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CapsLock  Nov 2014
CapsLock Nov 2014
My soul is in angst,
craves writing desperate poerty.
To be ruled by chance,
love is hearts in anarchy.

I lust after a life that's full.
Emotion and mystery.
I'd hate it if it was dull
or ruled by destiny
Hanna Kelley Jul 2015
I thought that if I could
Walk away from poetry
Then I would be able
To stop looking at my
Life like it's broken..
I still see the wrong
That I have done
But now I see ways
To fix them.. :)
Thank you poetry
Glen Brunson  Oct 2014
Glen Brunson Oct 2014
when in doubt-i-hyphentate.

this-also prevents Microsoft-word
from capitializing my i-‘s when i-want them
to stay bite-sized humble pie,
but it still capitalizes

Microsoft word
big ‘m’ added by bill gates

misspelling it prevents this

micropoft word*
* i-am the best kind of rebel

i-refuse to be told how to write by anyone
gate-related or otherwise,
even if i-may occasionally **** myself
on paper, the rain will take it all off,
we shall all be healed.
we *will all be healed.

carried away from the squaggly
green/red/blue lines of a processor
which doesn”t understand: poerty so often is
sentence fragments and uncapitalized i-s
untied shoelaces in a dark boling alley,
my bad breath and watered down alcohol,
stains and the hours spent rubbing them,
sounds on a dead tv set, rubbing carpet in
your aunt’s living room,

i-can spell
things how
i-want to
poerty is fun
like this;
One more sunset;
what does it matter?
There n' gone,
unborn reborn.
Over and over.
Without a lick of sense,
or the luck of a four leaf clover.
cleo  Nov 2015
cleo Nov 2015
I love to write,
I love to read,
I love poetry.
The pain I see,
The pain I feel,
Hopeless minds & ignorance kills,
Trap by death but the blind can't see,
Soul full of wickedness,
Chained to the edomite tree,
Chosen by blood,
Cursed by name,
I wish you could feel & see the pain...
Everyday living in this corporation!
I want my body to be post-morden art
I want my actions to be guerilla theatre
I want all my words to be poerty
I want my reality to be surreal

I want my mouth to be a ampilfer for my heart.
I want to be a teacher
I want the world to know every part of me
I want you to know how i feel.
Jonas  Feb 2021
Poerty II
Jonas Feb 2021
A diary
for the broken ones and the fixed
for the yearning
the lost, the found, the loving
and the trapped
the free spirits of this world
and maybe the next

laid out before you
a map of it all

collect them
all these perfect little moments
hiding in plain sight
waiting to be found
keep em
but let them stay free

— The End —