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20h · 250
Two birds
Two birds on the line
Fight for a fruit, the cat waits
Two friends realise
5d · 70
The places I’ve visited and then left
Only to revisit to know more
The experience of the untouched untapped resource

For some it comes easy
Some struggle the ****
Pushing and pulling, the invisible doors

Then on a rainy day
Wait for the clouds while they pour
Filled with dreams of paddy fields
An experience of abundance
And some more
6d · 119
The Sea
Fisherman’s net spread
No shoals
Transparent its soul, shiny sheen
The ocean dances to a rhythm known
Its own
Eclectic muse
Moves like a danseuse
Like the flowers in spring
Under the morning sun
The ocean swells
Scattering gems
Sparkling diamonds
Embers of sapphire
Slivers of gold
Secrets of the ocean
Never held
Sunrise to sunset
Serendipitous moments
Gently unfold
Was inspired by the music and the sea
Jun 6 · 142
And it grows…
The choice to choose the complexity of truth forever difficult different from the rest
sure it tests
in nature, it is natural for the rivers to flow,
trees to grow, as naturally as they can
  how do you plant a melon seed and wish for an apple to grow
no two fruits can taste same but they come from a family of greens, part of the earth
so are we, different in our ways as we naturally grow
how does it change the truth
hard as it may sound the truth can find its way up wherever it plants and grows roots, albeit,
if the humankind allows
Where there is a flow a natural progression of what is, no cutting down, distortion or clipping in parts, as it changes the whole
it makes sense as is
to the end
And there can be one
Some thoughts which found their way to words
Jun 4 · 279
The fort
Unburdened by the past
Heralding the future
A blend of ancient and the modern
History swirls
Rock solid walls
A fortress to beckon
A hint of glitter
Glamour and gold
Glimpses of the old
Refurbished  and restored
Manicured gardens
Perfect leaves
And trees
Branches bow down in rows
Bound by boundaries
Through centuries
The fort
Open to the commoners
The royals once owned
May 30 · 105
Cold on the outside
Tending the hurt
Tender inside
There’s always that one
Who wants to be out
But can’t
The fear of
The glass
That cuts
Is transparent
But hurts
May 20 · 135

I let the words
Have a word
Amongst themselves
The one
Which steps out first
Better know
Its way to the sentence
Others in waiting
Are equally eager
To have their day
I mean say
All I have
To say
To them
It’s ok
How does it matter
Whichever steps out first
Doesn’t mean
The last one
Will not make it
Every word
Can belong in a sentence
Or can be enough
Even if they stand alone
That’s what
Even a dictionary
Find your own meaning
Your purpose
On the way
Words day out
May 16 · 292
What matters…
It was the road
Not the walk initially
Then it was the walk
And then the question
That arose
Is it worthwhile ??
It stayed for a while
And then it froze
The doubt
That was
Not worthwhile
Every walk may not lead
You to a rose
And every road
May not lead
To a destination
As planned
The journey matters
So do the learnings
The experience of
A different chapter
On a different note
I recently took up education after a gap of 24 years and was successfully able to finish a 1 year post graduate diploma course in psychology and nurture of giftedness
May 10 · 374
Joining the dots

Joining the dots
What will
It be
Will be a blot on the paper
A word a sentence
A poem perhaps

There it was
Flipping the pages
Was it the wind
True to itself
The sounds create
The rhythm
Too perfect

What do I say
I know
What do I say

Can it be the same
Will it be
As it was
Joining the dots

True to itself
The rhythm
Will they
The words
Make a line
A sentence

What do I say

Joining the dots
Jan 22 · 384
Light to far dark
Seed to flower
And the endless hours
And the wait
To know the fate

Sunset colours
Touch the ground
Red to gold
Buds and roses
Pleasant yellows

Present and aware
In the moment
To know the world of
Jan 21 · 367
Warmth of the candle
Softly grows
Flickering its flame
Softly glows
Tender hearts
To defrost
Jan 17 · 172
Fluid in the race
Words run the marathon

