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  Dec 2017 Tabitha
a different sort of nerves
run up and down my spine
this is new, this is taking
breath and spitting out
a lie, chewing on the
tacky bits of life yet
still forgetting you
will die;
because death falls
through the walls
and takes us even
if we cry,
if we lie;
death is deaf to
tacky pleas and
pulls our breath out of
the lungs
beneath our spines.
  Dec 2017 Tabitha
Oh darling of mine

You make promises
you know you can't keep
and don't even realize that
promises aren't to be kept
they are to be fulfilled

Promises aren't to be kept
under your pillow or
under the warm sun's light
they aren't words mumbled
they are taken actions

You'd promise to never
betray nor leave me
when the clouds would roar
of troubles we faced
but I fought the clouds alone

You'd "step out" of my life
telling me to lose all hope
to ever have your love
telling me to die and ease
this world of agony

You'd "step out" of my life
and maybe you wouldn't walk into
someone else's life but didn't you
then walk with someone else to see
how a life without me was all about

Oh darling of mine

You make words seem
like kisses on the beach
when they'd all be thorns
growing out of your skin
not realizing that

Words don't need to soothe
they don't have to comfort
a dead soul in distress
words are supposed to rip a heart out
and stop it from beating lies

You'd talk about never
forging words nor corrupting
truths with lies that were made
ruthlessly of despise
and i saw that in your eyes

You'd say that
"I lied cuz..."
so baby don't you dare
lie over a lie and tell me
stories of how you'd never lie

You'd be writing writes
about the one with green eyes
telling me its all but fiction
with no one in your mind
surely that night i must've been blind

oh darling of mine*

you're hell's fire
that burns my heart
with hurt and desire

you've been a liar
for a time I did not inquire

now toss me once again and burn me alive in hell's fire
I am sorry for ever believing you
oh and
between me and you
loyalty is something, I'd rather show
  Dec 2017 Tabitha
Alexander Zheludev
Woah woah woah as i go i know its too late and i hate that i dont appreciate the gifts i have until have i dont no i wont make that mistake again im a grown man now outta the play-pen and as i hold this pen scribble these lines i find myself looking back black and white memories of shes of the past lasted so long but went so fast now theyve moved on no longer held back by thoughts of me but all i can see are the mistakes and what couldve be if i hadent been me but thats okay there are seven billion humons on this planet so granted ill find another who will see all my destructive tendencies and be pleased or at least put up with me
  Dec 2017 Tabitha
Aimee Heeringa
If you're a good writer
I've probably already fallen
in love with your words
if you make good music
you most likely own
a part of my soul
if when you message me
you use proper grammer
and complete sentences
there's no denying
I take you seriously
something in the way you word things
the way that each consonant sings
as I breathe in the simple things
you say to me
  Nov 2017 Tabitha
Luna Lynn
*** stick #1 says positive
#2 from the dollar stores says negative
but #3 from the grocery said positive
and #4 from the general was inconclusive
the #5 from ER was intrusive
#6 from the gas station didn't work
#7 from the immediate care center hurt
so the clinic tells me they don't know for sure
and ultrasounds aren't yet insured
I guess I can wait
If it isn't too late
I feel my belly
guess I'll see when I show
But here comes the blood
it just never will grow
(C) Maxwell 2014
  Nov 2017 Tabitha
Now, that you're gone,
And left me in dew,
I wish there were things,
You better knew...

The peace
The silence
Will always be due,
The peace,
The silence
That were then so true.

Your talks, my laughs
Your persevering view,
Made me smile,
With nods for you
Like it was just, just you!

The fights, the frown,
Were then still still cute,
Maybe because,
It was with you!

You left, Not asked,
With a lame excuse,
An excuse ,I know
That was just so not true.

I wish you stayed,
could perceive the truth,
That there was somebody,
Who loved, loved you.

There's still a voice,
That connects me with you,
That makes me smile, shed tears for you
and often makes me miss you,

But now you're gone,
I don't have you,
I wish my love,
You could see the truth.

But then it's late,
To be in the dew,
And I hope,
That was all
...Only If you knew.
Thankyou for reading, and reacting.
All your comments and feedbacks are most welcome.
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