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 Jan 2019 Annie
German is a harsh language
An opinion that prevails
A strong rolled “R”
Noises, making you think
Something is stuck down your throat
Talking, in everlasting anger

Let me tell you something
Let me introduce you
To the beauty of the German language
To the words of “Wanderlust”, “Weltschmerz” or “Geborgenheit”
Many words so unique

Their meaning poetic
Using them yet so difficult
Listen to us closely and you will find out
German is not German
It comes in many forms
It varies by the region, state, country

Every form has its own character
Every accent has its own thrill
Determinable in the way it’s spoken
And sometimes hard to understand
Differences so great,
Yet compromised in a single tongue

German is not as harsh as you think
No anger lies in our tone
Nothing is stuck down our throat
And spoken by the right person
It can be quite melodic
Trying to overcome the stereotypes...
 Jan 2019 Annie
Lara Kristin
A boy once told me:
„I'll always be there for you."
But tell me what happend to that always...
The boy once told me:
„I love you."
But boy, did you just deprive yourself of this love?
You promised:
„If you need to talk, I'll be there in ten minutes."
So please come on and speak with me now, 'cause I have a lot to discuss about.
He said:
„when you need to get ******, because you can't handle that **** at all, just call.."
because you exactly knew that feeling.
Boy you were the only one, who ever thought the same way like I did.
You rhymed:
„Let's create some new habits on this ruined planet."
And made me smile with that not exactly rude sentence, but your crude presence.
And oh boy that moment when you told me that I look pretty and I remarked;
„thanks but no, I don't think like this..."
And then you looked at me in a way, that was given me the feeling, that I'm the most wonderful thing in the whole **** universe.
Boy tell me, who are you looking at now?
Please let me know what happens to all of those phrases.
Was that all just about empty words?
And boy confess me how it was possible for you to get rid of me so easily.
I never wanted it to end like this.
I never wanted it to end.
It never was supposed to end.
Isn't that hilarious?
 Jan 2019 Annie
Xander Holden
take my hand and i'll take yours
down every path, we'll open doors
dark and light, wrong or right
we will make it through the night

don't look down, the rope is thin
pray there's not a gust of wind
joy and pain, sun and rain
our lives burning like flames

the hill is steep and so's the price
but if we make it up in time
you and I, today and forever
can make it through any weather
 Jan 2019 Annie
'It's dark in here'
'Its sacred there'
'I ain't stopping'
'Turn back'
"I have no intention to'
'Don't come any closer'
'I'll come'
'Its a warning'
'I heard it'
'I'm dangerous'
'I know it'
'Aren't you scared?'
'My shaking won't stop'
'I'll ruin you'
'Ruin me then'
'I'll break you'
'Break me then'
'I'll tear you to shreds'
'I'm all ready'
'Leave me be'
'I can't, I won't'
'Why are you stubborn?'
'Let me come over'
'I don't wanna hurt you'
'Take my hand and pull me'
'I don't have a heart'
'Have mine'
"My soul's rotten too'
'Mine is here for you'
'Why are you doing this?'
'I have been there, long ago"
'Were you?'
'But not as deep as you'
When you fall, you don't need someone to give you a hand from outside. You don't need comforting words or idealistic thoughts. You don't need to be told to stay strong.
 Jan 2019 Annie
A Moment Ago
 Jan 2019 Annie
Let’s sit here and
watch the grass grow
for eternity was but
a moment ago
 Jan 2019 Annie
 Jan 2019 Annie
I see value in what you discard,
in the broken pices once known as a heart.

I see the glimmer in what's thought is dead, reviving the magic that's lost in your head.
 Jan 2019 Annie
 Jan 2019 Annie
The mirror is my enemy,
its' reflection makes me cry;
For what I see, looking back at me,
is a Monster in disguise.
I avoid them like the plague,
I'd like to take them down;
'Cause every time, I look inside,
my heart falls to the ground.
A false view of myself,
is all I ever see;
For every time, I pass one by,
depression visits me.
I'd like to shatter all of them,
but it wouldn't change a thing;
So I will still avoid them,
I hate everything I see.
This is about a disorder I have...BDD.  It stands for...Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  I can't see what I truly look like, for my reflection is distorted.
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