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  Nov 2016 Raylene Lu
Will Justus
Adults were once like you and me
They were young and wild and free
But something about growing old
Can make your imagination go cold
But if you practice every day
You'll never forget how to play
And as every child knows
The best grown-ups are the ones who chose
To never really grow up at all
So fun can be had when you get tall
Just remember to always leave room
For your imagination to spin it's loom
No drugs for me they **** with my head
No alcohol either
I say everything that shouldn't be said
Videogames are just no fun
Binge watching **** can ******* undone
Reading gets boring
So does Facebook, pinterest and Skype
Hanging out with some people PAH
I don't have a single one who's my type
I don't like the gym or watching movies all day
I don't like children I never learned how to play
I'm not fussed on cooking and sewing gets old
I've grown out of my friends
That's a fact I've been told
So what can a person do when they don't click with the rest
And being alone brings tears no less
It looks like I'll never fit in
my mind has gone to depths
no normal person could even comprehend.
some things aren't meant to be thought,
they should be kept
hidden in
the darkest caves of your membrane.
never to be spoken to others.
because if those words were to be spoken,
people would then know
that you are different.
and to society, different is bad.
  Nov 2016 Raylene Lu
Sorrow Cain
[ ]
I don't know why sometimes I think,
That my friends aren't traitors,
That my family aren't backstabbers,
That the people aren't fakers.

I always fall into the trap,
Of thinking everything's alright,
But then they disappoint me again,
Extinguishing the light.

They all just,
Leave me in the end.
They turn and never come back,
Never were friends.

They still have the knife
Behind their back,
Still dripping with blood,
From other times it has hacked.

That's why I don't trust anymore,
Why I never take down my walls,
If I take them down again,
Deeper I will fall.
  Nov 2016 Raylene Lu
Mary Alexander
Sick of all these people's gossip
Sick of their dim words.
Tired of faking love towards those
Who only bring me hurt.
Now I'm holding in my screams
Drowning in this sea of faces.
But they just keep looking at me
And I'm feeling suddenly graceless.
I'm heading straight to the real world.
Where they can't keep clawing at me.
But there's a friend who is blind and who Won't stop saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean,
I'm speaking up against them.
Their pretty lies, and their shallow love.
And there's a woman who hates me, and won't stop saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut.
But their world is a fake one.
And I simply can't wait and
Paint a smile on my angry, cold face.
I'm done.
I often sit
And wonder out loud
Who my real friends are
And who are in it for the ride
I wonder what they see in me
I wonder what they want
I wonder how long it will be
Till they tire of their charade
What is it about me?
That attracts the fake friends
The horrible ones
They bring you down with every word.
How is it that I’ve ended up,
Living in the shadows?
Of people I call friends
When will I turn my life around?
And live in the sun
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