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Feb 15 · 174
Red Hibiscus
If only I could express
If only there were words enough
To say
How I feel about you
When you sway, in your red flowy dress
Dear hibiscus
I miss you everyday
I wander off on the streets
In search
I will find
Where you once lived,
Was loved, spread the same

When she nurtured you
As a sapling, with all the tenderness
You grew in the garden
Where love was supreme
Free flowing, the best
Today, she misses you
In a rocky place
She fetched some dry twigs
Wandered off the streets
Desperate in her search
Of her precious, ever flowering
Red Hibiscus
Jan 19 · 560
Limitlessly bound
Worn on a T-shirt
In line with the heart
Why do you need it
Cause opinions
Limit you
Limitless possibilities
Await, unburdened
Being limitless
Can bring limitations
Cause you are bound
Inspired by a young man's emerald green T-shirt with "limitless" embossed in white, seen on my way to a Hindi Diwas poetry recitation, hosted by my friend Jayantee Khare.
Jan 16 · 222
The sun rose up to a woken slumber
On the west side of the sky
Not realising it was afternoon
For the people on the earth
Surprised they didn’t know which way to go
On a winter’s day, when not many are outdoors
Was it rise or to set, that the sun chose today
To see if it was alright to go other way
Dec 2024 · 416
Colours abloom
I knew the world
The world that I knew
Kept me spinning
On its axis
Still my feet firmly planted
Scented flowers, whirled down
Free, fresh off the tree
They fell on the lawn
Did they know, the cycle of renewals
Further they flew, blown away by the wind
Each spinning like a pinwheel
The paper flowers
Planted on the railings
Colours abloom
Dec 2024 · 128
New Beginnings

I have been inspired
Not yet, to write
Happy thoughts begin
But  don’t end in words

Shimmy and shimmer
A wedding in the family
Reasons to smile, asunder
All that brings us together

Band Bajaa Baraat, and the celebrations unfold
Rituals followed through the midnight
Vows taken around the sacrosanct fire
Rose petals and blessings showered on the newly weds

Our boy, brings home his pretty wife
Happy thoughts
And new beginnings
Words don’t justify
Dec 2024 · 158
The concert
I had been waiting for so long
For the singer and her songs
And the day arrived for me to watch her perform live
On a Saturday night

She has been on my playlist for more than a year
Her voice so unique, every morning a joy to hear

The stars twinkled in the sky  
The stage a spectacle, alive
She walked in her glittering costume, all glam
Her troupe, by her side, electrifying

In her deep and mesmerising voice
All heart and soul, she sang
The audience entranced, danced

To the pulsating music and strobing lights
Colourful confetti,  rained down on the ground

We lounged, spellbound
As Fireworks illuminated the sky
Culminating in a crescendo of fire and sound
A night to remember, divine
Dua Lipa concert -30/11/24
Nov 2024 · 177
A day, a week
Months on a row
Unburdened by the show
They go

Dates to keep
To pass, and sweep
The crumbs, away

In the moment, and for
The quiet, in the humdrum
Forever stays
In absolute state

Pitchers and plants  
Watering and nurturance,
Symbiotically thrive
no pitcher plants
In place
It’s been a while :)  
Hope everyone here is doing well!
Sep 2024 · 228
Sunshine yellow
Or perhaps
Mustard hued
The suede jacket
Like an old fading memory
Worn on the outside
Cozy and warm
Reminiscent of a place and time
Long gone
Like the jacket
Once worn
Now frayed
Sep 2024 · 594
Sunday art
Mural on the wall
Tiny footprints on the lawn
Joyous, kitten sprints
Inspired by a photo
Sep 2024 · 134
I am afraid to share my thoughts
I am scared to lose them all
I am afraid to think, as that will make me want to write
I am scared to write
In anticipation of loss
Why do they, these thoughts, bother me
I know, not right

But I think, I will listen to my thoughts
As they have helped me write
And lighten my heart
Even if no one listens
Never Reads
Hidden from light
I know I have a place to keep them safe
In drafts
For another time
Again, just some thoughts, who found words, so, had to let them be
Sep 2024 · 191

Freedom sought
Without knowing how and what it looked like and was
Every breath visibly free
Yet never owned
In the distance
Grew a voice bold
You knew
You knew
With your every breath
And chose it well
Yet lost
Freedom is sought
Never free
On a waitlist
It rides rent free
Sep 2024 · 310
Hope - promises - dreams
Times to reminisce
Promises deceased
A new born hope
In its wishful steps
Frolicked to future
No time to rest

