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Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Children should obey their parents because that was what Jesus did.
Christ our Lord obeyed his parents every command when he was a kid.
Even though Jesus was perfect, he obeyed his imperfect parents because it was the right thing to do.
Children should strive to be like Jesus, they should obey their parents too.
When parents give their children chores and rules, it is for their own good.
If children are wondering if they should obey their parents, yes, they should.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Jehovah is our creator and I appreciate the love that he has shown.
I will worship and love the Lord forever even if people break my bones.
People can beat me, stone me and whip me too.
But they can't stop me from loving Jehovah, that's something they will never be able to do.
If people want to persecute and attack me, let them take their best shot.
But if they think that violence will make me stop loving Jehovah, it will not.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
I've started saying Grace, I thank Jehovah for my food.
I didn't do that in the past but I've changed my attitude.
Jehovah didn't have to give us taste buds but he wanted eating to be a pleasant experience.
We should all say Grace before we eat every meal, it makes a lot of sense.
People should also thank Jehovah for their possessions and their families.
If we thank the Lord for everything that we have, he is sure to be pleased.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
We had some visitors that came from outer space.
Those aliens came here to enslave the Human race.
I met the leader and he demanded that I bow down before him.
He said that if I didn't, our galaxy would meet a fate that was grim.
I told that alien **** that I only bow down before the almighty Jehovah.
The alien leader got so mad that he said they would destroy our galaxy by causing a Supernova.
But God wiped out the aliens with bolts of lightning.
Jehovah God was victorious because he is a king.
Jehovah stopped those aliens from causing chaos.
He showed those alien fiends that he is the boss.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
I'll do anything you want, I'll obey your every command.
I'll cross countries if you wish, I will go to any land.
I want to be your humble servant, that is true.
I love you deeply and I'll do anything for you.
You are the almighty Jehovah, you and your son are Kings.
When a person serves you, happiness is what it brings.
When it comes to serving somebody, you're the one who I've selected.
I will praise your name now and in the future when I'm resurrected.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
When some people get really mad at somebody, they want to ****.
Please don't commit ****** no matter how much anger you feel.
Some people think they can get away with ****** but the cops are much more efficient than they think.
Please don't ever take a life because if you do, the cops will most likely end up throwing you in the clink.
No matter how badly a person has treated you, please don't commit ******, there is always a better solution.
It will be very sad if I hear that you've been sent to prison or death row where you'll be facing execution.
If you get so angry that you want to **** somebody, I'm begging you to think twice.
****** is never the answer, if you commit it, you will most likely pay the price.
I've written this poem for anybody who is thinking about committing ******.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
Jesus was known as the Great Teacher.
Performing miracles was his best feature.
He taught us how  to enter God's Kingdom and live in paradise.
If we love Jehovah God and live by his rules, that will suffice.

Jesus taught us not to be obsessed by wealth.
He taught us to love our neighbors like ourselves.
Jesus has always obeyed his father because he wants to please him.
Jesus and Jehovah can make us happy even when things are grim.

Jesus taught us the importance of honoring our fathers and mothers.
Jesus served people while he was on Earth and he taught us to also serve others.
Jesus was a remarkable teacher and he's also very wise.
We will live in paradise if we do what's right in God's eyes.
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