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Tabitha  Sep 2017
Knock Knock
Tabitha Sep 2017
Knock Knock. Who's there? Anyone I know
behind that stare?
Knock knock. Well then? Still the same as it's ever been.
Knock Knock. Go away. Rather be by myself today.
Knock Knock. Still here. Get so lonesome if you're not near.
Knock Knock. Don't crowd. You've no reason to act so proud.
Knock Knock. You're nuts. You don't love me, and I hate your guts.
Knock Knock. Poor child. Get like this every once in awhile.
Knock Knock. **** it let me in! Any idea how long it's been?
Knock Knock. Not true. You know I love every bit of you.
Knock Knock. Don't say. Where were you all those other days?
Knock Knock. Chill out. You don't know what you're talking about.
Knock Knock. Me chill? I can't even understand you, you're yelling so loud!
Knock Knock. You're blind. Why, because I let you do this every time?
Knock Knock. Time out! I'm not doing this again! Do you even know what were fighting about?
Knock Knock. Why does everything always gotta be about you?
Ding ****. It's too late, I found somebody new...
When I wrote this awhile back, I was going through this miscommunication type deal with my other half at the time. Going back and fourth. Always trying to get his attention, yet always getting turned away.
Marco Benitez Mar 2018
A fine night
Or so you thought

The moon decided to hide today
And even though not much on the ground is visible,
There is a showcase of stars in the sky.

You are sitting in your room
Looking out the window
Admiring the display of lights,

In the middle of your peace

You hear the echo of an intruder

The sound of someone demanding to get in

A knock

Could it be?
This late in the night?
Who would be brave enough?
Who would be willing to leave their residences, an hour past midnight, in order to get to you?

Maybe you just imagined it
Maybe the sound was nothing but a phantom of your imagination.

You decide to ignore it
And you resume your imagination
You let it pull you closer to the stars
Your whole existence revolves around the beauty of nature

Knock Knock

It pulls you back to reality
You start to realize
Someone's outside
Someone whats to get in
And you ignored them.

Knock Knock

But who?
Your mind lacks the creativity to think
To think of the reason
Or the identity
Of the living soul standing at your door

Knock Knock

You try looking out the window
Maybe a look at their face might turn the gears in your head
But the web of constellations only light the sky
And the ground remains blind

Knock Knock Knock

What a stubborn being!
Can't it have a bit of patience?
What could possibly be so urgent?
What could he possibly have to discuss at this hour?

Knock Knock Knock Knock

You leave your window
And march down the stairs
This being could not possibly be related to you


You finally reach the door and touch the ****

A thought strikes your mind
As sudden and powerful as when a firework reaches the sky

There was only one answer
Only one reason behind the why
Only one exception for peace in this marvelous night

This being was being chased
This person was trying to hide
This creature was in danger

It was asking for your attention
It was asking for your help

Was it too late?
Had the lonely soul left?


It was still there!


There was still hope


There is no time to waste


Your hand wraps around the handle of your door
Full of impatience
You pull open the door to the entrance of your house

You let the darkness embrace your entrance

The silhouette of the beast in the distance

And unfortunately

You don't manage to see the face of the thing your just salvaged

Because the bullet was quicker than your eyes.
Ember Evanescent Oct 2014
Knock knock
Who's there
Forget it I won't let anyone in
Knock knock
Who's there
What if their words are poison
Knock knock
Who's there
Better let them pass my door
Knock knock
Who's there
Who knows how long they'll stay
Knock knock
Who's there
What if they stay forever
Knock knock
Who's there
Or worse what If they leave
Knock knock
Who's there
I can't take a chance!
Knock knock
Who's there
I don't open the door to strangers
Knock knock
Who's there
What if things don't turn out right?!
...I never open my door.

Repost if you can relate

I love to read interpretations of my poetry so please comment!!!
I love to read interpretations of my poetry so please comment!!!

Repost if you can relate
Ashley Lopez Aug 2014
                        "Knock knock"
                           Who's there?
                         "Knock knock"
                           Who's there?
                         "Knock knock"
           Hello? Is anyone really there?

I open the door where the mysterious knocks came from
To enter a room full of mirrors
Reflecting a girl who has her finger on the trigger.  

                       "Knock knock"
                           Who's there?
                        "Knock knock"
                           Who's there?
                         "Knock knock"
          Hello? Is anyone really there?

She stares at her reflection and asks, "Is anyone there?"
The voices inside whisper "NO"  
As if she already didn't know what this implied.

                       "Knock knock"
                           Who's there?
                        "Knock knock"
                           Who's there?
                         "Knock knock"
                         No one's there.

Just before the trigger went boom
The girl just stared.
Blank eyes and pale lips as she said with gloom,
"No one's really here."
Kind of messy I know. Just had to get it on paper.
Sharina Saad Sep 2015
Knock! Knock!
Anybody home?
Knock! Knock!
Hey I am home
A silent whisper
of the wind...
A grave silent from within...
Knock! Knock! again
No answer
Knock! Knock!  a hundred times
Just a long complete silence...
A second later...
A hand written note
Pushed under the door
An unsigned warning letter
Please walk away
Please do not stay
How could you leave us
just like that
How could you show up
and dare knock on that door again
Do not Knock Knock anymore
Just leave us alone
We wont be missing
that knock knock
on that very door ever again!
good bye forever
Nysa  Jul 2018
Nysa Jul 2018
Someone is at the door!
Coming for the door!
Wait at the door!
Opening the door.
Opened the door.
Who was at the door?!
Closing the door!
Seazy Inkwell Jun 2017
Knock knock.
-Who’s there?
-Me who?
Me whose country is at war.
-Go away.

Knock knock.
-Who’s there?
-Me who?
Me whose family drowned.
-Go away.

Knock knock,
-Who’s there?
-Me who?
Me who is homeless in this country.
-Go away.

Knock knock.
-Who's there?
-Me who?
Me who became a refugee. /Listen you need to help me I have nowhere to go no one to turn to I hardly speak this language and other countries are starting wars in my homeland so I cannot go home. Please I beg of you.
-Shut up and go away.
I have nowhere to go.

Knock knock.
-For the grace of God you are getting on my nerves! Go Away!

Knock knock.
-Is that you again?
No it's he.
-He who?
He who is a terrorist outside your doorstep.
Knock knock goes the ego
as I sit floating in a calm sea of being
knock knock again; I remain in the chair
“Ignore it” says the voice of inner knowing
quiet whispers, quiet whispers.

Knock knock again insistent is this ego
wanting to come in, join the party
Louder still and the door vibrates
oh to shut it up
this banging this intrusion in my life.

A pause and silence is restored
I regain my equilibrium, feel calm again
a mellowing acceptance in this room of old age
laugh lines on the ceiling, evermore threadbare
windows to the soul misty, dust laden.

Walls less sturdy than before
the room cluttered with memories
some easier to find than others
in the boxes of the past
piled high one on top of the other.

Knock knock again the sound fills the room
stubborn, urgent ego sounds, anxious to be heard
Let me in, I want to be heard, I must be heard
Walk to the door, and reach for the handle
No says the spirit, no says the soul
Leave it, keep the door closed.
Open Up calls the Ego, knocking knocking
spirit says closed, do not answer.

I am trapped, pulled in two
voices in my head, open, close, open, close
knocking, knocking
where to go, where to go
surely there must be another door
for me here.
Knock knock, “May I come in?”
and the door of death creaks, begins to open
welcoming, welcoming.

Malcolm Davidson March 14th 2014

— The End —