Dreams to seek
Promises to keep
Wishes unfulfilled
Uncertainty is a treat

Each day unveils
The calendar’s fate
Charming or tedious
Never to know
A delight,  it can be

Unkept promises
Tug at the heartstrings
Wishes and dreams
Have no expiration dates
Timeless unbound
Like the eternal springs
*I come here and I go
Catch me if you can
Says HP…
Every now and then it keeps doing this
Out of habit, I believe

It doesn’t feel good at all
Now, who is listening, are they…
It’s like speaking into a void

Makes me anxious
It has happened in the past
No mystery, it will happen again

I come here and I go
Catch me if you can
Says HP… that’s true
I believe in it

Be a part, don’t depart
No pain no gain
Says HP…
I come here and I go
Catch me if you can
Says HP….
Partly inspired by Dua Lipa’s song - Houdini
And the situation here at HP
Was inspired to write this, when the site was down
Aug 2024 · 557
Yesterday’s words, discarded as chaff
Not much to imbibe, like news once read
Nothing to reflect, left

Flooding thoughts
Survived many a droughts
Lost to the mundane, caught

Like the lamppost
Which lit through the night
Lost its light to the sunshine, fraught
Jul 2024 · 336
Piece - to - peace
Peace of mind
Is seldom bought
A piece of mind
Can be freely earned
Reap as you sow
or not
Jul 2024 · 772
At the heart of the village
The leader lived
Led with integrity

Fence on a side with spikes
Where nature meets eternity
Brick walls on the other side
For security

No pretence
Sharing beliefs, disagreements griefs and bliss
The family of simple needs

Sparse the spread
The table neatly laid
With a welcoming spirit
That never fades

It was the simplicity of the house
Where hearth and home, evoked grace
Old chipping doors, unkempt outdoors
Where flowers bloomed effortlessly
Inspired by a photo
Jul 2024 · 284
What part…
What part of the life
Have I truly lived
What part of the life
Have I fairly lived
What part of the life
I truly missed
What part of the life
I wish to live twice
What part of the life
I wish never to repeat
What part of the life
Was full of vice
What part of the life
Can be erased
What part of life
Was perfect
What part of the life
Was just for rhetorics
What part of the life
Has made it worthwhile
The living and loving
That’s truly right
Jul 2024 · 198
Torrential July
Each and every step
Is soaking wet
The roads to trees
Stand still

The bark of the trees
Little do they speak

Soft and coarse brown
Peeling skin

Losing limbs to the pelting rain

It is July what to expect
Traffic snarls
Red to orange
Green alerts

Overcast skies
Overflowing dams
Unbridled seas
rivers no more discreet
Jul 2024 · 161
The copper water pot

The gleaming copper  water ***
Joyfully dances beneath the gurgling spout
Scrubbed clean, empty its core
Aged, over the decades had some mighty falls
The dents and scratches on the outside
Over the years, no days to recall
A silvery sheen, it wears
Slaked the thirst of many a souls
A life fulfilled, brimmed and drained
A timeless inscription, the ownership date, tenderly engraved
Jul 2024 · 214

Blue Silken slumber
The lake I see breathes deep, sleeps
The mountain protects
Jul 2024 · 623
A prayer( not a poem)
Dear Well-Wisher,

I hope this message finds you in good health.

We, Vaishali and Tushar Purohit from Pune, come to you with a heavy heart and tears in our eyes, pleading for your help to save our 4-year old son Rishi's life. He is undergoing treatment for neuroblastoma (rare form of cancer) at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.

Since April, our little warrior has been bravely battling cancer that is threatening to take him away from this world. Every rupee you contribute will be the difference between life and death for our 4-year old warrior.

We would also request you to forward this message to your family and friends, which will inspire them to contribute and aid in saving an innocent life.