Synaptic connections
Like untapped destinations

Follow the directions
Defying challenges

Sweet and sour
Prudent and extravagant

Kind or sharp
Convey every emotion

Jubilant they dance
On the paper

Start to finish
Run the marathon
Jan 14 · 372
Winds soar sway and sing
A farewell song to the sea
Heavy clouds hang low
Jan 12 · 514
The Echoes
Rhythmic drop of beats
Hollow beads
Into the well of wealth
Seeds of eventide
A slow tempo
Sweet crescendo
Waves and vibes
Shimmer and shine
Of vibrant times
Dec 2023 · 1.2k
Melodic birds
Melodic birds
Chirp in the morning
Bees and worm
A delicacy they yearn

With an ease
They sing a song
Sometimes tense
Sometimes verse

The melodic birds
Speak a language unknown
Known to their kind
Sweet it sounds
Nov 2023 · 606
There is an upheaval
Unleashed by the unknown
Of what’s in store

Familiar the terrain
Unfettered the mind explores
The unknown
Nov 2023 · 905
H- Him and Her
U- u and me
M- make it everybody
A- And the world over, if they agree
N- No one’s sad, happy together
Oct 2023 · 653
In circles we move

A part of me lost
It seeks

A part of me belongs
Wants to still

A part of me forgets and forgives
Not all

A part of me ugly and bad
I embrace

A part of me driven
Trying to be

A part of me
Never apart

A part of me
And the rest
Makes me whole
Oct 2023 · 373
Valence bound
Presence deeply felt
Absence too
Coexisting in a nucleus
The feeling
And not
Oct 2023 · 390
Merry colours
Warmth of orange rust
Striking beauty of evergreen
Merry as the sun
Yellow sunburst

Feverish shimmering
Leaves on trees
Frozen in frames

Rainbow in the sky
Oct 2023 · 1.2k
The mind a deep reservoir
Challenged or otherwise
Challenges it meets

Bridging the gaps
Bracing and braving
The gaping holes

Instinctively and intuitively designed
It knows what it needs
And learns to believe
The dotted line
Originally Written 7/11/2020
Revised today
Oct 2023 · 234
Don’t tell me about something
I have always known

Don’t tell me something
I never wanted to know about

Ignorance at will
Ignorance otherwise
Is bliss wonder why
Oct 2023 · 1.0k
Mirrors and lakes
Mirrors and lakes
Rusty or fine, edgy or divine
Overcast sky, they defy
Oct 2023 · 250
Pain’s pain
Pain must be miserable
Alone, in its game
Inflicting, breaking
Gaining shame

Was its learnings easy
As a novice
Did it improvise
Was it pained

Tenacious, it must be
In its ways
To befriend
Know thy subjects
A Prerequisite, a norm

No pain, no gain
That’s the motto of pain
Knowledge it imparts
Impartial in its game
Oct 2023 · 470
I respect
I respect myself
So do you

Age is just a number
We all know that

But still we respect
That’s how it is done

Better late than never
We learn
We have to that’s the norm

There are ways to win a war

No more fencing with you
I have crossed the fence

I lay my armour down
I respect the domain

In our heart of hearts
We knew
The boundaries were meant to be

I respect mine
My sanity I reclaim
Oct 2023 · 379
Hope resurfaced
Lay in silence
Rebuked and renounced

Feeble its voice
But fair

Its hands, paints
Patterns of life

Silence and hope
Have a pattern
They paint

Colour on the walls
Drew grace

Hope resurfaced
Oct 2023 · 150
I want to fail
I want to fail and fall
Free fall to my safety net
One time two times sometimes
And again

Like a clown
I want to cry and laugh
Bounce back and  stand tall
And again
One time two times sometimes
recall to free fall

In a nutshell
May, maybe not
Redundant sometimes
Recoil Recall free fall
And bounce back along

