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Reza Bavar Jul 2018
So Intangible
So Real

Would I still choose to Love you if I had to sacrifice parts of my body?

So quick to give our hearts to each other,
                Would speed still rule if the cost was Flesh?

The price list:
Puppy Love - a sliver of skin
First Love - a finger or a hand
Grand Love - a leg or an arm
Unrequited Love - an eye or a tongue

Would you still dive in?

The wound obvious
The Scar A Warning
                     An Invitation
                           A Beacon
                                A Lesson

In the end,
At the very least
We tell ourselves there was "A Lesson"

Don't pretend...
We'd all gladly walk around with parts missing

We already do.
Reza Bavar Jan 2018
No music… no music… no music...
No Music can compare to the song we made

You were the violin and I was the piano
Our chords danced in the ether
A melody sublime

Rising and falling we created color

The fusion the friction the ferocity the fantasy

The fantasy… the fantasy… the fantasy...

The fantasy evaporated
The song had to


And, we both know...
It wouldn’t sound the same if we played it again

The chords are too familiar
                                                    The melody's not as sweet
Reza Bavar Aug 2016
They robbed us!  

The one’s that told us what it means to be men…


They told us feeling is wrong.
And they taught us to be STRONG is to be silent.

"Build a pit," they said, "make it so deep that a lifetime of emotion can’t fill it."  
And we oblige.  
But we know it’s there…
The stench keeps us up at night.  
The fetid fumes cloud our vision;
The windows to our souls opaque to the outside world and those we Love, those we want to reveal ourselves to.  

Meanwhile, inside, we’re clawing at the glass with bloodied hands.  

                                       GOD HELP ME!!!
                                                                ­I want to be free of this!!

See me!  
                                               I’m a human being!  

I have hopes,
         I have dreams,
                I have fears,
I feel sorrow, I know regret, and I believe in redemption…
but all of this...
It's for someone else… someone weak.  

What a lie!
So delicious we swallowed it whole—a bitter pill dipped in honey
Given us by those we love,
                                    by those we trust.  

The poison works through us,
T w i s t i n g us, turning us against one another…

No emotions!  
Not here!!  
You’re a man!!  
Be a man!!
**** it up!!!
          **** it up until it chokes you!!!
                   **** it up until you can’t feel anymore!!
                             **** it up until you’re dry and broken!!
                                       **** it up until you forget...
What life was and what death is…
                               **** it up because that’s what men do.

They corrupted our legacy
They stole our future.  
And we let them do it.  
We helped them do it.
I have so many friends that have absolutely no idea how to express themselves.  They spend a lifetime denying their emotions and when the mid-life crisis (revelation) comes around they descend into a deep depression and struggle to "find" themselves.  

I don't even know if it's possible to climb out, to breathe fresh air after the weight of a lifetime of repression/suppression is lifted.  I hope it is.
Reza Bavar Jun 2016
What is a Legacy
What's the equation that leads to the sum that is
The curtain draws as it must and
when it's done...
We spill out of this "Life" a grocery bag of idiosyncrasies, neuroses, hypocrisies, and other I-sees
What are we in the end but broken pieces of a puzzle we leave for others to assemble--who cares if the pieces fit.
Someone found a Kind word here
Another a Generosity
A memory of a Lie
Proof of a Cruelty
Acts of Humanity by a human being acting...
Who knows me well enough to define my Legacy?
Who else but "I"
I like spoken word poetry (a lot) and this poem works best if it's read in that type of tone.
Reza Bavar Sep 2015
I want to make Love to you, like the flame to the wick
Wrapping around you
                                        Caressing you
                                                                 Lighting You UP
                    revealing      YOU
The Real                              YOU
Not that silly facade you show the world -- cold and lightless
We are shapeless and flowing... dangerous and beautiful...
Love and Lust
Consuming Each Other
Awake and Alive
Tasting the Divine as our Temple burns
This is Life.
This is Death.
Reza Bavar Mar 2015
Life is not a straight line
  It curves
in               chaotic
       unpredictable             and
                    Beautiful ways...
A chance encounter on the way home
A lover lost in a storm
A sunrise after a long lonely dark night
The first cold of winter
And the last dew drop in Spring.

Miracles more than mere Moments
The emotions and memories
Shading in the pattern
Giving it shape and depth
Defining something imperceptible until it is Done.

A Cosmic Mandala - Temporary Divinity
This is Life
Reza Bavar Dec 2014
Is this what It is
Sitting at a table
Surrounded but ignored
Teeth falling
Memory fading
Skin hanging
Friends dead and dying
Is this what it is
Generations erupting and then receding
Ages coming and going
Is this what it is
To live
To die
Why did we choose life
Why do we believe in death
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