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 Jul 2018 sm schaefer
If I lay in the grass
And try to push myself into the ground
Make friends with the leaves and the roots of the trees
Let the earthworms make a home out of me
Reduce my skeleton to nothing but fossils
Have I


Enough for you to

I've never been "ground bound" I'm a lot more spacey
 Aug 2017 sm schaefer
 Aug 2017 sm schaefer
Lovely broken bibles,
Tearing at the seams,
Holy words unravel,
Praises hide the screams.

me and God took a hiatus

I found someone to blame.

I miss my man in the sky,
Most nights,
It was nice,
To have something to stand for,
Someone to look to,
An example,

A father.

Me and God took a little break,
For a long time.
When I was 9,
Where was he?
Goodbye house,
Goodbye parents,
Goodbye dreams.

I went to churches that preached hate,
And lost someone I loved,
To wicked, wicked drugs,

where was he?

I tried to find him in my heart,
I feared he'd fled,
I didn't know it was I,
who chased him out,
I didn't have him
Because I didn't want him.

We were on a break.

Then i got dizzy,


I made a lot of trips to the emergency room my 13th and 14th year of living,
Spent most of my time on hospital beds I began to memorize the E.R. nurses faces,
And which shifts they worked.
I became so familiar with pain,
And not being to breathe,
And medication,
After medication,


now I am past most bad days,
And no longer need drugs to keep me sane,
But every once in a while I feel my faith flicker.

When I felt him the strongest this year,
I was in the middle of a field at 2am.
I was with my best friend,
And we were lying down,
Looking at the stars,

I stood up and felt so small,
So insignificant,

where was he?

I felt like the world could have swallowed me whole,

I felt that way when I was 9,
But I was on a car trip that would change my entire world,
I felt that way when I was 12,
But I was on a roof.

I hadn't felt this way in years,

It reminded me what it was like to want to die;

But I didn't.


*there he is
 Aug 2017 sm schaefer
for that split second, it was eternity
my body was filled with sudden urgency
our eyes met and I was numb
it felt like minutes but it was none
we stared at each other for hours
it felt as though time had no powers
I sat back down in my seat
I could feel every heartbeat
I didn't know what was happening
for that split second, it was the beginning

then he said those words in the hall
and it felt like a poisoned wrecking ball
I know deep down that what I wish
is completely dumb and utterly foolish
but I want to know what you think
because right now I'm beginning to sink

we talk every now and again
but talking to you feels like a sin
it feels right and of good reason
until my friends all compare it to treason
somethimes I look at you through the corner of my eye,
if anyone asked of course I would lie
I know we have tried and things never work
but in a perfect world I wouldn't have to lurk
in a perfect world, I know we would last
I wish we could go back and redo the past.
 Aug 2017 sm schaefer
Slur pee
Hello, my name is Sarah
And I like to write.
Last night my wife
Caught me in bed with a pen.

"How could you do this?
We've a house and three kids!"
Red ink, dripping off my fingertips
I gave them a lick and claimed
"It's not what you think."
But she could see the proof
Written clearly on the sheets.

She cried, through mascara eyes
Blubbering about love and how it died
And I chimed with the I tried and lies,
How I wasn't satisfied with the path of our life
She knew words were my *****,
My own personal vice.
So easy to change- to manipulate
I could take all of my pain,
Reword it inside my brain
And for a moment feel like I'm not insane.

Now she's throwing the blame,
And I'm the one that has to catch it
Boy, she's got great aim
Hasn't missed a shot yet.
Just one little slip and I'm hit
With the biggest bullet

"Get out of my house
And don't come back again,
This is the last time I'll ever find you in bed with a pen."


— The End —