I want to create something new
From the residue
And learn to fail and fall
And free fall to gravity
Once and for all
Oct 2023 · 303
Tears you shed
For the lack of gifts
Wishing for one and some-more
Stuck in the greed of forever more

Life it is
You have been tricked
It bestows upon you
The choicest of all
And watches from afar

The gifts you owned
And the greed for more
Bringing in a abundance
Of evermore

Sky high
The inventory you see
What do you do
How do you stack
The cloud is full

Stuck in the forevermore
Be free and learn to shape shift
There is wisdom in those gifts
May you gain and secure

No wings
Attached to strings
In the sky
Blue or colourless
The colourful kite
Learns to fly
Sep 2023 · 484
I speak in syllables
I have known words
My vocabulary inert
Sep 2023 · 445
My Mind
Blue and white
Black and white
Or rainbow like

Cold and numb
Warm to fuzzy
Cognitive overdrive

Day and night
At will
Aug 2023 · 1.9k
It takes a storm
It takes a storm
To know the strength of the winds
No more gentle as the breeze

It takes a storm
To make the calm and silent waves swell
A lesson it must teach

It takes a storm to know
Past is done, do not dwell
Gentler waves now touch the shore

For the storm too knows
Finite it is, in its entirety
Lose it must, to the tree of will

It takes a storm to know your strength
It takes a will of the tender tendrils
To sway with the winds
And stay still in the storm
Written between June and August :)
Jul 2023 · 1.6k
The flowers
The flowers knew it was their end

The flowers knew their life was short

There was no way through

The flowers knew their way through

The flowers knew their way to the end

They knew it was worthwhile

They smiled to the end
Jul 2023 · 776
The Mundane
Caught in the mundane
Imagination escapes my thoughts
Wilfully plant themselves someplace alive
Joyous trees in the forest thrive

Not a word
Written nor spoken
Some emotions best buried underneath
Not to be watered never to sprout

Crossing paths and boundaries too
Rain meets summer, seasons intermingle
Flowering blooms spring stays bold
Leaves of colour, turn to gold

My thoughts like silt and sand
Awash and Washed ashore
Emerge and submerge
Wavering like the waves

The mundane rose and raved
Common its place
Not a day with or without
Every day life thrives
Except for the last verse, rest was written on 15th June
Jun 2023 · 1.6k
Nature Ally
Nature has this innate ability to take in many sounds
both unpleasant and kind, insulated its core, penetrating deep, it unravels the mysteries, mysterious its ways, in dispersion to diversity
always bears and offers fruits, fair
Nature Inspiration moments
May 2023 · 1.0k

Ephemeral blooms
Wayward clouds mischievous trees
Vernal grass beckons
Mar 2023 · 1.1k

It was midnight
the moon sailed through the clouds

Winds howled
so did the wolf

The insects trilled
while in the distance machines drilled

Roadways to resurrect in the dead of the night

Snow covered land, white
no sign of the Sun

Do not follow the shadows
they can mislead

Puzzled and incomplete

Mystery of the truth

In pictures framed
Mar 2023 · 1.8k
Happy Holi

It is an emotion
Sung upon the winds
Youthful songs of spring

Vivacious emeralds
Colours of the shade, Jade
Fields of verdant green

Mother earth bestows
Upon us her finest hues
Let’s embrace in gratitude

Reverently we circumambulate
The Holika, seeking felicity
Quelling the evil and granting peace

Imbued with the crimson
Under the blue skies of eternity
May the festival bring mirth
And lasting harmony
Mar 2023 · 967

Red rose in ribbons
Fragrance of evanescence
Life a lit candle
Photo inspiration- HaikuJam, Instagram
Mar 2023 · 176
A deck of words
Meticulously thought
Pyramid stacked