Here's the fundraiser link:*

Thanking you for your consideration and support during these trying times.🙏🏼 *
Hello all I haven’t shared anything like this before! If any of you can share it further in any of your groups/ with people who can help would be nice
I know Tushar person personally 🙏

Please keep Rishi in your prayers🙏
Jul 2024 · 205
Up in the Sky
Fierce gusts
Swept away
The gentle breeze

Don’t be beguiled
The flash and light, do beckon
Beware its a snare

Velvet clouds, cumulus
Atmospheric colours, silver and Grey
Fervid, they prey

Hold your breath
Skip that beat, It’s not your song
But a raging thunderstorm
Jul 2024 · 403

Rains call it a day
The droplets have been let down
Streams babble a song
Jul 2024 · 154
Cursory glances
Assignments to do
Says ‘The Moodle’
I navigate through Zoom
And doodle my dreams  
On the screen

Classroom to classroom
The dashboard croons
A melody incomprehensible
Moodle knows the notes

Meet on the wisdom page
Says ‘The Sage’
Surrender to knowledge
At your wanting door
Written on  25/09/2023
It lay in drafts, set it free…
Jul 2024 · 149
Creeping Oxeye
True blue buttery wings
A lone butterfly passes by
The creeping oxeye

Yellow petals, fluttering flowers
On a bed of velvety grass

Each unique, smiley upright
Gracefully grow by the sidewalk
Scattered apart, like speckled stars
Jul 2024 · 148
There’s more to it, than what meets the eye
There’s more to it, if you know why
Thoughts have feelings, they are alive
Words have meanings, they know how to fly
There is always a reason for every known, why??
If only, it could be known to every eye
Jul 2024 · 229
Even in isolation
Be that island
That will be visited and revisited
For the diversity and enriched life
Own it never deny the  luminescence
Jul 2024 · 158
I pay a visit to check the whereabouts of thee
Cocooned in a soft glow of hibernating
Fire flies
Fragments of sunshine interspersed through trees
A withered page, whispers secrets to the winds
A wordless melody
Jul 2024 · 333
Lost your time
Paid a price
Lose your inhibitions
Live your life
It is free
Jul 2024 · 118
A lesser known place
A quieter pace
A better known place
Rigours of life
Peace or quiet
Choose or leave
What can be the choice
Never can be known by any of the two
It’s all about the drive
Within, or the road
That you chose
Time flies like the buzz of the bee
What is your choice
The quiet or peace
Who is to claim
The better known place
A lesser known place
Geographically placed
Distance and miles
Jul 2024 · 414
Sunflower dreams
Dreams bloom from the sunny sunflowers
Fragrant in their wake, a burst of colours
Rain sprinkled
A canvas, ready to be framed
Nurtured in the streams, by rivers and lakes
Questions none
who harboured them
Or how many
Jul 2024 · 152
Every morning they meet
Make a circle and perform, child like activities
Left leg in the circle and right hand out,
up above, pointing to the sky
And laugh out loud
A forced one it sounds
And then someone, who understands the joke, late
The activity
They are a group of people coming from different walks of life
Different ages, bracket same
Every morning they meet and laugh out their lungs, unnecessarily
Some nursing a wound
Visible in the eye, not physically
They share a laugh, but no jokes
Every morning they follow a ritual
Which sets them free
Even if temporarily
They know, they have done their part
Working their lives, duties done
Earning, their time now, spending for themselves as they please
They know that life is quick, lived in moments
Fast, sometimes short
So they laugh out loud, unnecessarily
For they have found a way
To make some noise
Out in the parks
And in the gardens
Part of the society
They have cared enough
Now they know,they should take care of their hearts and the knees
Some may have the creaking ones
Yet they walk, a stick to hold
Not worries,  certainly
Life has shown them a way to live
Some find it hard, initially
But learn, from others
Who have learned it too
Everyone leads and follows
One at a time
A leader, a follower
Arms raised
No fingers to point
Laugh out loud
No jokes shared
They know they can
Laugh unnecessarily
To live, they have understood
It is necessary to laugh, unnecessarily
Jun 2024 · 307
Flipping through the pages
Of yesteryears
There is a special silence
Which permeates

History is someone’s story
The past
Construed in the future
Narrated to the young

Lost in the haze of yesteryears
Flipping through the pages of yesterdays
A soft hum of the past
Into silence permeates
Jun 2024 · 261
Dreamy clouds spread out wide
Whispers of white
Rumours had no place  
Not a lie
On a crisp blue sky
Jun 2024 · 252
When you believe
How good is the thought
If it doesn’t set you free
The freedom you seek within

How blind can you be
When you already can see
The true side of it

How good is the thought
If it doesn’t set you free
From miseries

When you don’t trust
Your own heart
How will you believe
That you can

There is freedom
In believing yourself
There is freedom
In believing, that thought
That you can believe
In yourself
That inner strength
And that freedom sought
Is freedom received
Jun 2024 · 413
Two birds
Two birds on the line
Fight for a fruit, the cat waits
Two friends realise
Jun 2024 · 147
The places I’ve visited and then left
Only to revisit to know more
The experience of the untouched untapped resource

