't noble
committed ******* manslaughter
yet still remains boastful
I'm sick of post it note relationships
that last for three weeks
it's not a ******* battleship
just make the proper tweaks
I'm sick of all these hookups
it's become a culture
all of these pickups
initiated by the vultures
I'm sick of everyone caring
about what celebrities wear
I'm sick of overbearing hate
that never ever spares
I'm sick of all the judgment
of how a person looks
I'm sick of everyone watching YouTube
trading it for books
I'm sick of all this money
that we will never see
I'm sick of never knowing
what I'm supposed to do
I'm sick of schooling never showing
how to live our lives through
I'm sick of all this debt
that I'll be paying until my death
Im sick of feeling like our society is *******
but most of all I'm really sick
that this list has applied to me too.
elizabeth  Mar 2016
I'm Sick
elizabeth Mar 2016
I’m sick of you not trusting me.
I’m sick of trying to be perfect.
I’m sick of your standards.
I’m sick of being compared.
I’m sick of being tired.
I’m sick of hating myself.
I’m sick of not feeling good enough.
I’m sick of myself.
I’m sick of being judged.
I’m sick of being a disappointment.
I’m sick of feeling guilty.
I’m sick of feeling ashamed.
I’m sick of the looks I get.
I’m sick of being blamed for everything.
I’m sick of feeling unloved.
I'm sick of living.
I’m just… sick.
I think we're all a little sick, in one way or another.
Sick man sick man why you so sick
try to walk a block feels like a mile
sick man be sick for very long while
every time I see him he never smile

Sick man sick man why you so sick
doctor can't tell him what be wrong
sick man been sick way too long
sick man sick just got to be strong

Sick man sick man why you so sick
wouldn't wanna walk in your shoes
sick man ain't got no power to choose
sick man sick man don't want sick man blues
Roxanne Pepin  Jun 2010
Sea sick
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
Sick of flies,
Sick of lies,
Sick of making alibis.

Sick of bones,
Sick of drones,
Sick of being alone.

Sick of truth,
Sick of this roof,
Sick of youth.

Sick of smiles,
Sick of exiles,
Sick of beguiles.

Sick of frowns,
Sick of small towns,
Sick of breakdowns.

*Sick of you,
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
Marquis Hardy Jun 2016
I'm sick of not being able to write.
I'm sick of meaningless violence in the world.
I'm sick of people needing someone to blame.
I'm sick of meaningless debates.
I'm sick of pettiness in the human race.
I'm sick of people not supporting each other.
I'm sick of people wishing others to be held back.
I'm sick of my friends dying.
I'm sick of money.
I'm sick of the presidential election.
I'm sick of these pretend Poli-sci majors.
I'm sick of humans disagreeing with each other just because they can.
I'm sick of my TV show's being cancelled.
I'm sick of negativity being the way of the world.
I'm sick of the people I love being unwilling to take a chance.
I'm sick of To Keep You Alive being unpublished.
I'm sick of being stuck on Keep Me Alive.
I'm sick of death.
I have been seriously lacking in the literary department lately so instead I decided to write about the things I am tired of.
Samantha Dietz  Aug 2022
Samantha Dietz Aug 2022
I'm sick of burying my friends.

I'm sick of saying that I'm sick of burying my friends.

I'm sick of planning ******* candle light vigils.

I'm sick of funerals, sick of grief, sick of the hole in my chest that keeps getting bigger.

We are so young. How are so many of us already dead? Why is it that every few months, someone that I love leaves this Earth?

It's not fair.

I'm sick of saying it's not fair.

I'm sick of "I wish i got to see you under better circumstances, but I missed you." I'm sick of crying. I'm sick of watching friends and parents and spouses and children cry. I'm sick of reminiscing on stories and looking at photos from lifetimes ago, when things were simple and we were happy.

I'm sick of "they'll always be with you."

I'm sick of "they live on through us."

I wish they'd just live.

— The End —