Bolted words

Crusting at the edges
Rusty waves

The ocean softly hums
Droplets sink and surge
Merge and make waves

Crossing paths
Leaving trails
Never to meet again
Dec 2022 · 331
Time to Cerebrate
Too distracted to write
Or it can be called busy, right
Wish that was true too
Busy can be in the mind
On an overthinking overdrive

Losing the thoughts
Which are best kept
Wrapped in warm words
To be used for better days

Losing good thoughts
Is like losing a place
Where warmth is always safe
Losing many these days

Do words care
Do they know
What missing is like
Cause I miss words

Isn’t the written word
All that and more
The feeling
That fulfils
The writer within
Time to cerebrate
To celebrate
Wow this went public in one go
Thank you hello poetry
Nov 2022 · 730
A leaf, a flower, the fruits
There is inspiration in the roots

Sun and moon in the sky
In circles they move as perceived from earth
In syzygy sometimes

Life depends on breath
Breathless without inspiration it seems

Dependent on life
Will inspiration survive
Come to fruition and thrive
Nov 2022 · 403
Bespoke Nature
A pattern of change
Myriad colour leaves fall
Bespoke nature song
Nov 2022 · 176
November’s words

November has arrived
Embers of words  
Gentle remembrance
It seeks, to stay warm

Past and beyond
These empty lines
A wish to fulfil
Thoughts to redefine

Hopeful it seems
A word a memory
With certain thoughts

Meaningless without words
Mundane defined
Lost thoughts
Connected lines
Oct 2022 · 231
Mortal & Aware
Mortal and  aware
The pigeon
Fought for its dear life
And perished
Left angel wings, grey, to the earth
In hopes to be welcomed at heaven’s door
Beauty in death defined
Where oleanders bloom through dusk  
And fall on the pavement grey
A salute to the first light
Where colours merge and separate in the sky
The early bird sings to the glory of the dawn
And prays for a meaty prey
Oct 2022 · 245
Hello poetry site
Hello poetry site
Diminishing its light
Brilliant its soul

When it is cold outside
Keeps the thoughts warm
In drafts or posts

To write and read a post
A task, too many times
With diminishing light

What will it take
To light up the site
With a brilliant soul

Methods I keep trying
Safe it works, sometimes fail
Frail the sever, it trails

Through Logins and logouts
And errors found
In history I keep
The latest and trending posts

The homepage sits empty
Many a times
What will it take to light up the site

Hello poetry site
Faint its heart
Breathing slow
What will it take to light up the site
With a brilliant soul
Sep 2022 · 688
Different Sky
There is a light of a different kind
In darkness, lit blue lights
A vision it takes to see
The visible through fleeting lights

Alone in groups they stay
Calm and conversant
Ever chanting, rhythmic voices low
Reverberant and slow

Breathless under the unrelenting sea
Through darkness one sees
The pathways in twilight
To Allay and alleviate
Woke to the crimson sky
Sep 2022 · 807
Perfection perception

Brittle and frail
Perception to perceptions
There lies perfection
It doesn’t lie
Stands perfect and tall
Much tug, Leads to fall
Maintains a standard
Not standard for all
Sep 2022 · 208
I feel…. I write
I feel
I write
I miss
I seek
Whatever hides

The truth
The lies
The sweet
The bitter
Whatever manifests

The reason
Or wrong
Leashed or otherwise
Has been present
Deep inside

The numbers
Roll And play
The words
I choose
Aug 2022 · 951
Tulips and Sunshine
Surrounded by love
On the bed of green
Scarlets and white
Different, yet alike
Tulips and sunshine
Peacefully arise
Nature is serene, alive

Aug 2022 · 1.9k
Dawn to Don

As it dawned upon them
It was their final chance
To dance through the night

And they danced
Donning the colours
Of the new dawn

As it was
The final countdown
To forevermore

For the words to forge
The unwritten
The written, Unforged
Had been away for a very long time
Hope you all are doing well
Didn’t write much all this while
Hope to write read and share here
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