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Standing in the sand, smelling salty waters,
Of the Caribbean seas, through the cold vibrant breeze.
Watching all the tall, happy, swaying coco nut trees,
And when you sniffle a little of the bake and shark it makes you want to sneeze.

Then take a walk in our rivers and cook up a curry *** or stew,
With fish coo coo and a little calla-loo.
and you take a bite and you taste buds and glands spring water of the delicious flavors that makes you say mhmmm.    

Afterwards you can visit the reefs and see the dancing colors of the under water reefs,
Of the Caribbean seas, where I'm from and would always love to be.

But tho forget, it's Carnival time so come in your costumes and with your coolers because you're coming out to fete,
And tho forget, when you step out on "D" road of jouvert morning until night listen to the Soca music,
And let it rap you up and run through your ears with melodies that will make you want to bep.

Oh yes the Caribbean dream, where every man's a king and every woman's a queen.
chris  Jan 2017
n u a
chris Jan 2017
"Mhmmm hmm hmm"

Here I sit, at the fountain in the mall, with this soothing melody of an unknown voice whispering through my headphones, my backpack on, eating cup noodles and procrastinating on my studies; A mother with her approximately 5 year old child sits down in front of me.

From the back, she looks like she's twenty-something with a slim, fragile body and her hair cut short. Her son is holding onto her with his right hand and onto a balloon with his left. It seems like time stopped for the kid. He stares at the fountain with a fascinated glance in his eyes as the water rises high up, up to the second floor. The mother and her kid get up eventually after a few minutes. I look around.

Hundreds of people are rushing through the shops, satisfying themselves, drunk from materialism. Watching them feels like I'm watching a time lapse. They are running around, worrying about the future while I am trying to get lost in the moment.

A quote by Nietzsche pops up on a screen, that usually plays advertisements and catches my attention. It says that people are generally in a hurry because everyone is trying to escape themselves.

Hah! What an ironic situation this is.
Someone's shopping bag bumps into me and pulls me back to reality. I realize that the track that was playing through my headphones stopped long ago. It seems like it just kept going on in my head as i got lost. I sigh, get up and make my way home.

"Take me to another place", I mumble as I make my way through the crowds. I don't exactly know why I said that, what I meant and what or rather who should take me away from here. I just hope to, one day, find someone to escape reality with.
by who am i
R  Nov 2013
R Nov 2013
his smile is so nice
like the sweet smell of christmas
or a surprise snow day
even the sunrise can't beat that smile of yours
you remind me of christmas morning.
a child's face, excited for the presents.
excited for the belief of Santa.
excited because you know
someone cares for you.
i get excited everyday because of you.
excited for the presents of your presence.
excited for the belief of you.
excited because i know
you care for me
and i care for

you are my christmas morning.
and that smile of yours gets me
Dougie Simps  Jul 2016
Dougie Simps Jul 2016
She's saying "boy I'm paid"
That's all gotta say
I'm like who knew who knew who knew
One day I can make a true lover out of
You too you too you too
She says
You're stubborn and covered
I'm insecure but undiscovered
Listen to me please...
I don't want another
Cause we're both a long way from home
We both have the windows down
Listening to our favorite song
I need you to help heal my pain
I'll re-write your wrongs
Please don't give up on us
We have something that's too good.

Girl talk to me tell me all you've been thru
I want to hear it - your beautiful mind is what i want to walk through
Trust me- hold my hand
I promise to never let you fall
You make me a better man
The queen to my throne
My girl who can do it all

She just wants me to know that I'm there
I want her to feel where I've been
She knows we're about to fall in love
I know that she's perfect and I'm in
I wrote a letter to the sky saying
Baby don't forget how it feels to kiss me
She asked me if at night do you miss me?
Always and forever
Baby you don't get any better
You're changing my life for good
Everyday is sunny weather
Let me show you what you deserve
She told me two times may too much
I'm saying look at what we have
She asked why are you afraid of us...
Mhmm why are you?

I have a whole lot to prove
A whole lot to lose
A million girls in the world
And all I care about is you
A million mistakes to be made
Two guards preventing our potential
You're so far away so I know our communication is detrimental
I never for a second question any part of us
On the train writing you this song
****, think I'm falling in love
Our bond is past special
Our chemistry is off the charts
I stare at you so amazed
My priceless work of art
Mhmm and I promise to always fill you in
Promise to tell you who I am and all I've been
Ask me what I want...girl it's only you
Show Me your scars, give me your love
Let me explore more of you
Thank you
Accept me
I'm sorry
Please don't give up on me---C...
Because you know you're my baby.

