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O flower at my window
Why blossom you so fair,
With your green and purple cup
Upturned to sun and air?
'I bloom, blithesome Bessie,
To cheer your childish heart;
The world is full of labor,
And this shall be my part.'
Whirl, busy wheel, faster,
Spin, little thread, spin;
The sun shines fair without,
And we are gay within.

O robin in the tree-top,
With sunshine on your breast,
Why brood you so patiently
Above your hidden nest?
'I brood, blithesome Bessie,
And sing my humble song,
That the world may have more music
From my little ones erelong.'
Whirl, busy wheel, faster,
Spin, little thread, spin;
The sun shines fair without,
And we are gay within.

O balmy wind of summer,
O silver-singing brook,
Why rustle through the branches?
Why shimmer in your nook?
'I flutter, blithesome Bessie,
Like a blessing far and wide;
I scatter bloom and verdue
Where'er my footsteps glide.'
Whirl, busy wheel, faster,
Spin, little thread, spin;
The sun shines fair without,
And we are gay within.

O brook and breeze and blossom,
And robin on the tree,
You make a joy of duty,
A pride of industry;
Teach me to work as blithely,
With a willing hand and heart:
The world is full of labor,
And I must do my part.
Whirl, busy wheel, faster,
Spin, little thread, spin;
The sun shines fair without,
And we are gay within.
When the lucent skies of morning flush with dawning rose once more,
And waves of golden glory break adown the sunrise shore,
And o'er the arch of heaven pied films of vapor float.
There's joyance and there's freedom when the fishing boats go out.

The wind is blowing freshly up from far, uncharted caves,
And sending sparkling kisses o'er the brows of ****** waves,
While routed dawn-mists shiver­oh, far and fast they flee,
Pierced by the shafts of sunrise athwart the merry sea!

Behind us, fair, light-smitten hills in dappled splendor lie,
Before us the wide ocean runs to meet the limpid sky­
Our hearts are full of poignant life, and care has fled afar
As sweeps the white-winged fishing fleet across the harbor bar.

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The sea is calling to us in a blithesome voice and free,
There's keenest rapture on its breast and boundless liberty!
Each man is master of his craft, its gleaming sails out-blown,
And far behind him on the shore a home he calls his own.

Salt is the breath of ocean slopes and fresher blows the breeze,
And swifter still each bounding keel cuts through the combing seas,
Athwart our masts the shadows of the dipping sea-gulls float,
And all the water-world's alive when the fishing boats go out.
O lesson well and wisely taught
Stay with me to the last,
That all my life may better be
For the trial that is past.
O vanity, mislead no more!
Sleep, like passions, long!
Wake, happy heart, and dance again
To the music of my song!

O summer days, flit fast away,
And bring the blithesome hour
When we three wanderers shall meet
Safe in our household flower!
O dear mamma, lament no more!
Smile on us as we come,
Your grief has been our punishment,
Your love has led us home.
Judy Klein Nov 2013
The old fire place
was least 90 years old
It came with the cabin as the story unfolds
it was a log cabin with a stone chimney
the chimney ran all the way down in side
Where near was a chair where the bearded man reside
Now as the story is told
The wood was cut and properly stacked
Along side the fire place was a burlap sack
we looked through the window and what did we see
lots of toys and a Christmas tree
dancing elf's were all about
was a huge locomotive train sitting on a track
going around and round click clack
bells were ringing
The angles were singing
  Christmas chimes were hanging
there was even a drum set banging
our child eyes were all lit up
as we lean against the window pane,
looking in and seeing the tree filled with candy canes
as the little elf's drank out of Christmas cups
There was Santa loving it so much
wow their getting ready for the Christmas year
** ** ** we heard him say
as his long white beard was white and gray
we have to make the toys
for all the little girls and boys
dancing and prancing  running all about
Mrs Clause is in the kitchen hearing her shout
baking cookies
pies and candy canes ties
hair pulled back with her apron on
Singing Christmas songs
The little else was singing along
wrapping presents and filling socks
Near Santa chair hung the Christmas clock
oh how exciting this Christmas year
awaiting for the reindeer to appear
on Christmas eve night that's coming near
Santa string the wood in the old fire place
warming the cabin for the season race
whistling and singing all night  long
Christmas eve the reindeer came
Dasher and prancer,
Donne,r and blithesome
Rudolph the famous reindeer of all
not finished ,need to put in a poem...
AmberLynne  Jul 2014
AmberLynne Jul 2014
Your blithesome nature
overwhelms my aching soul.
If I am honest
I must tell you that you are
simply extraordinary.
Desiree Ng  Oct 2015
Desiree Ng Oct 2015
dear you, dear eyes
in your lovely sockets,
your presence is poetry,
an experience i cannot sculpt
into words precisely,perfectly,patiently:
pauses and punctuations, the words
i want to kiss into your mouth
and then tease with my tongue.