For some it comes easy
Some struggle the ****
Pushing and pulling, the invisible doors

Then on a rainy day
Wait for the clouds while they pour
Filled with dreams of paddy fields
An experience of abundance
And some more
Jun 2024 · 454
The Sea
Fisherman’s net spread
No shoals
Transparent its soul, shiny sheen
The ocean dances to a rhythm known
Its own
Eclectic muse
Moves like a danseuse
Like the flowers in spring
Under the morning sun
The ocean swells
Scattering gems
Sparkling diamonds
Embers of sapphire
Slivers of gold
Secrets of the ocean
Never held
Sunrise to sunset
Serendipitous moments
Gently unfold
Was inspired by the music and the sea
Jun 2024 · 320
And it grows…
The choice to choose the complexity of truth forever difficult different from the rest
sure it tests
in nature, it is natural for the rivers to flow,
trees to grow, as naturally as they can
  how do you plant a melon seed and wish for an apple to grow
no two fruits can taste same but they come from a family of greens, part of the earth
so are we, different in our ways as we naturally grow
how does it change the truth
hard as it may sound the truth can find its way up wherever it plants and grows roots, albeit,
if the humankind allows
Where there is a flow a natural progression of what is, no cutting down, distortion or clipping in parts, as it changes the whole
it makes sense as is
to the end
And there can be one
Some thoughts which found their way to words
Jun 2024 · 574
The fort
Unburdened by the past
Heralding the future
A blend of ancient and the modern
History swirls
Rock solid walls
A fortress to beckon
A hint of glitter
Glamour and gold
Glimpses of the old
Refurbished  and restored
Manicured gardens
Perfect leaves
And trees
Branches bow down in rows
Bound by boundaries
Through centuries
The fort
Open to the commoners
The royals once owned
May 2024 · 153
Cold on the outside
Tending the hurt
Tender inside
There’s always that one
Who wants to be out
But can’t
The fear of
The glass
That cuts
Is transparent
But hurts
May 2024 · 215

I let the words
Have a word
Amongst themselves
The one
Which steps out first
Better know
Its way to the sentence
Others in waiting
Are equally eager
To have their day
I mean say
All I have
To say
To them
It’s ok
How does it matter
Whichever steps out first
Doesn’t mean
The last one
Will not make it
Every word
Can belong in a sentence
Or can be enough
Even if they stand alone
That’s what
Even a dictionary
Find your own meaning
Your purpose
On the way
Words day out
May 2024 · 376
What matters…
It was the road
Not the walk initially
Then it was the walk
And then the question
That arose
Is it worthwhile ??
It stayed for a while
And then it froze
The doubt
That was
Not worthwhile
Every walk may not lead
You to a rose
And every road
May not lead
To a destination
As planned
The journey matters
So do the learnings
The experience of
A different chapter
On a different note
I recently took up education after a gap of 24 years and was successfully able to finish a 1 year post graduate diploma course in psychology and nurture of giftedness
May 2024 · 450
Joining the dots

Joining the dots
What will
It be
Will be a blot on the paper
A word a sentence
A poem perhaps

There it was
Flipping the pages
Was it the wind
True to itself
The sounds create
The rhythm
Too perfect

What do I say
I know
What do I say

Can it be the same
Will it be
As it was
Joining the dots

True to itself
The rhythm
Will they
The words
Make a line
A sentence

What do I say

Joining the dots
Jan 2024 · 435
Light to far dark
Seed to flower
And the endless hours
And the wait
To know the fate

Sunset colours
Touch the ground
Red to gold
Buds and roses
Pleasant yellows

Present and aware
In the moment
To know the world of
Jan 2024 · 424
Warmth of the candle
Softly grows
Flickering its flame
Softly glows
Tender hearts
To defrost
Jan 2024 · 228
Fluid in the race
Words run the marathon

Synaptic connections
Like untapped destinations

Follow the directions
Defying challenges

Sweet and sour
Prudent and extravagant

Kind or sharp
Convey every emotion

Jubilant they dance
On the paper

Start to finish
Run the marathon
Jan 2024 · 459
Winds soar sway and sing
A farewell song to the sea
Heavy clouds hang low
Jan 2024 · 846
The Echoes
Rhythmic drop of beats
Hollow beads
Into the well of wealth
Seeds of eventide
A slow tempo
Sweet crescendo
Waves and vibes
Shimmer and shine
Of vibrant times
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