Hol up

You don't know how much...
You've helped me grow - you've helped me grow baby
You don't know how much I've been trying to show you
Know you
Help me tho
Oh girl you know I've been suffering and you heal me
Baby you complete me..
Baby I would go insane for your love
do whatever I can and above
There is no game...
Please see me and understand...
You're it girl
Don't see anyone else...but you in these plans
Behind every king is a queen - a strong woman behind every man.

(My queen)
The pulse to my heart.
Jade Mar 2019
I had my first kiss at the cinema, the contour of our silhouettes illuminated by the glow of the rolling credits. He tasted like Altoids and cigarettes, an ambivalent concoction of ice and fire. At one point, I'd bitten him by accident. Whether this was a manifestation of inexperience or (seductively, with heat in her eyes) hunger,  I'm not sure. But, sitting there in the thrill of My Something New, I was certain of one thing: this was a red carpet moment, the stuff of silver screens and glimmering Hollywood starlets and rows of type writer ribbon waiting to be transposed into something theatrical.

After the film, we sat outside a cafe a block over, the fever of summer adhering to the back of our necks like (giggling) misplaced hickeys. Smoke corkscrewing from the end of his parliament, he told me how John F. Kennedy was addicted to opioids. I couldn't help but think back to earlier that afternoon when he first admitted to being a smoker. How he'd asked me, "Is this going to be a problem for you?" hesitation rising up his throat like bile.

I smiled because 'Everyone's got their poison," I replied.  

And poison? Well, there's something so strikingly poetic about it, don't you agree?


JFK must have been Marilyn Monroe's poison, I think.

"So," I offered, "What do you really think happened to Marilyn Monroe?"

"How do you mean?" he said between drags of his cigarette.

"I mean was it really an overdose or--"

"Was it an assassination?" he interjected.


Another drag of his cigarette.

"As they say, the simplest answer is often the correct one."

"Maybe. (beat.) But what makes for the better story?"

After two weeks of courtship, he took his leave. My mother's obvious, unwarranted disapproval was, perhaps, a source of anxiety for him. Me being freshly eighteen, he was also concerned about that (sarcastically) whoppin' three year age gap. (beat.) Not fully buying it, are ya?

Well, neither did I.

Here's my theory: his feelings (or lack thereof) were the reason he called it quits. And instead of being a man--instead of being honest, instead of owning up to the true nature of his intentions--he spun some relatively believable excuse. A coward's way of removing himself from a situation he doesn't want to be in. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't as disappointed as I would have anticipated, had I foreseen the end of our fleeting romance.

I was (beat.) fine.

It does make for a great story, after all. (wryly) But you knew that already.

Because for every Norma Jean, there's always a Marilyn Monroe.

Tell me then--who are you?


Girl curtsies, transitioning into a tableau of Marilyn Monroe's iconic pose wherein she attempts to hold down her dress as the air from a nearby subway grate threatens to expose her undergarments.

Lights fade out.

Don't be a stranger--check out my blog!

(P.S. Use a computer to ensure an optimal reading experience.)
Of course I wasn't talking about you
I don't respect you enough to
Hide your identity
I woulda said it was you
But if the shoe fits
Strap it on
I'm not hiding your identity by not naming you, now, I've just forgotten who you are.
Nina McNally Jan 2018
Everyone has a story to tell; An-
Xiety is a "fickle *****," but one that --
Possibly- tell you when something bad might happen.
Each day that goes by
Never stop dreaming, never
Stop saying "you can't,"
Instead say "you can" and make your dreams come true.
Victory can be your's and
Everyone's, you just gotta believe!

I* became such a strange shape,
Such a strange shape From
Trying to fit it."*
Kindness will win all!
Everyone has a story to tell,
So please listen to them. (Just listen.)
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Quotes (italics) from LOST and Fall Out Boy-- my biggest inspirations.
Everyone needs someone to listen to them,so just keep an open ear and be their friend they can lean on when their in need and maybe they will return the favor for you when you need someone to listen.
Turquoise Mist  Mar 2014
Turquoise Mist Mar 2014
Hands reaching
Slicing through the air
This thick, steamy air
Burning their way
This heat
My insides are
On fire
I push
You return
Hands under
Shirt­ off
So hot
Fingers fumble
Buttons undone
So wet
So ready
Underneath me

And then




Wait no



Clothes thrown on
One more


And even though
It wasn't my cheek

All that remains is
The distinctive sting of

This one is for me. To help remember, get it out, and to realize that I owe you so much for making this mistake a lot smaller than it could have been.
Renae Jun 2014
Sometimes it gets to me
all I do is think sometimes
and sometimes I want to die
sometimes I just cry
oh sometimes

Sometimes I want to quit
mhmmm mmm
sometimes I can't even begin
when it feels like I'll never win

Sometimes the sun shines
even on the inside
sometimes I get a second wind
sometimes I can see the end
oh oh oh sometimes

— The End —