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Nandini  Mar 2014
Nandini Mar 2014
Words impossible to pen down ,
let go like a loose electric wire .
Mixed lines , confused verbiages ,
unsettled like random mosaics.
Composure of the birds disrupted ,
like ripples in the calm water .
Running with my life onto my palms ,
over to topple .. gasping to breakfree.
Lost identities , scars of the past rooted deeper.
I want to run , walk , fall but not stop ,
i want to caravan the world , conquer speed.
I dont want to be tagged intelligent ,
to meet the social benchmarks .
I want to set myself loose , breakfree cross boundaries,
i want to be a ROGUE NINJA.
I want to let the untamed breeze fill my hair ,
I want to live ....
Theres no point penning down your thoughts with perfected adjectives..
Marigold  May 2016
Marigold May 2016
The future has no mouth,
No tongue,
No teeth.
The Earth speaks, but it's easy not to hear.

Easier still,
when drowned by the rising noise
of trucks and drills,
destruction and greed.

And you want more,
And you want convenience.
you don't want hassle,
you don't want consequences,
of what you choose.
That's inconvenient.
You're busy,
you've got things to do,
you've got a job and a family,
and you don't care about much more than that.
Excepting, most notably, yourself.

So you turn the other way.
We sit on the ground before you,
we sing songs of generations before us
who tried to help the Earth too.
We sing the words of those who protected our lands,
before the coming of this new age
of willful ignorance.
And you walk past us,
and on top of us.
And you blame us for being in the way.
You yell at us to move,
you've got things to do!
Things to ignore!

It's easier not to know,
easier still not to change,
but the teethless, tongueless, mouthless future
continues to approach.

Melting, heating and shaking.
We must hear it,
before there is no-one left to hear.
I carry these bruises with pride.
I carry knowledge of my actions with pride.
I will do my best for the future,
I will not regret my caring.
Debbie Ogenyi May 2016
You wonder why she loved you
Deceit lust and betrayal
But  she did,eyes blinded
Till truth unfolds with time
Love it fades in the face of reality
Bitter but real

Let her flyaway
Let her breakfree

Listen,the sound of drums
Toes taping in rejoicing
Hear  the the laughter of freedom
She is no longer your prisoner
Let her walk with her head held high
She is beauty,elegance and dignity

You wonder why she loved you
Toture disrespect and hate
But she did,Ignorance
She held on though her blistered palm
Knowing not her worth

But she knows today
See she smiles at her reflection
She is beautiful not because you say

Let her flyaway
Let her breakfree
audrey  May 2021
audrey May 2021
my mother's words
always rang before
any step forward,
halfway down the hallway,
i realized;
my destiny was not
for her to write
Sammie  Aug 2017
Sammie Aug 2017
You look so bored
Like some tanned sunkissed sea shore
Your imagination is the only key
To get out of this world and flee
Once you are out, you can fly high
Then you are not going to feel shy
Shy, of speaking your heart out
You will, then, stay upright and shout
"This is not where I belong
I just have been staying here for so long
Now that I am finally breaking this cage
Trying to write my story on a brand new page
Of running far away free and wild
And transforming back into the long lost carefree child"
Reuben  Aug 2017
Reuben Aug 2017
How can I begin with?
From my mother’s womb until my first breath
There’s a reason my family to celebrate
A new life was begin and create

Make a stand and walk is not yet for my feet
To say and talk is not an easy feat
Move and speak is a tall order task
And I can only do is a cry for ask

In my mother’s teaching it builds my foundation
To prepare the stages of my education
Leaving for a short time a house that I call home
Striving for the world having a bigger dome

For each day I live I choose to be the best
To taste the sweet of what a joyful rest
I broke my heart, for every gain
Along the way, I face the pain

Can I still find my own finest day?
Or a death has a final say
Will I find the key to my prison break?
Or to die an opportunity to be free.
Lyn  Apr 2018
Lyn Apr 2018
My knuckles are too tight
Holding on the Barrier too high
So long have been I holding on
I’m trapped in on my own
Break free from the past I hold behind
For me you my Saviour knight
Bend the blocks there hold
Melt the wax frozen long time
You’ll be the king in my kingdom of hailing heart
Hail oh! The one I Waiting since time pass long
Slide a note written long why you want.
I’d write one for why you you’re mine
bluedomes23 Sep 2013
Everytime I see you,
My heart is trembling, my mind is bewitched
Then triggering me to smile
It’s like making me speechless and stationary
As if I’m injected with a ******.
I feel happiness to being bashful when I catch a glimpse
I hate feeling this way.
I want to cut down this sense of insanity
But I am weak to breakfree
You’re such a wonderful thing to be stayed away from.
It’s strange why I had this likeness on you
Maybe your smile, the calmness of your face or so.
I can’t let you get out of my head now.
I think I’m pretty caught off-guard.
Bani Marathe Jan 2017
Unforgettable! That's what you are
Diving deep into my thoughts all the more..
Never meant to complicate your life
Always wanted to be by your side
But Alas! My heart is so weak and so tempted.

Lived every moment spent with you
Loved every dream I dreamt when not with you
Wanted to share every secret with you but
Never thought of falling in love with you.

What is it that exists between us so strong
Pulls me in closer everytime I try to breakfree
Feeling so helpless trying to hold my emotions
Failing miserably but still not giving up.

It wasn't your fault, may be a bit mine
But I am glad and hold no regrets
You gave me the best time of my life.
Unforgettable... yes indeed it is!!
S  Jun 2015
little girl
S Jun 2015
she never knew she was able to breakfree
of the chains holding her back
until one day
the world gave up completely
on her and she realised that she could fly
071216 #6:53AM

Before you,
My life was just the way it was,
Everything was in its motion
And I do know,
Love isn't void.

Then, you became that revolving planet,
Away from your own axis.
My heart was in collision
For I thought you're just in time --
Just in time to carry my loads,
To breakfree me with a non-universal smile.

But after love has conquered its fear to love again,
I was stomped and that love,
You tore it to be invisible.
In you, it became impossible.

The moment I did stop for awhile,
Was also tht moment I thought I lost the fight.
And the way I've known love
Was intended to forgiveness,
To cuddle myself freed.

I have loved you
And I held you for too long.
Yet, just in time, I have to let you go --
Just in time,
Real love will be bound by its own.
Noone Apr 2022
Why do I keep meeting the same person in different bodies?
Why do I keep repeating the same old stories?
Why am I stuck in the same recursive loop?
Why does this keep happening to me?

— The End —