i seek solace/solar/suns,you dress my fingers with a
gentle grip and your scooping motions-
oh the waxing crescent moon;i see-
now i see clearly that the moon
is dark and round akin to your pupils.
once an abyss,no w a world beyondddddddd!
what blithesome business

i once thought the moon had a
face of a man and I still do but the moon
found its way to a face of a man I know.

stark silence, silly matters, subtly, just subtly
i find myself looking up/wards,wards,wards
and enjoying earnest pleasures in p
ain/eeling/inching/ulling, an unearthly joy found
between my bleeding fingers and my nails
(or lack thereof)

maybe the moon is alive,has skin,breathes and
sometimes talks/i know, i know it, i’ve felt it.
I KNOW IT as i,i, i

passively watched the blood moon;I’m
certain and I bet all my cuticles on this
that i know pretty pretty eyes when i see them
in a drunken fear fun fantasy falling falling

and i form your fluttering fleeting
shadow w w w wwwwwww           .


yoi were(as) meant to go when the sun comes up
Keith Mitchell Feb 2019
silhouette remnants
flash of nova
goddess so super
seed of life
energy unfolding
all directions
brilliance  cast
true warmth of benevolence
nymphs rise
abysses grip released
luminescent fireflies
dancing with blithesome delight
pensive and observant
full moon
calling all into play
sun hiding
only witness
dark side of the moon lit
under a solar eclipse
universe lines up
quasars reflection
soul of goddesses
Ann P  Mar 2017
Blithe After Pain
Ann P Mar 2017
the brightness of sun
the softly breathing song
the very jocund voice of love
whispered by the trees
drawn by the clouds
in every step she danced
was she blind
or was she dead
to realize that
the world was never cruel
love was never black-hearted
only blithesome day
was left to be enjoyed
for her who suffered enough
Tereshkova  Nov 2013
Tereshkova Nov 2013
I'm in pain and nobody can help
I lost myself when society judged me
In the darkness I always dwelt
And never really knew how to be free.
Inside me there's a shade of black
A shade of black that will forever defy me
Everyday I count, so as not to lose track
Lose track of the insults they throw just for glee.
They don't know how much it hurts
The feeling of being degraded when you're already at the bottom
I stay awake and listen to the owl's hoots
And hear their voices in my head, oh-so-blithesome.
I refer to myself as an outcast
For their words make me lose my sanity
The deep cuts I may surpass
But not all of their profanity.
They said "Be yourself"
But their actions don't support their idea
And judge people like me out of the shelf
Then leave me lying there, astray.
HoneyPotter Jan 2018
People woke up
to the sound of a clock,
the sun rises
another humdrum routine.
Many things can happen
to your 24 hours a day,
Loads of worries
life is a struggle.
It may seem hard
for you to handle,
don't worry my dear
you'll understand it clear.
Look above and see,
our beautiful reality.
the shades of a sunset
Let your sadness disappear.
a gentle reminder
tomorrow will still come
a chance to be to blithesome,
and to chase your dreams.
From the knoll rolled the meadow blue brown and green
The silence of the Spring sky shielded the distant din
Winds blew in a dusty peace bought mind a soft solace
First star on the meridian chimed in the evening’s grace.

Atop the knoll came the call for once to break the race
Hear the hushed whispers of dreams long suppressed
Stand there hugged by those moments’ forgetfulness
No need survives for going back there exist no address.

The chance in that trance wove a blithesome spell
It’s here that you belong for you is made this dale
Drink in this heavenly whim hidden nectar of the mind
Unshackle from the chains of an illusion left behind.

The sky was soon illumined by the monstrous city light
Faded the meridian’s first star stillborn was mournful night
Atop the knoll dawned darkness the meadow was a distant blur
It was time to retrace downhill to forever nurse a scar.

— The End —